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Pomp, Circumstance and Decadence
Turenne, Kingdom of Caparetta
Carnot Avenue
Vintyr 6, 1584

“As you can see, my lord, the damage was extensive,” the police detective said. “Debris was thrown hundreds of feet away.” The debris was now, for the most part, cleaned up, but at the time of the explosion there were bricks, car parts, and body parts strewn across the ground up and down the street. The avenue was still cordoned off to traffic of any kind by royal decree, even though the initial criminal investigation of the scene had been concluded. “If your lordship will forgive my impoliteness, I do not know why you are here, or why another investigation must be simultaneously conducted besides that of the National Police’s,” the detective said.

Duke Joachim, Minister of Justice, glanced at him in annoyance. “Because,” the duke said, “His Royal Majesty the king has decreed that it be so. His Royal Majesty wishes to ensure that the investigation is done properly, and that nothing is overlooked. I assume, detective,” he said, looking down his nose at the man, “that you can understand the king’s decision, given the gravity of the crime.”

“Yes, of course, my lord,” the detective hurried to say. “My apologies. Now, ah, if you’ll just step this way… Yes, well, the late Crown Prince’s car was almost directly over the spot where the bomb was buried when it exploded. It was due either to dumb luck or precise planning. If your lordship were to ask me my opinion, I would say luck.”

“If I wish to hear your opinion, detective, I shall ask for it,” Joachim said.

“Yes, my apologies, my lord,” the detective said. “Ah, anyway, the prince was killed instantly along with his wife. The car immediately in front of the prince’s car was blown-”

“Enough about the damage from the explosion,” Joachim interrupted. “Tell me about how the bomb got here in the first place.”

“Well, you see, my lord, that is the great question,” the detective said almost philosophically. “Even though there are numerous cameras along the avenue, not a single one was able to capture footage of the bomb being transported or placed. However, this particular spot was involved in some maintenance construction about three weeks before the incident. We believe that the bomb was installed then.”

Joachim thought silently to himself as he surveyed the scene. “Did the prince often travel along this route?” he asked.

“Yes, my lord, quite often. However, the Crown Prince’s new security chief was a bit more paranoid than the last, and often had him taking different routes throughout the city. Some of them were quite convoluted.”

“I thought the Old City was secure. Do they let just anyone come in to work?”

“No, my lord, security is quite high. Everyone who enters the Old City is thoroughly investigated,” the detective said.

“What kind of bomb was it? How was it detonated?”

“At first we thought it was remotely detonated by someone who was able to see when the prince’s car passed over the bomb, my lord. However, our investigation has ruled out this possibility.”

“How so?”

“Well, my lord, later examination of the remains of the bomb showed it to have several similar characteristics to time-delayed devices used commonly in the international black market. Also, the streets were completely empty and none of the buildings within line of sight were occupied at the time. For these reasons, we believe it was on a timer.”

“How, then, did it come to detonate right as the prince passed over it?” Joachim asked himself.

“I don’t know, my lord,” the detective replied to the rhetorical question. “Like I said, dumb luck.”

The duke ignored him.

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Pomp, Circumstance and Decadence - by Eminence - 06-26-2017, 01:03 AM
RE: Pomp, Circumstance and Decadence - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 06-26-2017, 11:10 PM

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