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Pomp, Circumstance and Decadence
Turenne, Kingdom of Caparetta
Palace of Ladislaus, East Wing
Vintyr 4, 1584

The King sat at his armchair, his posture straight and disciplined. He wore a pale blue tunic that was decorated in countless golden, silver and brass metals. Gold buttons etched with the insignia L.R., Leopold Royal, kept each breast of his coat together. The King wore black trousers trimmed by red lining on each side. On his head, the King wore a black military style cap with a yellow and navy blue plume at its peak. A sashe decorated in the colours of the Kingdom, yellow blue and black, crossed around his back and shoulders. The King's face was dignified, his expression always plain and blunt, and his eccentric beard was always trimmed and well-kept. The King's mustache was waxed and his short hair combed back under his hat. The room itself was rather empty, aside from several chairs that stood by the doors and a small end table by the King's armchair, the room was largely empty. The King sat in-front of a roaring fire, which had been on for hours by how hot the room was by now. The King held a cup and a saucer, and with a hand clad in white satin gloves the King took soft sips from his cup while he watched the fire. The doors to the room were open, signifying that the King was receiving guests. Servants clad in ceremonial robes and powdered wigs flanked the doorways of the room, hands behind their back and their eyes forward.

The King had not been sitting at his chair for fewer than five minutes before he heard from down the hall the sound of some dozen footsteps, the sound of the King's coming entourage and their accompanying petitions and requests of the King. The King, hearing the footsteps, turned and placed his cup of tea atop the end table by his chair. Clasping his knees the King lifted himself up and placed his hands behind his back, arching forward ever so slightly. Some thirteen or fourteen men entered the room, each of them clad in regal or ceremonial dress. Some wore military uniforms and had elegant cavalry swords at their sides. As befits tradition, the King may not be seen seated by his subjects, and so he stood. As the men entered the room, they bowed and lowered their heads. At the head of the group was a highly decorated military officer, he stood almost six and a half feet tall and he held his right hand to the hilt of his cavalry sword as a way of signifying his martial position.

"Your royal majesty." the man said to the King as he lowered his head to a bow, the King nodded to him and with his hand he signaled for the man to speak.

"Speak, Count Franz." the King ordered.

"Your royal majesty, I have personally seen that the security of the palace and of your royal highness's motorcade is bolstered, we are also taking steps to increase the level of surveillance in the capital and in other large cities in an attempt to ease our law enforcement of further burdens on their numbers or their capacity to protect the safety of all of your majesty's subjects in this time of crisis." the man said in a most archaic and elegant form of Geinic.

The King looked at him bluntly and nodded ever so slightly. "And the security of our son and heir apparent, as well as the rest of our royal family?" the King inquired.

"Your royal majesty, I have seen to it that the new Crown Prince and Archduke is to cancel many of his domestic functions whilst the investigation continues, I have limited his attendance to military events only." the Count stated.

"See to it that our son is sworn to the positions he is now entitled to, we would have things return to normality and the most immediate instant in order to inspire stability in our Kingdom." the King stated.

"Yes, your royal majesty." the Count said, he donned another bow to the King and walked back several steps before turning, and leaving the room.

The next man stood forward to speak, as tradition goes this man was the second ranking individual of the original thirteen or thirteen attendees. The man wore an elegant tailored suit, his collar was styled in the shorter fashion and a white bow tie accompanied it. He wore a black jacket that had tails stretching down to the man's mid thigh. He wore no hat but white satin gloves covered his hands.

"Duke Adrian Bronfurt." the King said, acknowledging the man's presence and giving him permission to speak.

"Your royal majesty." the Duke said as he bowed his head to the King. The King then quipped his fingers signalling for him to rise.

"Your royal majesty, I have come to you this day to wish you the most sincere of sympathies regarding the tragic assasination of your majesty's late son and heir apparant to your majesty's Kingdom. The loss of the Crown Prince has been felt throughout Bronfurt, your majesty." the man said sincerely, he moved his hands behind his back and twisted his fingers around eachother nervously.

The King nodded briefly, and almost appeared as if he were about to speak, before the loud sounds of boot-steps could be heard. Entering the room was the Crown Prince, Archduke Frederick Josef Louis Rudolf Ladislaus, the newly recognised heir apparent to the Caparettan throne. As the Archduke occupied now a higher position than that of the Duke, the Duke took several steps back and gave his audience up for his superior. The Archduke walked into the room proudly, the heels of his cavalry boots crashed against the hardwood floor of the palace loudly. He wore a white military coat, decorated with epaulets, medals, and a sash of the Caparettan national colours. He had short brown hair that was neatly combed to the sides, a short brown mustache sat on his upper lip and was curled slightly upwards. As he walked in the entourage of the King nodded to him as a sign of respect, they remained silent. The King nodded to his son and signaled with his right hand that he may speak.

"Your royal majesty." the crown prince said quite vocally.

"My son... It brings us great gratitude that you heeded our call for you." the King said in his archaic and unbelievably eccentric Geinic language. "You have taken place of your late brother, long may he rest, as a member of the most esteemed body of the Royal Council." the King continued, he straightened his back to a more disciplined pose before saying "Tradition hath dictated that much of my direct influence remain out of the Council itself, my son." the King said, his son's eyebrows raised ever the slightest. "Therefore you are to take the position of representing ourself upon the council, and must stand for the interests of the Crown." the King stated.

"Yes, your royal majesty." his son responded, he clasped tightly at the hilt of his decorative cavalry sword and straightened his back to the disciplined posture that befitted his title.

"In times like these it is necessary to recognise the necessity of information, my son. Therefore I ask of you to relay the events of the Council meetings directly to me rather than by notice, and that you attend all meetings rather than by proxy until the political situation calms down." the King concluded.

"Yes, your royal majesty. I shant betray your will and shall carry out these duties to my fullest." the Archduke responded. The King waved his hand to him as a signal that his audience was over, and in Caparettan military fashion the Archduke stood to attention and straightened his boots. The Archduke then bowed and took several steps backwards, before turning and leaving the room.

The King then turned back to the Duke and raised his hand to him. "Where were we, Duke?" he asked, smiling.

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Pomp, Circumstance and Decadence - by Eminence - 06-26-2017, 01:03 AM
RE: Pomp, Circumstance and Decadence - by Eminence - 06-26-2017, 04:44 PM

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