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Twisted Virology
Dosa 13th, 1580

Noboru looked through the microscope, down at a blood sample taken from the nurse. And he couldn't believe his eyes.......

[Image: latest?cb=20100606173109]

There it was, the image was unmistakable. That was something bursting out of a cell..... no it wasn't just "something", most bacteria didn't invade the inside of cells. This was most likely a virus. Noboru looked to one of this assistants.

"Get a specialist to look at this, we need to know exactly what the hell this is and fast." he said. And with that, he sprinted out of the lab.... and right into where the medicines were stored. A nurse was there, startled by his intrusion.

"D- Doctor, what do you need?"

"What antiviral drugs to we have?"

"Antiviral? They should be stored over there..." the nurse pointed.

"Thanks," Noboru sprinted there and grabbed the most generic antiviral he could find. With that he sprinted out, and back into where the nurse was. He set up an IV as quickly as he could, and got the drug going. Once it was in, all he could do was wait......

Dosa 16th, 1580

There was good news and bad news. Starting with the good news: Thank the Rei, the nurse was doing better!

But the bad news? That sample that Noboru asked be tested was confiscated by the Chiankei, as he now knew those men in black were called. While Noboru now knew for sure that he was up against a virus, he wasn't any closer to actual answers as to what the virus was he did know a hell of a lot more about what he was up against.... but he wasn't going to be able to get any more answers without being able to test the actual virus, and the Chiankei were being a constant obstacle in that front.

So, Noboru decided he'd confront them. He demanded a meeting with Masaji and whoever was working with him. Noboru didn't expect any answer to come quickly but.......

He heard the door click, and then open. Noboru swung around to see Masaji, again flanked by men in black.

"So...... unusual of you to request a meeting. Did you find something wrong with your accomadations?"

"Cut the shit, Masaji, you know why I called you." Noboru threw down several medical files on the desk. "These patients that you sent me, what's wrong with them?"

"You're a doctor, you tell me." as Masaji said that, Noboru's left eyebrow twitched. Noboru did NOT appreciate being toyed with.

"Fine." Noboru slammed the files on the virus he had. "They have a viral hemorrhagic fever, unlike anything I've seen before. I can't even find examples of it any academic papers published. It infects it's host, after which it has a dark phase. This dark phase lasts at l least a week. After that it moves into it's active phase. The first signs of the active phase can be mistaken as the flu or a cold, but after a day things get worse. Once the active phase kicks off, it kills in days if left untreated."

"Well done," Masaji said, skimming through the files on the virus "I'm surprised you were able to get that much information on it without access to a virologists lab."

"You're the one sending me these patients. You know where they are coming from. I want answers."

Masaji smirked....... and then gave Noboru a look. "Are you sure you want to know?"

"Damn right I do, if there's an epidemic going on we have to inform the public and start serious research right away."

"Follow all containment protocols and you won't have to worry about an epidemic."

"Tell me, what the hell is that virus?"

"I guess you could say.... it's my child." after the words left Masaji's mouth, Noboru froze.......

"You..... made that thing?"

Masaji nodded, a grin going over his face.


The look on Masaji changed. "IT'LL BE OUR COUNTRIES SALVATION!"


"Other countries have chemical and biological weapons, and yet our government continued to refuse to even consider them! We even had a nuclear program, and were on track to becoming one of the most powerful nations not just in Ostara but in all of Siora! And what did our government do? Scrap all of that progress, just because of one disaster in Sakamoto! Idiots! What are a few lives in exchange for the greater progress of the country!"

"When the Restoration Party first approached me, I was skeptical about their aims. But they provided me with all the services I need, including YOU! By saving these people, you tell me what medicines I need to counter!" Masaji walked closer to Noboru, and then whispered into his ears.

"It's unfortunate that these people have to die, but it's for the greater good."

Masaji then started walking out of the room.... Noboru wanted to talk.... say something to object... but he couldn't.

"If you know what's good for you and you're sister, you'll keep your mouth shut about this."

Messages In This Thread
Twisted Virology - by Zabuza825 - 10-02-2016, 02:31 PM
RE: Twisted Virology - by Zabuza825 - 10-04-2016, 10:23 PM
RE: Twisted Virology - by Zabuza825 - 10-14-2016, 04:07 AM
RE: Twisted Virology - by Zabuza825 - 10-31-2016, 03:01 AM
RE: Twisted Virology - by Zabuza825 - 12-16-2016, 08:41 AM
RE: Twisted Virology - by Zabuza825 - 12-29-2016, 05:53 AM
RE: Twisted Virology - by Zabuza825 - 12-30-2016, 08:12 AM
RE: Twisted Virology - by Zabuza825 - 04-29-2017, 03:05 AM
RE: Twisted Virology - by Zabuza825 - 05-04-2017, 02:38 PM
RE: Twisted Virology - by Zabuza825 - 05-05-2017, 10:52 AM

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