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Goldecia Elections 1584
Top 10 policies by party:
1:GHS to help everyone though GHS to promote literature on the consequences of abortion
2:Cutting down of management costs in all public services
3:Focus on helping the family through social and economic policy
4:Child benefit to help families
5: Policies to promote the nuclear family and traditional marraige
6:Help for drug addicts and alcoholics and promotion of abstention from drugs and alcohol as an option
7:Increase in budget for police an border control forces with increased checks at borders
8:To require all schools to allow messianic religious leaders in one lesson a year to teach about their faith, this is to include Daenism, Sentrecism and ICS.
9:To allow councils to decide on eligibility for family services for LGBT families
10:To make sure all messianic's from countries with persacution of such groups are allowed in automatically.

Royal Conservatives::
1:To continue support of business and especially small business including Young Enterprise fund
2:To make welfare more efficient through clamping down on welfare abuse
3:To make the GHS more efficient through reform and allowing private sector insurance to compete with GHS insurance
4:To give all families a healthcare and care services budget
5:To restrict free public services for citizens on the country
6:To introduce workfare of 20 hours a week for claimants of benefits
7:To increase minimum earnings for visa by 2.5% a year minimum
8:To promote greener travel within Goldecia and to surrounding countries
9:To set up a Green Economy Fund
10:Tax cuts of 3% for every group and cuts in corporation tax

Liberal Party:
1:Repeal of General Security Act of 1573 allowing dropping of airport style security for venues
2:To make funds available to all police departments for community policing programmes
3:A comprehensive Youth Services Service to help fund youth activities and services in the community
4:A national Rehabilitation service for prisoners that offers training, apprenticeships and qualifications in prison and allowing even those who committed serious crimes to be released if they have changed.
5:To loosen the immigration system up allowing free movement to Goldecia from within KEC and removing income mimimum requirement
6:To support businesses with targeted help , especially focusing on helping minorities into business
7:To become a driving force to make the KEC more integrated so that countries are binded together in Kvaenna
8:Set up of a Green Bank to fund green projects and companies within Goldecia
9:To fund more groups to help Autistics and Neurodivergents into work
10: Double council tax on unused second homes to help with housing supply

1:A guaranteed minimum 3% increase in GHS funding every year to meet increasing needs
2:Support for small and medium sized enterprises in Goldecia
3:Support for co-operatives, charities and social enterprises
4:No cuts to public services and construction of new towns for social housing in order to accommodate population growth
5:Free movement from KEC countries and to create social housing for minorities as part of a broader social housing programme
6: Policies to diversify all neighbourhoods, schools and universities
7:To fight for more integration within the KEC and expansion of KEC powers
8:Set up of a Green Economy Fund to fund green projects and companies within Goldecia
9:To set up a Neurovergent Rights charter within Goldecia
10:To close any existing tax loopholes

1:To fund the GHS fully for citizens while requiring all foreign patients to have to pay for the services of the GHS
2:To cut immigration to Goldecia by at least 50%
3:To put immigration restrictions on Akhadic immigrants for the security of the country
4:To ban any Akhadic organisations from even giving advisory rulings on family issues
5:To ban gay marriage in Goldecia and once again recognise gay marriage as between a man and woman
6:To promote the Nuclear family and create public resources to warn of the dangers of LGBT relationships and sex
7:To offer Gay Conversion Therapies to families struggling to help their LGBT children on the GHS
8:To forge closer relations with Adwest
9:To make criminals really pay for their crimes
10:To bring back the death penalty

True Goldecia:
1:To charge foreigners for using the GHS while making it free including prescriptions for citizens
2:To cut immigration to Goldecia by at least 75%
3:To ban Akhadics withing Goldecia
4:To ban any Akhadic organisations within Goldecia
5:To make homosexuality illegal and treat it like the danger to society it is
6:To promote the Nuclear family and create public resources to warn of the dangers of LGBT relationships and sex
7:To offer Gay Conversion Therapies to families struggling to help their LGBT children on the GHS and to give those found guilty of being Gay either the choice of Gay Conversion Programmes or prison time
8:To forge closer relations with Adwest an other patriotic countries
9:To make criminals really pay for their crimes and deport any immigrants or citizens born abroad to non-Goldecians including stripping their citizenship
10:To bring back the death penalty in Goldecia
11:To put true Goldecians first in any government funded service
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!

Messages In This Thread
Goldecia Elections 1584 - by BrumBrum - 05-17-2017, 09:46 AM
RE: Goldecia Elections 1584 - by BrumBrum - 05-17-2017, 02:13 PM
RE: Goldecia Elections 1584 - by BrumBrum - 05-30-2017, 12:58 AM

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