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"General Request for Bids" : Nyland Military Overhaul
As most of you know, I've been working on updating the military for Nyland for a while now. I know what I want to do as far as numbers and composition goes. However, I don't have the time to both research and design the hardware for an entire military anymore, like I used to do. So, I'm really looking for some assistance from others, to come and fill in the specifics.

This data on Nyland's military hardware will then go with Nyland's database as part of its OOB/military information. Credit will be given to contributors

What's needed?

1) Pictures/designs. These can either be found pictures from the internet, or self-designed work, either 2d or 3d; I generally prefer unique self-designed stuff. Designwise, let's try to keep things consistent: we're looking for hardware that fits a "near-future" look for the next generation, preferably with US/NATO design influences.

2) Info & Specifications. These don't need to be immensely detailed, but we need at least basic information. I'm not a military guy and haven't really touched military specs or done research on this in 8+ years, so I'm not going to be much help, but I'll try to let you know minimum requirements.

I may need projected/possible production prices, too.

Thanks to all who reply and help. I'll now (try to) go into some detail on what's needed.

The Army & Marines (Land equipment, basically)

1) Personal Combat Equipment - Armor, weapons, etc...I honestly don't even know anything about this anymore. I'm not any help at all with this.

2) Attack Helicopters - Firepower is king, but stealth and survivability is important (not necessarily in that order), especially effective future countermeasures against man-portable rockets etc; better as fuck be able to provide sustained and effective fire support in the AO, especially for urban combat. I have the Comanche in my mind, but I know that's not a good example, and you can build a fucking future-Hind if you want and I'll probably be happy.

3) Vertical-lift transport/utility aircraft - I don't even know, most likely speed and survivability. We're lifting both equipment and people with these, and if built as a modular or multipurpose frame, may very well be used in several other roles. It's not glamorous, but this one will probably need a couple designs.

4) Main Battle Tank(s) - The Abrams is a shit tank. Challenger is love, Challenger is life. Seriously though, no turbine engines. Survivability, survivability, survivability; I don't care what's shooting at it, if it can't avoid a hit, then it better be able to take a hit and keep going. As far as the gun goes, must have similar or better properties as the GIAT CN120-26/52; smoothbore preferred, and must accept both HESH-type and kinetic AT ammunition. As far as secondaries go, I'm much more lenient, and it's up to you if you want missiles, rockets, MG, etc.

5) Infantry Fighting Vehicle(s) - Again, survivability, especially in urban environments, but this isn't an MBT; keep the weight down and keep it mobile so that it can avoid taking hits. Must be capable of filling multiple roles depending on loadout, such as serving as command/medical/engineer vehicle, or taking troops into combat as an infantry support vehicle, a mobile indirect fire platform, or even a direct-fire tank-killer with an MBT armament, idk.

Alternatively (or in addition too), a lighter version can be made (think LAV-25 to the Bradley). Keep it light and fast, but will be able to fill all of the above roles in a high-mobility recon or strike capacity. Air-transportable & amphibious is a must. In either case, these are replacing designated APCs, and carrying troops into combat and supporting them is their primary role.

6) Light Armored/Reconnaissance Vehicle(s) - Need two kinds: one is replacing the "Humvee" as the general purpose workhorse. You know it well. Make the Humvee Great Again.

The other, though, is a more combat-oriented light vehicle, purpose built to see use on high-risk, high-danger situations where the operators are likely to see ambush or combat. As such, it must be resistant or even immune to common forms of enemy/insurgent operations, such as mines, IED, shoulder-fired rockets, etc. However, it must still remain fast and agile.

7) utility trucks, anti-air, artillery, unmanned vehicles, etc... I don't know. *shrugs*

The Air Force (I guess?)

1) Multirole Combat Aircraft - These things will become the universal air weapons platform of the future, primarily replacing all designated air-superiority fighters while also having capability to perform bomber and ground attack roles. Will need both "normal" and a "lighter" carrier-capable version. Surely I don't need to give a complete laundry list...capability should at leat meet or preferably exceed world rivals.

2) Close Air Support - I remain unconvinced as to the ability of multirole aircraft to provide effective, loitering fire support, but the not-A-10 is old growing increasingly obsolete. This one is a can we create a modern/future CAS aircraft? Must be able to infiltrate an AO quickly and with little/no warning, while still having the control and survivability to loiter above an enemy position and pump consistent and heavy fire in support of ground forces. We cannot compromise on loadout, so the design must be able to match the not-A-10 in firepower, fully loaded.

3) Bombers, tactical/attack/interdictor & strategic - Get in, drop the load, get out. Do it fast, and don't be seen; is there really much more I need to say? On that note...

4) Stealth whatever - At this point, everything should be "stealth" in some capacity or another. I don't see the need for a separate "stealth" armament.

5) Transport/recon/utility, etc - Need heavy, medium, and light transports, with medium and light versions serving in the various other utility, obervation, refueling, etc roles that need filled.

6) Drones & whatever - We need some, I guess.

The Navy (yeah, boats!)

Thankfully, DeShaine was already gracious enough to provide ship designs for the next generation of Nyland's navy, and they look great. However, I don't have specifications etc for any of them, so specifics and information for each of them will be appreciated. I've listed them below, if you want to look at them.
I guess that's it for now? I don't know if I've forgotten stuff. I guess we'll find out.

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"General Request for Bids" : Nyland Military Overhaul - by Seperallis - 02-22-2017, 11:25 PM

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