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The Sentence Too Far: The Whispers of the Association
Time: 9:15 AM
Location: The Hall of Mirrors, Imperial Palace, Tokasa

Prime Minister Koji Iwata

"The planes are late." I sigh and put my cup of coffee back on the saucer. Slowly, I loll my head to the side to give Chief Asahiro my attention. She quirks an eyebrow at my overly dramatic motions and sighs in response.

"They'll be landing very soon, but there was a mixup at the tower," She continued. I nod slowly and stand up, brushing off my jacket of any crumbs that were left from my light breakfast. Muze, why did I have to be such a messy eater?

"Adjust the schedule accordingly then," I respond stretching my arm towards the sky until I hear my creak back into place. For someone who's supposed to be the face of "the youth couping the country", I don't feel very youthful. Jeez, it's only been about five months since I took office and yet I feel like I've aged a decade in this job. I continue stretching to try and shake off my exhaustion in time for the start of the conference. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as Chief Asahiro works diligently on her tablet, likely shooting out messages to everyone of importance. After a moment of silence, she clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth and narrows her eyes.

"Skie News has some choice words about your proposal," She muttered. I rolled my eyes and dramatically sighed, drawing her attention away from the tablet just long enough for her to register the bored look on my face. She smirks and adds, "Yeah. I suspected you'd react as much."

"We have our majority Chief Asa-"

"Yoko." I stop and glare at her silently as she taps along on her tablet. "You know I fuckin' hate it when you call me Chief Asahiro."

"You only say that cause you don't wanna call me Prime Minister Iwata," I respond, flashing a grin. She looks up and gives me a look of mock annoyance before putting the tablet down on the table. My grin advances into a smirk as I continue. "Oh, what's wrong? Did I touch a nerve?"

"No," She responds before leaning against the table, finally cracking a smile for the first time in months. "Well, a little. I'll admit I'm still not used to all of, well, this. Are you?" I stop smirking as she presents the question. She's not wrong. Even after five months, we're still getting a few bearings together. The formalities are rather foreign to us, especially the ones dealing with the royalty. I give her a simple nod and she sighs, pushing herself off the table to stand upright again. "Thought as much. To be frank, none of us thought we'd win. And I know you didn't think we would either. Even if no one else thought that." She grabs one of the cups from the table and slowly walks over to the coffee pot.

"Well, we weren't supposed to," I responded. "Nothing went the way we expected. Especially after that debate-"

"The sentence you mean?" I pause as she looks at me with intensity in her eyes. Her hand was fiercely gripping the coffee pot. I break eye contact and look over at the paintings on the wall of the break room for a solid moment before turning my head back to argue the point for the umpteenth time. She holds up a finger with her free hand and I stop, waiting for her to finish. "No one gave a shit about the rest of the debate and you know it. No, it was that one sentence that everyone was fixated on."

"It was a mistake," I mumble, my eyes darting down.

"And you doubled down on that mistake. Tripled even!" I look up just as she finishes pouring herself coffee and firmly puts the pot back on the table. "Fuck, not just that! You battened down on that mistake ten fold and then pivoted the entire campaign onto that point! And then after all of that an additional mistake that you doubled down on as well!"

"Well it won us the election didn't it!?" I questioned, my voice rising in volume and pitch. She opens her mouth to fire back a salvo, but suddenly stops short and closes her mouth. A sigh escapes her lips as her eyes drift shut and her hand reaches up to rub her forehead.

"Yeah," She responds finally. "It did. And a majority in the Orchyoto too."

"Well," I add, "with some defections."

"Yes. With some defections." We stand there silently for a moment. Her eyes dart to her cup and then back to me. I slump my shoulders a bit and shake my head at the emotional discomfort.

"Yoko..." I begin.

"Koji, look." Yoko interrupts and I look up at her, exhaustion in my eyes. "We both know that you stumbled. You then got caught up in the heat of it all and doubled down in detail when you realized what you had suggested. We both know that, and I'm sure others do too. It should've been an election killer. And I guess it was, for everyone else." She finally grabs her cup and sips it slowly, taking care not to burn her tongue in the process. She swallows, and continues with her thoughts. "If that didn't kill the election then your other mistake did. Which, I guess wasn't a mistake really. We were all thinking it. You just had the guts to out and say what everyone wanted to hear. You know what I said after those gaffes and I hold straight to that." She takes a moment to gulp the rest of her coffee and then places the cup on the table. As she grabs her tablet, it lights up with a message. She reads it and then looks back up at me.

"Ten minutes to show time. First cars are almost here. Let's go down and meet them." Yoko gestures to the door. I nod and straighten my jacket, before making my way out to the hallway to head downstairs to meet our guests. I hear her footsteps as she falls into line alongside me with a serious look on her face.

"No turning back?" I ask her before we reach the door. She grabs it and yanks it open.

"No turning back," She responds as we exit into the hallway.

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RE: The Sentence Too Far: The Whispers of the Association - by Alvino Castillon - 07-01-2017, 04:57 PM

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