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Rue Research Magazine
Rue Research Magazine
a publication of the Rue Research Group
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>> Click here to add your nation to the 1594 survey! <<

Quote:This is something of a placeholder until I can get around to formatting data and such. I'll eventually make this a pretty post with all kinds of wonderful BBCode and pretty pictures, I'm sure, but you're stuck with this for now:

This is the OFFICIAL database for Siora's Democracy Index, as administered by the "Freedom and Democracy Study" of Nyland's Rue Research Group, a not-for-profit academic study formed by Nylander social, economic and political researchers in 1522. Originally meant to only analyze Nyland's deficiencies and how it could improve, the study eventually expanded to include any and all nations the researchers could reasonably include. PLEASE note that there is no universal definition of "democracy," and while the researchers attempted to be as unbiased as possible, this survey is conducted by Nylanders, and as such the questions and answers will obviously be bent towards their definition of the term.

Quote:Please only submit data for nations that are yours; any "trolling" will be disregarded. Furthermore, please answer truthfully and to the best of your ability; I understand if people interpret questions differently, but it's obvious when someone deliberately tries to nudge up their nation's score (and I can change the responses anyway). I mean, some on. It's just for fun.

Messages In This Thread
Rue Research Magazine - by Seperallis - 09-18-2016, 03:34 PM
RE: Rue Research Magazine - by Seperallis - 09-18-2016, 04:47 PM
RE: Rue Research Magazine - by Seperallis - 03-10-2017, 01:45 AM
RE: Rue Research Magazine - by Seperallis - 06-02-2019, 02:11 AM

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