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The Sentence Too Far: The Whispers of the Association
Date: 26 Tolven, 1584
Time: 6:15 AM
Location: Imperial Palace, Tokasa

Prime Minister Koji Iwata

How the Hell did I get myself into this mess?

"Remember, we have the bolstered security team at the Western entrance of the Imperial Palace to ensure that the first day goes without a hitch," Chief of Staff Yoko Asahiro tells me as we walk down the hall towards the elevators. I sigh and nod as she continues telling me the latest on today's... today's...

Why the Hell did I get myself into this mess?

"Also, Minister Abe wants an additional member of his staff on hand. Clearances need to be given though and Minister Kojima wants an additional staff member as well if Abe gets," She tells me, pushing the button in the elevator to the first floor. As the doors close I run my hand through my hair and sigh.

"Fine," I respond. "Give em both what they want. Balance and all that nonsense." As Chief Asahiro starts tapping away on her phone to give people clearances, I sigh and straighten my jacket. This was not the moment I was imagining when I decided to run for this position. As she begins to make phone calls, the elevator doors open and we step out into the lobby.

When the Hell did I- wait, what am I saying. I know that answer. It was when I said that sentence. It was when I abandoned my pragmatism and promised the unattainable. It was when I sealed my party's fate at best, and Ostara's fate at worst.

"Remember that Empress Sekai wants to meet with you before we leave." I freeze in the middle of the hallway while Chief Asahiro continues her way down. I grimace at her impeccable timing of her reminder; frankly though I hadn't forgotten. I was just hoping that I would have been able to feign ignorance and merely "forget" the ceremony due to the whirlwind of work. Unfortunately, she read me like a book; Hell, she reminded me in front of the doors to the Outer Sanctum. I sigh and spin ninety degrees to the left to face the large double doors. I march forward with all the strength I could muster in my soul. The two guards that flanked the doors saluted me and move as I push open the doors in dramatic fashion.

As I step inside, I realize now that it was good that she reminded me. As the cameras being to click and the shutters begin to flash, I take a moment to refocus my attention towards the opposite end of the Outer Sanctum. I take a deep breath and begin to march cautiously towards the thrones.

Empress Mirai Sekai and Emperor Consort Satashi Honda-Sekai await me at the other end of the Outer Sanctum. They are in full formal garb. The kimonos are adorned with the symbols of the nation. The ceremonial katanas on the right and left hips of the Empress and Emperor respectively. The cloaks of red and blue resting upon their shoulders. They are not my friends today. On all other days, we enjoy each other's company and talk straight into the night about a plethora of topics. Sometimes we would pull up one of our old consoles for nostalgic purposes as our children play on their newer systems or watch us with awe as we play our old time games.

Not today. Today, there is no breathing room for any further error. I made my mistake; I must bury myself with it.

As I reach the other end of the room, at the bottom of the steps up to the Twin Thrones, I kneel in front of them and bow my head. Everyone falls silent and awaits the next words. I breath slowly and close my eyes, struggling against all odds to recall what I was supposed to say next. Thankfully, it comes to me.

"Your Graces, Chosen by Muze. Mirai Sekai, the Second of Her Name in the Imperial Line, Empress of Kazemura. Satashi Honda-Sekai, the Third of His Name in the Honda Line and Second of His Name in the Imperial Line, Emperor Consort of Kazemura. I, Prime Minister Koji Iwata, Humble Servant of Kazemura and her Imperial Line formally request permission to greet our esteemed guests of the East on your behalf in the hopes of building a brighter future for Kazemura and East Ostara with the intent to establish closer economic and military ties."

I fall silent as I await the response. I know the answer; they're not happy either, but they're also not going to stop this. But this wasn't how it was supposed to go. This wasn't the point of my campaign. This wasn't supposed to be front and center. It was a stupid idea. A stupid sentence I uttered in that ridiculous circus of a debate.

Yet, here we are. And after that long pause of silence, the two slowly descend down the steps. I watch from the top of my eyes as I dare not raise my head. As they reach for their respective katanas and begin to unsheathe them, my eyes dart down. Maybe they would shock everyone and execute me for my insolence. Not likely, but hey... wishful thinking.

I know they probably want to at this moment anyways.

"Prime Minister Koji Iwata," Empress Sekai begins. "The Servants of Muze have heard your plea. As Her Servants, we are obliged to guide Her Kazemura towards greater peace and prosperity." I feel the blades rest upon my shoulder. They are not crossed, meaning...

"In Muze's name we grant you your request. As Servants of Muze, we offer to you Her divine strength in your quest towards this brighter future. Rise, and go forth on Her behalf with the strength of Muze and Her people burning within your soul." I rise and stand at attention. Slowly, I bow towards them as the Kazemurans clap. Likely the foreign press are confused as all Hell.

"I thank you for this. I shall not fail in my endeavor." I slowly turn towards the large window on the right hand side and bow. The rising sun in this early morning is visible to me. Just as tradition intended. A sign for good luck, it is meant to allow for Muze to giver Her greatest strength. In the modern day this sounds ridiculous and I agree; I am not very religious and a time ago would have counted such practices as pointless. However, I have learned otherwise. Even if I can not feel actual strength in physical terminology, I still feel Her presence in these ceremonies. They carry their own weight after all, that of the rising sun of Kazemura.

Now it is my responsibility to take that rising sun and negotiate a customs union and a military alliance with a number of nations in East Ostara. What could possibly go wrong?

((OOC Note: This is a prelude to the story. The conference begins at 10 AM. To the others, if you wish to start posting, you'll be arriving at Tokasa International Airport. You can ask me for any other info you need.))

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The Sentence Too Far: The Whispers of the Association - by Alvino Castillon - 06-21-2017, 06:28 AM

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