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Mazaghean Woes
Nueva 1525

Diyda Gushina was becoming very worried. Sovinov was becoming increasingly introverted. Two months had passed since the "coup," as Sovinov insisted on calling it, and Gushina was concerned over how Sovinov was taking it. Gushina himself believed that Shapsug was an underhanded snake who exploited the procedural rules of the Committee for his own selfish benefit. After hearing rumors, which he eventually confirmed, that he had pictures of Sovinov in a bar brawl, Gushina also believed that Shapsug had staged the whole event in order to convince some other members of the Committee to support his move against the then-chairman, or at least to not interfere. Indeed, the whole affair stank of dirty, underhanded politics. Gushina did not, however, view it was an illegal coup.

Sovinov believed Shapsug to be a closeted communist and a USR sympathizer. Indeed, he had moved to postpone the privatization of several industries and was pressuring the Mazaghean ambassador to Severograd to take a less hardline stance for the sake of future relations. The rest of the Committee was, thankfully, committed to an official distrust of the Union, at least for as long as Gregor Perov remained in power.

Gushina was worried that Sovinov would do something drastic. He had been meeting with many of his old comrades in the disbanded Mazaghe National Front (MNF), including Tiguan Arikshu and, of course, his security chief Miza Foqua. Gushina knew that he would not be able to pull another stunt like the one which catapulted Mazaghea into the war, when he overthrew the Communist government. He didn't have the support for that. Public opinion would rapidly turn against him if he attempted an armed coup against the legitimate government of an independent Mazaghea. Neither did he have the men or firepower. Most of his troops from the MNF had by now either gone home and returned to civilian life, or they had signed up with the Provisional Army.

Eventually, Gushina asked him, "What is it, Hatal? What are you planning?"

"Oh, Diyda, what do you mean?" he responded innocently.

"Do not play with me, Hatal. I know you, and you are making plans. Tell me, please," Gushina said.

"I'm sorry, my friend, but it is better for both of us that I do not speak." A few days after that, he abruptly left on a "break" to "clear his head." Gushina knew better than to look further into it. Unbeknownst to him, as well as the agents which Shapsug had arranged to spy on Sovinov, utilizing his connections, managed to secretly board a train bound for Zarka on the Kubanizan border. The small Kubanizan communities in Mazaghea had been dedicated allies in the fight against the USR. Their connections in Kubaniza had helped to secure supplies, communications, and occasionally fighters, when necessary. They had also helped to establish good relations and friendship. Sovinov was off to see Leonid Sverbylo, the "Mountain Bear." Sverbylo was a warrior after Sovinov's own heart, a khorobri commander of great renown. The khorobri were the irregular troops which fought for Kubaniza, although over the years they had professionalized considerably.

The situations in Mazaghea and Kubaniza were similar in some ways and different in many others. During the war against the Socialist Union, a single, strong figure had taken the lead in the war effort. In the case of Mazaghea, that leader was Hatal Sovinov. In the case of Kubaniza, it was Vasily Bukanko. Their post-war situations were quite different, however. Sovinov had entered the civilian political sphere, where it ended up becoming clear he was unsuited, given the cutthroat nature of politics. Sovinov had also disbanded the MNF, his own irregular military organization, allowing the provisional government to create a new military structure from the ground up. Bukanko, on the other hand, had maintained the organization he had founded, the United Khorobri Forces (OKS). The Kubanizan provisional government had handed over most authority over security matters to the OKS. Bukanko also stayed out of civilian government, at least publicly.

The OKS was technically a coalition of autonomous, independent khorobri units. In practice, Bukanko ensured that everyone followed the orders they were given through various means, as unity of command was vital to military success. In the case of Sverbylo, the Bear was himself powerful enough to have significant leeway. Sverbylo, along with a couple of others, might even have been described by some commentators as regional warlords, although their personal authority never rose quite to that level.

Sverbylo's sphere of influence covered much of the mountains of eastern Kubaniza. His men were known as the horyany, the mountain men, who were fierce mountain fighters - although not quite as fierce as Mazaghea's own mountain fighters, in the humble opinion of Sovinov.

In short, Sovinov believed that his best chance at receiving aid from the Kubanizans would be through Sverbylo. When Sovinov arrived at the train station in the city of Harigrad, where Sverbylo currently had his headquarters, he was greeted by a colorful escort, and a band played an old Mazaghe folk song that had become a kind of unofficial anthem for Mazaghea. Sverbylo himself was there to greet him. The whole display really touched Sovinov, and showed him that Sverbylo, at least, still thought highly of him.

"Greetings and welcome to my beautiful home, old friend!" Sverbylo greeted him loudly and warmly once Sovinov walked out to meet him.

"I feel very welcome indeed, friend," Sovinov said, and they embraced. After several more minutes of pompous display, the two of them were finally alone in a car driving towards Sverbylo's headquarters.

"Now that we're alone," Sverbylo said, "perhaps you should tell me what this is all about?"

"Yes, well," began Sovinov, "I have a very big problem."

Messages In This Thread
Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 03-19-2017, 05:13 AM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 03-25-2017, 07:50 PM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 03-26-2017, 07:31 PM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 05-03-2017, 08:16 PM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 05-04-2017, 01:20 AM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 05-09-2017, 12:07 AM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 05-12-2017, 10:16 PM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 05-21-2017, 04:49 AM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 06-18-2017, 08:47 PM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 06-24-2017, 12:17 PM

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