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Mazaghean Woes
[Image: CcmuvkU.jpg]

Nalkop, Republic of Mazaghea
Nueva 1525

In the early hours of the morning, when most of the city was still fast asleep, and only the most early-rising or most overworked were awake, the lead elements of the joint Kubanizan-Sovinovian force reached the city. The force consisted of five thousand veteran fighters from Kubaniza and around a thousand pro-Sovinov partisans. Although they stood against a nation with millions of citizens, they encountered little resistance as they rushed towards the capital. Sovinov's connections gave the invaders invaluable intelligence concerning the Mazaghean positions and movements along the already-porous Kubanizan border. They were even able to sabotage or forge some orders to border stations and patrols.

When the alarm was finally raised, the military was slow to respond. The military had grown lax after the peace with the Socialist Union. Most thought that the war and the threat of it were over, and even if there was to be a threat from the USR, that was the responsibility of the troops stationed in that sector. Those troops responsible for the area in which this incursion was taking place were supposed to be in a "safe" sector. All of these factors meant that the Kubanizans and Sovinovian partisans encountered little resistance. What resistance the Mazaghean military was able to mount was scattered and disorganized, and there were relatively few casualties as the invaders swept past.

In the city itself, not a shot was fired. When Sovinov, at the head of a company of Mazaghe fighters, reached the capitol building, there was no a soul in sight. Suspicious, Sovinov ordered the building to be searched immediately. It did not take long for word to come that the entire building appeared to be deserted. Growing ever more suspicious, Sovinov got on the radio to demand reports concerning the searches of the homes of the members of the National Committee. Sovinov's plan hinged upon the swift capture of the capital and government, which would allow him to dictate terms. When the reports trickled in, and it appeared that less than half of the National Committee had been captured, Sovinov's suspicion turned to anger and then sullenness. The rest of the Committee, including Chairman Shapsug, had seemingly escaped, with signs of hasty packing in their homes.

Sovinov's plan was falling apart, but he had to continue regardless. He could, of course, simply cut his losses now and retreat back to Kubaniza as fast as possible. They numbered a mere six thousand. When the Mazaghean military mobilized in force to confront them, they may not be able to withstand them. But the thought of surrender at this point sickened Sovinov, and he purged his mind of all thoughts of it. If he retreated now, he would never be able to set foot in Mazaghea again. He would be forced to live in exile in shame. So after his men were given some time to fortify themselves in the city, the Commander rode a car to a television station, where he made his announcement as the nation was awakening:

"Greetings, my fellow citizens. My name, as you probably know, is Hatal Sovinov. For years I fought against the oppression of the Severyans and Communists. During the recent war, I led our troops against the enemy and achieved victory for our people. I fought for a Mazaghea free of foreign oppression and Communism. I fought for a Mazaghea that would be able to prosper, with liberty for its citizens. That is the dream of all Mazagheans.

"Unfortunately, my friends, there are still those that wish to stand in the way of this dream of ours. A few months ago, Abaty Shapsug and his cronies seized control of the National Governing Committee in a behind-the-scenes coup. Shapsug declared himself chairman, and immediately began a purge of the government, police, and military of those who were not loyal to him. He began a slow but sure return to the old Communist policies. Have you not noticed, my countrymen, that the privatization of state industries has ceased? That the intelligence and internal security agencies have been expanded? His work to dismantle our drive towards free enterprise and liberty have been gradual but determined.

"And only recently has he, with the aid of his secret police, attempted to arrest myself and other critics of his in an attempt to silence us so that he may continue his tyrannical work unhindered. Today, I declare that enough is enough. The National Committee has been complicit in his crimes against liberty. I have taken action to set our motherland back on the right path. I have removed Shapsug and his cronies from the halls of government, and taken temporary control of the government until new, free elections can be safely held. I have taken action to stop our roll back towards tyranny. Will you do the same? I call upon loyal members of the Provisional Armed Forces and the National Police to aid me. I call upon loyal, patriotic citizens to aid me. Together, we will fight for a free Mazaghea."

Sovinov slumped back into a chair. "Make sure to have the message repeat. I want to make sure as many people as possible see it throughout the day," he said.

Messages In This Thread
Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 03-19-2017, 05:13 AM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 03-25-2017, 07:50 PM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 03-26-2017, 07:31 PM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 05-03-2017, 08:16 PM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 05-04-2017, 01:20 AM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 05-09-2017, 12:07 AM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 05-12-2017, 10:16 PM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 05-21-2017, 04:49 AM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 06-18-2017, 08:47 PM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 06-24-2017, 12:17 PM

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