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A Review of Tourism In Siora
Hello and welcome to the thread through which we will determine the tourism hot spots in Siora!

This will consist of a two-step process and will not be perfect.  Results need not be taken as the final authority on the state of tourism in all nations.  However, by the end of this process, forum members should have a better grasp on a few things regarding their own nation and their neighbor's nations when it comes to tourism, including: the public's view of various nations as travel destinations, the types of tourist destinations available in the Sioran nations, and how much of a role tourism is likely to play in your nation's economy.

A quick QnA:

Q: Why tho?
A: Because many of us boast that our nations are the hottest of hot spots while, in reality, we have never really had this discussion to set the record straight.  And being a community, who better to decide if your nation is actually all that than your neighbors?

Q: Are these answers permanent?
A: No.  Nations can develop or crumble over time, and so this survey may go out for updates periodically.  Ten in-character years is probably the increment we're looking at.

Q: Do I have to participate?
A:  No, but know that your nation isn't going to be classified very highly if you do not participate.

Q:  Why aren't you asking any questions about how much revenue my nation earns from tourism?
A:  Because revenue from tourism and numbers of tourists per year, and all that quantitative information are the types of things that may be inferred after this review is completed. It's recommended - but not required - that you use these results to adjust your statistics as necessary.

Q: This doesn't really seem objective.
A:  First, that's not a question.  Second, no, it's not.  It's not intended to be.  "Best tourism destination" is an opinion.  In the same way that it's completely subjective as to why people like to visit certain kinds of destinations, this is a completely subjective process.

Step 1: Qualitative Survey

The first of the two steps involves a qualitative look at what tourism is like in the various nations of Siora.  There is a comprehensive introduction within the survey itself, so please read that for more information.

If you have any questions or anything seems to not be working, please let me know in this thread.  If you're having the issue, chances are someone else is having it, too, and I'd rather just answer it for everyone at one time.

If you want to participate, please have all surveys completed no later than August 31.

You are more than welcome to complete this survey for as many nations as you control.

Click here to take the Sioran Tourism Survey.

Step 2: Public Ranking Survey

(This information will be posted once Step 1 has closed and information has been collected.)

Messages In This Thread
A Review of Tourism In Siora - by Sal - 06-20-2017, 07:38 PM
RE: A Review of Tourism In Siora - by Sal - 06-21-2017, 03:36 PM
RE: A Review of Tourism In Siora - by Sal - 08-03-2017, 02:27 AM
RE: A Review of Tourism In Siora - by BrumBrum - 08-03-2017, 03:33 PM
RE: A Review of Tourism In Siora - by Sal - 08-03-2017, 04:35 PM

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