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Campaign Submissions, NPC
If you'd like to roleplay some sort of thread involving a Non-Player Country, you must first obtain the Directorate's approval through this thread. Anyone may propose a Campaign; having a country on Siora is not required. A Player's own country is not required to participate and doing so may even be discouraged.

NPC Campaigns are not required to have an end goal; one may propose one for the sole purpose of shaking things up. A Campaign may be set any time in in-game history, within reason.

You may propose a new NPC be spawned for the purpose of a campaign.

This thread is for playing with NPCs in cases where annexing it is not the goal. If you want to annex the NPC, you want the Expansion thread.

What to do Post-Approval
After your claim is approved (or as otherwise directed by the Director), you must start an OOC thread titled "OOC: <Campaign Name>" in the Discussion and Planning forum. Failure to do so may cause your RP to be post-poned/frozen. You are encouraged to use the OOC thread to coordinate the Campaign with Players and their Countries, though may otherwise begin role playing.

[table=NPC Campaign Submission]
[tr][td][b]NPC Country[/b]: <name>
[b]NPC Location:[/b] <continent; mostly important of the country is not already on the map>
[b]NPC Government[/b]: <Democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, etc.>

[b]Campaign Setting:[/b] <century, year, or general time period>
[b]Informational Links:[/b] <if any exist; such as a wiki page or factbook thread>

[u]NPC History[/u]
<if the NPC does not already exist or have a background, post one here>

[u]Campaign Plot[/u]
<give a summary of how it'll start and how it may evolve>

[u]Potential for Other Player Involvement[/u]
<how might other players get involved?>
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.

NPC Campaign Submission
NPC Country: Federal Republic of Elanii and Warhin
NPC Location: Directly west of the Vestor Licit People's Mandate, stretching from the northern coast of the Green Gulf in the south to the border of Central Tambossa in the north.
NPC Government: Federalist democracy with one executive President and duel legislative Congresses split by purpose: The War Congress and State Congress control foreign and domestic policy respectively and each federal region elects one representative to each. The President may break ties in either Congress and directly commands the military and federal employees. Federal judicial responsibilities are taken up by Judicial Subcommittees in each congress which overrule and advise lower courts on their areas of expertise. Some examples are the Judicial Subcommittee on Money Laundering and Material Support for Terrorism in the State Congress, the Judicial Subcommittee on Treason and Sedition in the War Congress, and the Judicial Subcommittee on Property Crimes and Eminent Domain in the State Congress. Interpretation of a law by the relevant judicial subcommittee becomes precedent and stands unless a new congress with new subcommittee members sets a new precedent.

Campaign Setting: Modern day, 1582 CE
Informational Links: N/A

NPC History
The Federal Republic of Elanii and Warhin is the union of various Elanii and Warhin ethnostates founded in 1550. It continues the lineage of the dominant Elanii ethnostate, a matriarchal society with a strong libertarian streak, dominating the patriarchal Warhin, a formerly nomadic people forced into reservations on the coast in the mid 1400s. In antiquity, the Elanii and Vestor peoples fought the Five Thousand Mile War as the great powers of the Valentan Kingdoms and Imperial Estia. The war culminated in the Battle of the Destitute Kings in 1205, where both leaders Rayvus the Farrow and Erebus III were slain without heirs. In the next decades, both great powers collapsed completely and Elanii, Warhin, Vestian, and Chiri states rose and fell in a system of extreme balkanization. Regional and local powers squabbled without much impact on the wider world until 1480 CE, when the Elian States invaded and annexed many competing Vestian microstates. For the Vestians and Chiri, this marked the start of the Great Patriotic Resistance. Decades of devastating guerrilla warfare dislodged the mercenary Elanii and solidified the Vestian people's distaste for democratic degeneracy and need for a strong state to protect the people from foreign abuse. The MANINTERN was born directly out of the Great Patriotic Resistance and has kept the lessons learned by its sons and daughters well. The Federal Republic of Elanii and Warhin most recently fought the Vestor Licit People's Mandate in 1555, a devastating six-day exchange of thermobaric weaponry and high-profile dogfights that was a catalyst for the Blockade Against Foreign Undecency.

Campaign Plot
Current MANINTERN operations in and around the Vestor-Elanii border focus on small unit infantry and mechanized tactics to conduct force reconnaissance of areas abandoned by both sides during the thermobaric exchange. Captain Arnold Barnes will be first tasked with a raid on an abandoned research facility inside Merkov CFB, Delphus peninsula, Elanii. Further operations will follow.

