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12-03-2017, 10:09 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-03-2017, 03:34 PM by Adwest.)
Expanding Country: Adwest
EC.'s Government Type: Absolute Monarchy w/ Aristocracy
Campaign Setting: 1588
Campaign Goal: Sindar-Astrasia (NPC)
Informational Links: Wiki
When did you last have an Expansion? August 2016 (expansion thwarted until May 2017)
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? Dosa 1584
Why do you seek to expand?
IC: Adwest wants to continue her imperial restoration
OoC: I want to flesh out Queen Sophia some more, and maybe do some war RP
Campaign Plot
It's been twenty plus years since the failed attempt to subjugate Westenne and only four years since Adwest managed to subdue that state into her rule, and momentum for imperial restoration is slowly disappearing among the powerbrokers in Adwestene society. Conflicts between nobles on the extent of their borders and powers and everything in between attempt to spiral out of control and unhinge the progress of the National Rejuvenation.
With these in mind, and motivated by her own personal ambitions and thoughts, Queen Sophia of Adwest takes matters into her own hands. Her sight is fixed on the west, and with her vassals squabbling, no better time exists for her to take the hilt of the sword and and finish what was begun three decades ago. Adwest is ready for war, and her monarch is more than willing to sit on a throne of skulls to restore old glory.
But war is dangerous business, and to appear so eager for it would spell almost immediate failure. Sophia would therefore turn to her own devices and her brother-in-law, the Grand Duke of Sindar-Astrasia, to bring about her vision. A notoriously pro-Adwestene royalist, the Grand Duke of SA attempts to abolish the SA parliament and rule by decree in order to merge with Adwest. But a country with such strong democratic institutions would not fold so easily, and the Grand Duke is met with armed opposition from his own government. Civil war erupts and Adwest intervenes on "humanitarian grounds", freely entering eastern SA where the Grand Duke holds power. Attempts by Adwestenes to enter territory held by the democratic government is met with force, which formally makes Adwest intervene on the side of the Grand Duke.
Potential for Other Player Involvement
Lots of potential for both direct and indirect involvement. SA is part of that mutual defense treaty with others in the region, which could pull them. Outside powers could also possibly be involved, especially when treaties are called up and vested interests are brought to the fore.
How your country may evolve from success
The Queen becomes more powerful, and Adwestene imperial restoration will be considered complete for the most part when Adwest reaches the western coastline of the continent. This will mean Adwest will be less trouble for anyone in the region since it has been sated, and RP focus will shift to domestic matters somewhat.
How your country may evolve from defeat
The Queen and the aristocracy may possibly be deposed by anarchist forces, replaced by a constitutional monarchy headed by the Queen's exiled brother, or simply disintegrate into warring groups of nobles.
<how might other Players get involved in your campaign?>
They can oppose or support Adwestene's attempt at expansion with whatever means they deem fit for the situation.
|| Democratic Republic of Mayari ||
There is no solution to the peasant problem but to wage armed struggle, conduct agrarian
revolution and build revolutionary base areas
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So she's just gonna invade SA?
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Of course not silly, everyone will jump right in on our asses. There will be some false flags which will not exactly be false flags but...something like that. There will be intrigue before the blowing up of stuff!
|| Democratic Republic of Mayari ||
There is no solution to the peasant problem but to wage armed struggle, conduct agrarian
revolution and build revolutionary base areas
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(12-03-2017, 10:09 AM)Adwest Wrote: 
Expanding Country: Adwest
EC.'s Government Type: Absolute Monarchy w/ Aristocracy
Campaign Setting: 1588
Campaign Goal: Sindar-Astrasia (NPC)
Informational Links: Wiki
When did you last have an Expansion? August 2016 (expansion thwarted until May 2017)
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? Dosa 1584
Why do you seek to expand?
IC: Adwest wants to continue her imperial restoration
OoC: I want to flesh out Queen Sophia some more, and maybe do some war RP
Campaign Plot
It's been twenty plus years since the failed attempt to subjugate Westenne and only four years since Adwest managed to subdue that state into her rule, and momentum for imperial restoration is slowly disappearing among the powerbrokers in Adwestene society. Conflicts between nobles on the extent of their borders and powers and everything in between attempt to spiral out of control and unhinge the progress of the National Rejuvenation.
With these in mind, and motivated by her own personal ambitions and thoughts, Queen Sophia of Adwest takes matters into her own hands. Her sight is fixed on the west, and with her vassals squabbling, no better time exists for her to take the hilt of the sword and and finish what was begun three decades ago. Adwest is ready for war, and her monarch is more than willing to sit on a throne of skulls to restore old glory.
But war is dangerous business, and to appear so eager for it would spell almost immediate failure. Sophia would therefore turn to her own devices and her brother-in-law, the Grand Duke of Sindar-Astrasia, to bring about her vision. A notoriously pro-Adwestene royalist, the Grand Duke of SA attempts to abolish the SA parliament and rule by decree in order to merge with Adwest feel cool. But a country with such strong democratic institutions would not fold so easily, and the Grand Duke is met with armed opposition from his own government. Civil war erupts and Adwest intervenes on "humanitarian grounds" "that crazy bastard I recognize as their head of state asked me to grounds", freely entering eastern SA where the Grand Duke holds power. Attempts by Adwestenes to enter territory held by the democratic government is met with force, which formally makes Adwest intervene on the side of the Grand Duke.
