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Global Thread Tracker
Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, the Thread Tracker returns!

This initial post will serve as a space for the template and explanation, and Sal will post her tracker below as an example maybe sometime eventually.

What's the purpose?  To help a player keep track of how many threads s/he has going.  To help other players keep track of threads on a certain topic.  To help prevent the duplication of threads of the same topic.

What if I have multiple nations?  If you have multiple nations, submit a tracker post for each one within this thread.  This will help us keep an easy go-to list of all active nations, and if you need to update your nation's tracker but are unsure where to locate it, you will be able to click through in the list on this post, which will appear at the top of every page.  Easy squeezy.

What if I have non-MTRP threads, like Andlosheim threads?  This tracker is specifically for MTRP threads.  If you would like to start a tracker there, or would like for me to start one, that can be discussed.

How should I list my threads for a single nation's tracker? - That much is up to you - somewhat.  You may list alphabetically by thread title, chronologically by IC year, group by nations involved or by certain major events, by forum/subforum - etc etc etc...  However, it is best that you maintain the same convention throughout your entire tracker.  Don't begin alphabetically and switch to chronology halfway through - our brains are already burdened with so many adult things and there is no spare memory.  If you'd like to have multiple listing conventions, the example I've included will show you how you should set up your tracker: include ALL threads in both sections, but order them accordingly depending on how each section is labeled.  This is OPTIONAL.  Listing them once is fine.  The important part is making sure to include all threads for each of your nations.

Can I link to things that aren't really RP threads, like database and Wiki pages? - Yup.  I included a sample of how you could format such things in my template, but if there are things I have forgotten or that style doesn't work for you, feel free to revamp it so that it's most useful.


Nation Trackers (Alphabetical Listing)
~~ A ~~
~~ B ~~
~~ C ~~
~~ D ~~
~~ E ~~
~~ F ~~
- Florinthus
~~ G ~~
- Galeae
~~ H ~~
- Harmajaa
- Hôinôm
~~ I ~~
~~ J ~~
~~ K ~~
- Karjelinn
- Keszaria
- Kyrzbekistan
~~ L ~~
~~ M ~~
- Magentina
- Mordvania
~~ N ~~
~~ O ~~
~~ P ~~
~~ Q ~~
~~ R ~~
~~ S ~~
- Sequoia
- Severyane
~~ T ~~
~~ U ~~
~~ V ~~
~~ W ~~
~~ X ~~
~~ Y ~~
~~ Z ~~


[align=center][size=large][b]Nation Name[/b][/size]
[url=Wiki link]Optional: Wikipedika Page[/url] -- [url=Database link]Optional: Database Link[/url][/align]

[b][url=URL to thread]Thread Title A[/url][/b] - 1535 CE - Nations Involved - (optional: Forum/Subforum under which thread is listed) - Brief description of words, such as words and words.  Try to limit to two sentences of words.

[b][url=URL to thread]Thread Title B[/url][/b] - 1000 BCE - Nations Involved - (optional: Forum/Subforum under which thread is listed) - And so on.  Good job.

[b][url=URL to thread]Thread Title C[/url][/b] - 1570 CE - Nations Involved - (optional: Forum/Subforum) - Words words words, words words, words!  Words words words?  Words.  Aaaaand sports!

[b]Chronological Listing - THIS ENTIRE SECTION IS OPTIONAL[/b]
[b][url=URL to thread]Thread Title B[/url][/b] - 1000 BCE - Nations Involved - (optional: Forum/Subforum under which thread is listed) - And so on.  Good job.

[b][url=URL to thread]Thread Title A[/url][/b] - 1535 CE - Nations Involved - (optional: Forum/Subforum under which thread is listed) - Brief description of words, such as words and words.  Try to limit to two sentences of words.

[b][url=URL to thread]Thread Title C[/url][/b] - 1570 CE - Nations Involved - (optional: Forum/Subforum) - Words words words, words words, words!  Words words words?  Words.  Aaaaand sports!

Messages In This Thread
Global Thread Tracker - by Seperallis - 09-14-2016, 11:23 PM
RE: Global Thread Tracker - by Ayzek - 10-13-2018, 08:05 PM
RE: Global Thread Tracker - by Ayzek - 10-13-2018, 08:12 PM

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