Potential for Other Player Involvement
While the simmering cold war between Elanii and Vestor is a regional conflict, robber-baron democracies are sure to take sides in the conflict in pursuit of material gain.
Is there anywhere you specifically wanna go with that, or are you simply interesting in getting some RPing done?
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Esteemed diplomatic facilitator, there are no territorial gains planned for this fiscal year, only force reconnaissance.
I imagine that your border with Elanii is fairly militarized. So you plan to break through with force and look around? You fully realize that's an act of aggression right? <_<
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Esteemed diplomatic facilitator, these incursions are extremely common by both sides. The border was abandoned after the thermobaric detonations of the six day war stripped the area bare of vegetation and usable cover. Very little grows along the militarized zone to this day. Formally defended and reinforced borders are five kilometers away from each other by treaty, and outposts and civilian settlements abandoned after the thermobaric exchange may contain useful intelligence. Confidence is high that the reconnaissance party may even encounter a degenerate Elanii raiding party attempting the same thing.
Eh, I somehow doubt that very little grows there. Unless you were using nukes, an almost thirty year span (1555-1582) would allow nature to reclaim the area quite well. Unless you were constantly re-bombing the area or sending out brush-hogs, you would have fully grown trees, high grasses and other plants, various wildlife, etc. In addition to the abandoned buildings, there would actually be plenty of concealment for infantry.

Lines, from what he's talking about, it sounds a lot like the Korean DMZ.
Republic of Taeunas Database
RTT News

Only the strongest will survive... lead me to heaven when I die...
I am the shadow on the wall... I'll be the one to save us all...


DeSchaine's Shipyard

NPC Campaign Submission
NPC Country: Republic of Mazaghea
NPC Location: Marzanna, in the mountains to the east/southeast of Kubaniza in currently-unclaimed territory.
NPC Government: Provisional government consisting of military leaders, former government officials, influential citizens, etc.

Campaign Setting: 1525 or thereabouts. Almost immediately following the end of the Winter War.
Informational Links: - this link should be taken with a huge pile of salt. A lot of the information is outdated and/or subject to future changes.

NPC History
The Republic of Mazaghea was a former Socialist Republic of the Union of Socialist Republics (modern-day Severyane, Kubaniza, Duran, Saratov, and Nentsia). During the Winter War (1520-25), Mazaghea was split between factions loyal (at least nominally) to the Union and those who wished to join the rebellion. During the opening stages of the war, Mazaghea stayed nominally loyal to the Union, despite some sporadic guerrilla activity. However, when Union forces began to suffer massive losses in neighboring Kubaniza, a mutiny within the local army and police forces by factions sympathetic to the rebel cause resulted in Mazaghea joining the war on the side of the rebels. Mazaghea achieved its independence according to the Bukanya Accords in 1525.

Mazaghea's primary wartime leader, alongside Kubaniza's Vasily Bukanko and Duran's Draco Romano, was Hatal Sovinov, the leader of the Mazaghe National Front, a Mazaghe nationalist group.

Campaign Plot
Following the signing of the Bukanya Accords, the newly independent Republic of Mazaghea is incredibly unstable. Hatal Sovinov's position as leader of the Mazaghe nation is not as sure as it seemed only a year before, for as Sovinov was an admired war leader, now that peace has arrived he has had trouble finding his footing. In Ochtyr 1525, only a few months after the end of the war, Abaty Shapsug, a former Communist official, through deft political maneuvering, manages to get himself appointed the chairman of the National Governing Committee (also called the National Committee), Mazaghea's provisional government.

Although Shapsug denies being a communist and publicly supports Mazaghe nationalism, he is believed to have Union sympathies by Sovinov and his supporters for his actions prior to and during the Winter War. Leonid Sverbylo, a powerful khorobri (militia/paramilitary) commander of the famed horyany, the mountain men, a zealous anti-communist, offers his support to Sovinov to remove the "communist Union sympathizer," asserting that it is vital to Mazaghea's continued independence.

By the end of the month, Sovinov has accepted Sverbylo's offer of support, and in Nueva, with Sovinov's help, Sverbylo sends troops across the border and straight towards the Mazaghean capital. Fights happen. Eventually , Sverbylo declares Mazaghea's annexation by Kubaniza, with the support of Vasily Bukanko and his United Khorobri Forces (the coalition of khorobri forces which was the principle Kubanizan fighting force during the Winter War). Sverbylo's justification is that he is protecting the Mazaghe and the small Kubanizan minority in Mazaghea from communist subjugation.

Sovinov, a Mazaghe nationalist, does not want his outcome and feels betrayed by the Kubanizans. He joins with Shapsug and/or his supporters and fights against the Kubanizans.

