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AEON Planning Thread
I decided to make a thread for preliminary planning for AEON. For anyone who hasn't heard about this yet, this is the Association of Eastern Ostaran Nations, a proposal for closer ties in East Ostara to improve peace, stability, and economic growth. Also tech stuffs.

This thread would be used to organize the different ideas and timelines pinging about. This post and the next (which I will reserve) will be used for further planning and note taking as I really want to get this off the ground. With that being said, here's what is up so far:

Likely (Founding?) Membership:
Mayari (Falsea mentioned interest in joining post-stabilization)
Hoinom (Hadash has mentioned interest in solely the Customs Union aspect but not much else)
Tiejungo (RC has expressed interest after we hammered out more contemporary history for East Ostara. See below)
Akitsu (Zab noted that they would be looking at possible association status for now as the next government will likely want to be more protectionist economically to allow for recovery after the Civil War. Please correct me if I'm wrong Zab and I apologize if I misunderstood)

Ongoing Threads:
The Sentence Too Far: The Whispers of the Association

Basic Background:
Note: This is just from the information I gathered from everyone, the Wiki and from the old/new forums. This can and most likely will be edited/updated as time goes on

From approximately 1541-1570, East Ostara's commerce and geopolitics was dominated by a standing quadrilateral entente known as the Tigers of the East (also KATS). These were Kazemura, Akitsu, Tiejungo, and Sainam. All four had fairly strong economic and diplomatic ties with one another and with others in the region with the intent of keeping a balance in East Ostara. (This also may have been to counteract Tieguo's influence but that's up to y'all). Relative peace and stability dominated the East as economies grew and technology advanced at an ever increasing pace. Nation-states beyond East Ostara, especially from Brigidna, that once had much influence in the region found their influence waning in the face of the rising powers. Although not thrilled at the loss of influence in the region, they begrudgingly accepted the new normal.

Around 1570, foreign embassies in Singan were raided by forces aligned with General Da Jong, who installed a dictatorship. This blow led to radical short and long term changes in East Ostara. With foreign powers returning their focus to the East and the installation of the communists in North Singan by Severyane, the East Ostaran nations began to feel diplomatic pressures on a level unseen since the Decolonization Movements of the 1520s/30s. After a bloody Singanese Civil War, General Da Jong's military dictatorship was deposed and a tenuous peace was reached.

Although Singan remained united under a democratic government, it became evident that foreign powers were seeking to reintroduce their influence to the region. Debate raged in various intellectual circles in the five nations over the direction that each must take to shake off such influence. In Kazemura, the idea of stronger ties and a possible union akin to the ones found in Brigidna were gaining momentum as a feasible and promising concept. [Something about what the traction for proposing such a thing in the other four countries goes here.]

In 1578 however, the narrative changed again with the overthow of the Akitan government by fascists. For three years, the former allies/partners of Akitsu in East Ostara looked on with horror as this new fascist government militarized and prepared itself for possible conflict and conquest; all the while, Akitan military officials that favored restoration grew agitated with the transformation of the nation. By 1581, tensions had reached a fever pitch within the nation and the region. [Reason not available yet until the civil war starts] would be the final straw for those in the Akitan military still loyal to the old government. Civil War would break out, splitting the country into three different factions: The Communists in the North, desperately holding on as best they can with the hope that they can establish a dictatorship of the proletariat, the Fascists in the center that desired to hold onto control and ensure Akitan dominance in the region, and the Restorationists in the South that desired to restore the old government to power.

The Akitan coup and following Civil War led to a revitalization of an East Ostaran Union concept to ensure sustained prosperity and permanent peace for the region. Although the Tokasa Charter that was signed in 1581 prior to the outbreak of the Akitan Civil War called for continued assurance to work for everlasting peace in the region, this was largely seen as the predecessor for the East Ostaran Diplomatic Forum held annually. For many politicians, especially in Akitsu, this seemed to be enough to satiate the desires for closer cooperation. However, this belief was not shared universally; for many average citizens and entrepreneurs, especially in Kazemura, who desired something stronger and truly tangible this was not seen as strong enough action to ensure sustained prosperity and permanent peace...

