Poll: Vote for Parties (two votes)
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Nyland Liberalists (NL)
5 21.74%
Progressive Conservative Party (PCP)
3 13.04%
Nylander Popular Alliance (NPA)
2 8.70%
Nyland Greens (Green)
3 13.04%
Ultranationalist Party (UP)
5 21.74%
New Centrist List (NCL)
3 13.04%
National Messanic Party (NMP)
1 4.35%
League of Communists of Nyland (LCN)
1 4.35%
Total 23 vote(s) 100%
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Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1580
Name: Anders Kohout
Party: Nyland Liberalists

[Image: DLTjLDu.jpg]

Political/Campaign History: Born in Flåleandshem as the son of Nentsian immigrants, Anders Kohout grew up in a working family, continuing and completing his Bachelors in engineering despite taking a job full-time to support his mother after the death of his father. Moving to Gainsborough after graduation, the young Kohout eventually grew tired of "shitty uncontested candidates," running for and earning two terms as mayor of the city before landing a seat in the Federal Assembly following the 1574 elections.

Put Nyland first to make Nyland first
Past administrations have failed our country; proponents of these failed governments will look back on our reduced debt and shiny new tax code as great successes for the nation, but nicely balanced books mean nothing to millions of our poor, both the unemployed and the working struggling to find reasonable work and make a living supporting themselves and their families in our heartland communities.

Past governments, right up to our current madame have failed the people of Nyland; yes, even Karlsson & Harrow. Tell me, what use is a strong, growing economy if millions of people in thousands of communities across our country are left behind to fend for themselves, with no hope of support in a "high-tech" market that disregards them as so many backwards savages that need to "get with the times?" Are we not citizens? Are we not people? Don't we deserve to be treated better than a disposable commodity?

Single parents are holding down three minimum wage jobs just to provide food, clothing, and shelter for their children. Supposedly middle-income families are finding themselves exceedingly squeezed by rising costs of services in our nation, subsisting on ramen and soylent because they make too much for support and too little to know where money for their next meal, their next rent payment, their next medical bill will come from. The Liberalism of the past cannot provide the answers to these problems, locked into the age-old trap of "oh, the markets will decide." Well, the unfettered hand of the markets had their chance, and through exponentially rising medical and drug costs, have proven they cannot handle the tasks of modern governance. It is time for a new Liberalism that can meet the demands of our new world, one that remembers its promise of responsible governance.

Oh, Morgen & her green-coated cronies of the Red Guard will make you think they can fix it all with their social welfare programs, but in reality, no one person can meet these challenges except the Nylander people, through our collective grit, our inventiveness and entrepreneurship. We don't want your handouts. We don't want blanketed in stereotypes and told what is best of us, handed everything we need and told not to worry. We don't want to feel useless and helpless anymore in a country that wants to forget the working poor even exist and grows increasingly dismissive when we have to point out, again and again, that we are still here, we are Nylanders, and we are not doing well. We want to look after ourselves, to feel useful and worth something, not to society but to ourselves and our families. We want to work.

Platform: "Get Nyland Working Again"
Work we shall. Under my administration, I will mandate that all goods and services paid in any part with federal funds, must be 100% sourced, created, offered, managed, and otherwise made in Nyland. We will begin a massive public works project, the largest this country has ever seen, to not only fix but modernize and even futurize our crumbling, failing, outdated infrastructure in this country, creating hundreds of thousands of new stable, good-paying jobs for the next decade and beyond...all new highways, waterways, railways, even our power systems, waterworks and airports, all made with Nylander materials and craftsmanship.

I will actually fulfill the broken campaign promises of past failed governments, and expand and modernize our country's military, quadrupling its size, creating nearly a million new jobs and ensuring that our servicemen and women receive the support they've long been neglected. If we are to lead by example as bastions of freedom and democracy in this world, then our words and actions need weight behind them, and I will make sure our freedoms, our words, our democracy is backed by the very real promise that Nyland can and will pursue every option to defend ourselves and our interests in the world.

I will reform and expand higher education opportunities in our country, starting with grants to the states to expand free vocational education opportunities to communities that sorely lack them and help people gain the technical skills and apprenticeship help they need to enter the workforce. Then, we will introduce grants to the states to make all public, in-state college education free for all walks of life, followed by a forgiveness of all federal student loan debt in good standing, because no modern country can hope to succeed and be the best without a highly educated people supporting it, and we will make this country the greatest its ever been and the greatest the world has ever seen.

All of which can and will be paid for out of our current budget surplus. As a matter of fact, I will reduce taxes on every Nylander, and especially our poorest, by eliminating federal taxation of goods necessary for life such as foodstuffs and personal health and hygene supplies, returning hundreds and thousands of daler a year to each working family. The government should never seek to profit from its poorest citizens as they struggle to acquire the bare necessities of life, and it benefits no one to enact punitive taxes on select groups when our country enjoys the largest revenue stream in its history; it's time to return that money to the people.

Messages In This Thread
Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1580 - by Seperallis - 11-01-2016, 03:59 PM
RE: Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1580 - by BrumBrum - 11-02-2016, 01:30 AM
RE: Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1580 - by Hadash - 11-18-2016, 11:32 PM
RE: Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1580 - by Blacaria - 11-26-2016, 09:54 PM
RE: Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1580 - by Seperallis - 11-28-2016, 02:18 AM
RE: Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1580 - by Seperallis - 12-08-2016, 09:28 AM
RE: Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1580 - by Seperallis - 12-14-2016, 07:56 AM
RE: Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1580 - by Seperallis - 12-15-2016, 05:07 PM
RE: Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1580 - by Seperallis - 12-15-2016, 05:57 PM

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