My desired outcome is that the Mazaghes are defeated due to the Kubanizans' superior experience and equipment, as well as the influx of reinforcements from Kubaniza itself. The Kubanizans may also be able to count on some aid from local Mazaghean Kubanizans and Mazaghe sympathizers.

Potential for Other Player Involvement
Although the Union (at this point consisting of Hahk, Ark, and Nents) is prevented by treaty from interfering directly in the conflict, they may decide to intervene through other means. Videjzeme may also decide to intervene, even with direct military action if they so choose.
Esteemed diplomat, thank you for your input. In the interest of international ecological well-being, the Vestor Licit People's Mandate will attempt to negotiate with the Federal Republic of Elanii and Warhin to cease brush-clearing operations from both borders. Captain Barnes will plant a small tree during his reconnaissance to take the first symbolic step of this dialogue.
(03-06-2017, 10:05 PM)Jamzor the Jaxxor Wrote:
NPC Campaign Submission
NPC Country: Republic of Mazaghea
NPC Location: Marzanna, in the mountains to the east/southeast of Kubaniza in currently-unclaimed territory.
NPC Government: Provisional government consisting of military leaders, former government officials, influential citizens, etc.

Campaign Setting: 1525 or thereabouts. Almost immediately following the end of the Winter War.
Informational Links: - this link should be taken with a huge pile of salt. A lot of the information is outdated and/or subject to future changes.

NPC History
The Republic of Mazaghea was a former Socialist Republic of the Union of Socialist Republics (modern-day Severyane, Kubaniza, Duran, Saratov, and Nentsia). During the Winter War (1520-25), Mazaghea was split between factions loyal (at least nominally) to the Union and those who wished to join the rebellion. During the opening stages of the war, Mazaghea stayed nominally loyal to the Union, despite some sporadic guerrilla activity. However, when Union forces began to suffer massive losses in neighboring Kubaniza, a mutiny within the local army and police forces by factions sympathetic to the rebel cause resulted in Mazaghea joining the war on the side of the rebels. Mazaghea achieved its independence according to the Bukanya Accords in 1525.

Mazaghea's primary wartime leader, alongside Kubaniza's Vasily Bukanko and Duran's Draco Romano, was Hatal Sovinov, the leader of the Mazaghe National Front, a Mazaghe nationalist group.

Campaign Plot
Following the signing of the Bukanya Accords, the newly independent Republic of Mazaghea is incredibly unstable. Hatal Sovinov's position as leader of the Mazaghe nation is not as sure as it seemed only a year before, for as Sovinov was an admired war leader, now that peace has arrived he has had trouble finding his footing. In Ochtyr 1525, only a few months after the end of the war, Abaty Shapsug, a former Communist official, through deft political maneuvering, manages to get himself appointed the chairman of the National Governing Committee (also called the National Committee), Mazaghea's provisional government.

Although Shapsug denies being a communist and publicly supports Mazaghe nationalism, he is believed to have Union sympathies by Sovinov and his supporters for his actions prior to and during the Winter War. Leonid Sverbylo, a powerful khorobri (militia/paramilitary) commander of the famed horyany, the mountain men, a zealous anti-communist, offers his support to Sovinov to remove the "communist Union sympathizer," asserting that it is vital to Mazaghea's continued independence.

By the end of the month, Sovinov has accepted Sverbylo's offer of support, and in Nueva, with Sovinov's help, Sverbylo sends troops across the border and straight towards the Mazaghean capital. Fights happen. Eventually , Sverbylo declares Mazaghea's annexation by Kubaniza, with the support of Vasily Bukanko and his United Khorobri Forces (the coalition of khorobri forces which was the principle Kubanizan fighting force during the Winter War). Sverbylo's justification is that he is protecting the Mazaghe and the small Kubanizan minority in Mazaghea from communist subjugation.

Sovinov, a Mazaghe nationalist, does not want his outcome and feels betrayed by the Kubanizans. He joins with Shapsug and/or his supporters and fights against the Kubanizans.

My desired outcome is that the Mazaghes are defeated due to the Kubanizans' superior experience and equipment, as well as the influx of reinforcements from Kubaniza itself. The Kubanizans may also be able to count on some aid from local Mazaghean Kubanizans and Mazaghe sympathizers.

Potential for Other Player Involvement
Although the Union (at this point consisting of Hahk, Ark, and Nents) is prevented by treaty from interfering directly in the conflict, they may decide to intervene through other means. Videjzeme may also decide to intervene, even with direct military action if they so choose.

This looks like an expansion and should be posted in the expansion thread. This NPC Campaign thread is for simply playing with NPCs, not annexing them.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.

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