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OOC for Nyland
This thread is copied from the original thread on the old forum, where past discussion may be found.

Quote:So I'm creating this thread for use with Nyland, Eternity's semi-npc analog to the US. Kinda. Within this thread will be all kinds of discussions pertaining to the nation that aren't IC or in-universe and so don't belong in the regular roleplaying bit or the database. I'll be maintaining this thread, and perhaps putting important topics of discussion into this post, just so we have an idea of what's up. I guess.

To start with, here are some things I'd like to get done with it so we can start having fun with it:

1) Finish the factbook. If you have suggestions and want to pop values into the bits that are blank or have only hyphens, feel free to pop some suggestions here. I'm mostly concerned about the bits that take me the most time to prepare...cultures, administrative divisions, names for shit, so on and so on. Also, Batt, if I could see how you did the numbers for Aurentina, that'd be awesome; I'd like to hopefully get that detailed with numbers for this nation, as well.

2) A history. The general idea is that Nyland was a former Lanlanian colony that broke free; whether this was relatively peaceful or not is up for debate, but presumably losing Nyland could mark the start in Lanlania's decline. Really hoping to work out things like how old this nation is, the important internal and external events that mark the nation's history, etc.

History has been discussed in passing in the chatbox, but such things really need to be posted and fleshed out here so we can start setting it in stone.

3) Constitution, bruh. I really should plop down a draft sometime. Either that or copy-paste little bits from various real constitutions from around the world. Hm. >.>

Maybe other things. You know, I used to know everything that needed done, but I'm old now, and forget them during the course of the day after I've thought of them.
Random thought:

I'm wondering with how many of those little islands up north of Nyland, and/or west of Avidna, it would have treaties and pacts guaranteeing military protection and their independence, similar to the US deal with Micronesia and others in the Pacific. It also begs the question of how many would want it, and whether (and why...and how...) Nyland would want it.
they probably do, yeah. though those islands are who knows what
Okay, so I've been mulling over a couple things while bored at work, and want some input. These are the topics of state governance/politics, and how the balls Nyland's supreme court would actually work in a not-purely-IC sense.

Thing #1 - State Governance & Politics

The vast majority of what happens in the nation happens at the state/local levels, and yet we have very few mechanisms outside "make it up and maybe ask me" to have some basis for writing about such things. How do we go about making local politics a thing so people can write about such things, without getting stupidly bogged down in particulars and systems, and so people don't feel that only the president or those "controlling" political parties can do anything?

I've been thinking of doing a bare-bones "simulation" determining outcomes & political environments/feelings for the states (directly related to each of the 535 federal constituencies, if I ever get about to mapping them) at each election; I want to keep it simple, because lolwork. How often should this happen, how should it happen, etc?

As it stands, I'm thinking of running the state numbers re: this every 4 years in the presidential "off-season" (more often would be nice), and simply determine results based upon national showings until I get around to drafting/detailing the 535 constituencies.

Also, what even would "owning" a state mean for writing & roleplaying? I don't want people to feel locked out of writing about something for Nyland just because they aren't president or an "owner" of a party (which wouldn't be the case).

Things #2 - The Supreme Court

My being dickish in the legislature last term blocking Hadash's proposal (as well as real life events this last year) did get me thinking as to how the Supreme Court would or should be practically managed; obviously me just handing out decisions on things is lame. People writing about court cases on their own would be fine, but not so much for the Supreme Court, whose decisions hold major weight upon the direction of the country...which is normally something I'd give reign for El Presidente to do, but that seems kind of conflicting...

I had an Idea, but it's shit because I don't want to bog down Nyland with complex systems and crap, but it's the only way I can think to have some kind of believable "simulation" of the court while having some kind of RP to it:

1) The person who is president when a vacancy opens in the court "appoints" a justice, and determines how that justice weighs in on cases (kinda character RP-y).
2) Justices are appointed by the president by filling out what basically amounts to a character application/sheet, which would then be confirmed by the Assembly (as per the unwritten Constitution) as a candidate for the open position; submitting an application is meant to bind the president person to acting within the bounds of the explained character traits & personality instead of bullshitting too much. Basically.
3) Anyone would be able to have a case go before the court (somehow?), but only after the issue to be discussed in the case has had sufficient roleplaying done in news or other thread, to show that the thing is an actual issue and whatnot. Yeah, writing!

That's basically it, just some bare-bones crap I'm scraping off the top of my head.

Thoughts appreciated. I don't want too much red tape and whatnot, but I feel these are actual details that should be done.
No objections? Alright, that works for me. Flipped Smile

Onto another topic: State Names.

You know, names of states. There's 26 of them things, but I've only given a couple names:

...and a few potential names that I ripped from ancient Lanlania things from ye olden times:
East Alden (presumably also a West Alden exists?)

These last ones are shit, though, because Lines made them. I'm hoping we can get some good names from you guys, because I'm bad at names. Hopefully with that, I can work on some info/maps/stuff for the states themselves.
I'll probably come up with give me abit

The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg
Head of State: HM Arch-King Aerin III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Nis Overgaard

The Ceribian Federation
Head of State: President Okropir Bakradze
Head of Government: Prime Minister Daviti Dgebuadze

I believe southerland is a nation lol
Mizzoumark? pls
I'm trying to get away from anything ending in -mark. Flipped Smile
Alright, so what we got so far, then is something like:

East Alden (presumably also a West Alden exists?)
Habara ?
Nessanhus ?
Mizzouhuslan ???

*shrugs a lot?*

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