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Per Capita:$18,541.01
Exports:$101.56 billion
Major Exports:Oil , Gas , Resources etc
Imports:$96.78 Billlion
Major imports:Oil, cheap consumer goods, High tech products, chemicals, clothing, food
GDP by sector:Agriculture 22.5% Industry:41.7% Services:36.15%
Hours worked per person:1950 hours
Minimum WAge:125 Rubles
Average Wage:$6,120
Labour force:24,520,753  Estimated
Percentage Wealth(Highest 10%):36.9%
Percentage Wealth(Lowest 10%):1.8%
Taxes percent of GDP:32.15%
Public Spending percent of GDP:33.45%
Public Debt:44.25% f GDP
External Debt:82.6% of GDP
Currency Central rate:1.75%
Foreign Reserves:18.15% of GDP
Electricity Consumption:63,601,954,110  KwH
Gas Consumption:1,610.00 cubic metres per person(64,401,978,690  M)
Oil Consumption:10.10 barrels per capita(404,012,413  Barrels)
Electricity Production:74,414,286,309 KwH
Oil Production:610,670,800 Barrels per year

Show ContentMajor companies:

Major airlines:
BelayflotNational Airline
B7 Budget Airline
BelayvozBudget Airline

National Railway operater:BNZ

Public Services:

Healthcare and Care:
There is a mix of private and public sector companies and organisations in the care and healthcare. The main public funded care and health care agency is Belayzabota.The biggest private company is the Ayanev Group.

Each major city has a major university. These are the prestigious universities. The country provides free education with a curriculum promoting "patriotic" and Family values teaching girls how to provide for their future husband and children along side other subjects through Family Skills classes. There is a seperate girls and boys curriculum with seperate boys and girls schools mandatory by law. The education system also teaches about the mental illness of "homosexuality disorder".

Other publics services:
The state also funds religious youth clubs as well as providing important services such as parks, bins and museums with an emphasis on promoting patriotic and akhadic/family values through the arts.

There are two sets of laws in Belayazemlya. The national law covers any area akhadic law doesn't and the lives of non-akhadic people in the country. Akhadic Courts staffed by kuzhes locally are operated and judge Akhadists on the Akhadic laws in the areas of Primary, Family, Custom, Faith and Elementary Principles with Akhadists forbidden to convert to any other faith including Atheism. Freedom of religion is allowed for anyone who isn't Akhadist at birth.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!

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Belayazemlya - by BrumBrum - 06-20-2017, 12:08 AM
RE: Belayazemlya - by BrumBrum - 08-04-2017, 12:22 AM

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