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Mazaghean Woes
[Image: 3cPzzsG.jpg]

Septem 1523

"I don't see them," someone said.

"Shh!" hissed another. Far below, the front of a column of Union troops began to appear. They traveled down a narrow mountain road with only enough space for two trucks to drive next to each other. This mountain pass was of great strategic value. It presented a back passage into the Nalkop valley. If the Union could make use of it, they would be able to rush troops behind the Mazaghean front line. This presented not only a grave danger to Mazaghea, but to Kubaniza as well. If Mazaghea were to fall, then Kubaniza's eastern flank would be vulnerable. This was a threat to the entire rebel effort.

That was why Hatal Sovinov, leader of all Mazaghean forces, was here personally to see that this latest push was kept at bay. The Union troops' efforts at security were laughable. Hatal did not know what arrogance possessed the Union commander to think that the Mazagheans, the ones who had lived in these mountains for generations upon generations, would not know about this small but vital pass. That was not to say that there was no danger. Only ten minutes ago, two attack helicopters had flown past, showing that the Union at least took care to provide some air support. "Sir, they are approaching the end of the ambush site," one of the soldiers whispered to Hatal.

Down on the road, several anti-vehicle and anti-personnel mines had been buried. When the front of the column hit the mines, several hidden explosives would also be detonated by wire by some men hidden closer to the road. Then, the rebels on the slopes above would open fire with machine guns and small arms. The other side of the pass was too far for small arms and machine guns to be very effective, but several snipers and mortars were placed there.

"Shit!" the soldier whispered. When Hatal looked down to see what the soldier was looking at, he saw several Union soldiers with their guns aimed up the slope - not at the main force, but farther down. Several soldiers slowly made their way up the mountain and dragged out a man from a clump of bushes. It was one of theirs, one of the men who were to detonate the explosives after the first mines went off. The entire Union column stopped. "We've been discovered," Hatal said.

"They may not yet know," the soldier said doubtfully. His hope was dashed when, all along the column, men raised their rifles and started shouting, pointing towards the slope. "OPEN FIRE!" Hatal shouted. Machine guns opened up all along the line, ripping into the Union soldiers. A group of them tried to run further down the road, but hit the mines and were blown to smithereens. Then the other explosives were detonated, throwing the entire column into chaos.

Within a few minutes, the sound of a helicopter could be heard. Rockets streaked towards the slope, blowing Mazaghean soldiers away. Machine guns chugged away as the helicopter continued in a strafing run. "Anti-air, now!" Hatal roared. Several soldiers with rocket launchers stood at the ready as the helicopter turned around to make another pass. It opened up with its machine guns again, but it was answered by five different rockets from the ground. It managed to dodge out of the paths of the first three, but the last two slammed into the fuel tanks, turning the helicopter into a fireball in the sky. Within several more minutes, the soldier reported to Hatal.

"Commander, the majority of the column has been destroyed. The rest are trying to withdraw. Shall we pursue them?"

"No," Hatal said. "We have been engaged long enough. More of their air power is surely on its way. Order the men to withdraw, and we'll set up another ambush site further down the pass, in case they get the nerve to try again."

The soldier nodded and jogged off to pass along his orders.

Messages In This Thread
Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 03-19-2017, 05:13 AM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 03-25-2017, 07:50 PM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 03-26-2017, 07:31 PM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 05-03-2017, 08:16 PM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 05-04-2017, 01:20 AM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 05-09-2017, 12:07 AM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 05-12-2017, 10:16 PM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 05-21-2017, 04:49 AM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 06-18-2017, 08:47 PM
RE: Mazaghean Woes - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 06-24-2017, 12:17 PM

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