What Happens Next:
Beyond this, the road becomes unclear. It is likely that as we have discussed the AEON's foundations will begin to be built. How this will happen is not entirely certain; it could be one large conference that creates a framework towards AEON or it could be a number of different joint programs appear over time and eventually it becomes necessary to bring them all together into one larger framework.

Where things stand now, Kazemura and Sainam are likely to be the most Ostaraphilic (pro-AEON). Akitsu is likely to be the most Ostaraskeptic (anti-AEON). I can not speak for Singan or Tiejungo.

The current mood of the citizenship in each nation will also play a huge role in Kazemura's upcoming election, which in turn directly influences the conversation moving forward. A more Ostaraphilic people will lead to a more straightforward Kazemuran administration. Specifically, they will advocate for establishing the starting framework for the organization all at once on a clear road map. A more Ostaraskeptic people will lead to a more subtle Kazemuran administration; such an administration would work to establish various joint programs with the other nations until it reaches a point that AEON exists in all but name.

In either case all aspects should not be established all at once as that's absolutely impractical. As much as I OOCly would love to do this all at once, that's not really realistic.
Timeline of AEON:



Kazemura: The people (and soon the government) desire a stronger economic and technological association. They will seek a common market, a customs union, and a joint space program. The first two allows them to continue investments in the region and strengthen their exports/imports while the last one allows them to have an actual damn space program. Cause science rules.
As a note, anyone who I didn't mention who is in East Ostara (AND I MEAN HAS THEIR CAPITOL THERE) who is interested in involving themselves with this, definitely post here about it. I just mentioned who I did because those were the people I had time to talk to. Also again, any background information is subject to change based on new info; so yeah.
Singan will be on the Ostaraphillic boat, while there would be a few skeptic groups; the country right now is aiming for rebuilding its national image after what Jong did; an economically based union would have tons of support in a nation that is still super-reliant on getting that foreign money yo.

Obviously Singan would push for cooperation in a lot more spheres than economic, such as scientific, military etc.
Well then, when I said that Akitsu would probably seek an observer status (which would be a compromise between the pro-AEON monarchy and the anti-AEON Nationalist Party, which is likely to take power after the civil war) I was under the impression that there wouldn't be a common market (maybe a free trade area, but not a full-on single market).

To the Nationalist Party, a customs union alone would be a hard sell. If Kazemura tries to add a common market on top of that, they'll just walk away from negotiations, not even seeking observer status. This would set up a huge conflict with the Akitian monarchy, which would favor AEON and want at least observer status. This clash could even go as far as the monarchy using it's rarely-used power to propose a law making Akitsu part of it in the Akitian legislature, only to have the proposal completely shot down by the Nationalist Party  or (if by some miracle it makes it past the legislature) a veto from the PM.

Also, Akitsu won't object to a joint space program, but will push for participation to be optional. Akitsu is very proud of it's own space program, and will not be merging it into a larger one anytime soon.
Kortoa would be interested, considering it needs the economic benefits towards rebuilding itself.
Bumping this back up since this is back on the table. We'll have to hammer out new points though.
Hôinôm may be interested in discuss this, at least if political stuff is left out of the organization.
(06-19-2017, 09:12 PM)Hadash Wrote: Hôinôm may be interested in discuss this, at least if political stuff is left out of the organization.

Political stuff will likely be a thing down the line. We can discuss potential involvement in just the economic side of things and not other parts but not sure how that will play out yet.

Update: Yeah so Ark, Rom, Blac and I discussed some stuff. At the moment we're looking to start things off with a Customs Union. Jotting this down for record keeping.

Update 2: A Defense Organization shall be established alongside the Customs Union. These two parts will become later pillars to a greater organization.

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