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OOC Discussion: Arkianian invasion of Achia
(05-23-2017, 05:21 PM)Arkiania Wrote: Directorate Use Only
Expanding Country:Arkiania
EC.'s Government Type: Absolute Monarchy

Campaign Setting: 1587
Campaign Goal:Achia
Informational Links: Factbook

When did you last have an Expansion? N/A
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? N/A
Why do you seek to expand?To use the territory as a staging point to invade Octitania if Wizardness never comes back. Other than that, resources and bigger nation I guess. Dirty Imperialism.

Campaign Plot
Achia was the largest duchy on the Krinisian Isle, and was the rival of many of the duchies in the south before they united forming Arkiania. During the high middle ages, Achia was invaded by Arkiania and successfully taken. After this Arkiania experienced unprecedented growth and prosperity. However civil unrest in Achia was high and there were fequent revolts. Then under the weak rule of High King Alexian Aurelius, the Achians revolted again in 1392, this time with a strong military force. The Arkianian's were defeated and were forced to give Achia its independence. This rivalry continues to present day as Achia is a valuable central position on the Isle and one that Arkiania would exploit for its natural resources. It is also a staging point for an expected future conflict with Octitania. Arkainia hopes to use world tensions and false flag as a smokescreen to occupy the island and strengthen its hold before an intervention. The war is also supported by much of the higher class of Arkiania which are mostly business men interested in the mining opportunities, especially for gold which is highly valuable because of its use in trade, and products. There is also the agenda of the monarchs that want to reform the Arthian Imperium, a predecessor state to Octitania, Arkiania, and Achia.

Potential for Other Player Involvement
People who usually like t ruin the dreams of aspiring empires.

I am going to need to rewrite the plot. I will get to this later. Still car lagged.

Messages In This Thread
OOC Discussion: Arkianian invasion of Achia - by Arkiania - 06-03-2017, 06:40 PM

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