Potential for Other Player Involvement
Lots of potential for both direct and indirect involvement. SA is part of that mutual defense treaty with others in the region, which could pull them. Outside powers could also possibly be involved, especially when treaties are called up and vested interests are brought to the fore.
How your country may evolve from success
The Queen becomes more powerful, and Adwestene imperial restoration will be considered complete for the most part when Adwest reaches the western coastline of the continent. This will mean Adwest will be less trouble for anyone in the region since it has been sated, and RP focus will shift to domestic matters somewhat.
How your country may evolve from defeat
The Queen and the aristocracy may possibly be deposed by anarchist forces, replaced by a constitutional monarchy headed by the Queen's exiled brother, or simply disintegrate into warring groups of nobles.
<how might other Players get involved in your campaign?>
They can oppose or support Adwestene's attempt at expansion with whatever means they deem fit for the situation. Approved with highlighted modifications.
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10-11-2018, 07:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-11-2018, 07:42 PM by Flo.)
Directorate Use Only
Expanding Country: Drubang Confederacy
EC.'s Government Type: Presidential Dictatorship
Campaign Setting: Modern Period - presently
Campaign Goal: Two-fold, one is part of the heiwawa island chain northeast of where Drubang already is. The other is south of Drubang on the mainland
Informational Links: lol <3
When did you last have an Expansion? Probably last year or so. Harmajaa bebe
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? Actual wars was a while ago, but they've been supressing rebels for some time, since the election really.
Why do you seek to expand? IC, Drubangs leader is bloodthirsty and wants more powah, like any idealogue. His two targets are an islamd nation to the northeast and Drubangs age old enemy, Tobong, to the south.
OOC, idk, I just want to write about it I guess? Just want to do something and pop that expansion cherry again.
Campaign Plot
Tomat Mogu has been President for Life for eight years or so and it's time, he believes, to expand the Confederacy using military force. Much of the last eight years has been supressing rebels that spawned following the election. Mogu is a Letang, a minority group in Drubang, and the ethnic Kalimantrans were pissed about that and some decided to rally around General Manahashet Dua, a Kalimantran military man who lost the election to Mogu in 1588. Dua has finally been defeated and killed (it took a while okay? jungles are tough.) and now Mogu wants to turn his eyes elsewhere. What else is a bloodthirsty idealogue to do? Beyond supressing Dua's rebels, Mogu has also been modernizing the military and investing in infastructure. Much of Drubang is still poor, but it is slowly coming along. Being a bloodthirsty dictator, Mogu has plans to invade his neighbors. Two neighbors in particular.
The first is a small Heiwawan republic to the northeast, will work with ikarman on the specific details/info about this small island republic. This will be a primarily naval conflict I'm sure. Pretty straightforward and somewhat boring, honestly. Just surround them and bombard/blockade until they quit.
The second is much more interesting. Tobong, or more namely the Democratic Republic of Tobong, is the remnant of the old empire whose death spawned Drubang (drubang was the product of one warlord taking a bunch of shiz by force after Tobong collapsed). Tobong and Drubang have been enemies ever since and there have been countless minor border scuffles and maybe even a small war at some point, particularly early on. Tobong is a quasi communist state ruled by a warlord, similar to Drubang except Drubang is very anti-communist historically. The first Drubang leader killed a lot of communists early on and that probably spawned an initial war between Tobong and Drubang tbh. Mogu wants to defeat Tobong in conflict to display superiority and to take land and booty from an age-old enemy. The trouble is, there's a small country between the Tobongi capital (Ka Tobong) and Drubang, The Modu Republic. The Modu Republic, like Tobong and Drubang, isn't really a republic at all, rather a state ruled by a warlord dictator (see a common theme?). Modu and Tobong are Kalimantran like mainland Drubang. The main border of Drubang and Tobong is pretty heavily fortified jungle, and mountains that would be a slog to get through, but Modu is significantly weaker than Tobong and Drubang, and so Drubang decides to cut through Modu a la blitzkrieg through Belgium. Tobong, seeing Drubang coming in, counter-invades Modu as well and attacks Drubang along their border. It's a war kids!
Not sure how this one will turn out honestly but it'll be messy in the jungle thats for sure.
Potential for Other Player Involvement
Someone can play Tobong if they want.
Kazemura is nearby, but not too many others are close enough to get hella involved, I think anyway. Unless they want to travel far. Kazemura is probably more concerned with that Heiwawa tiny island republic than Tobong honestly, lol.
How your country may evolve from success
Drubang won't be able to occupy/annex all of Tobong at all, but if they are successful they could take Modu probably and some bits of Tobong. Honestly Mogu just wants to obliterate Ka Tobong to shame his enemies and probably take border territories to weaken them. Maybe demand reparations or something. His ideal thing would be to take Modu, border territories from Tobong, and the actual Tobongi capital so he could destroy the city totally. This would be intense because Ka Tobong has been populated for a long long time and its total destruction would probably be a human rights crime if not a crime against history. Any large scale defeat for Tobong will likely lead to revolution of some kind, as it would be deeply shameful, but if Drubang were to have that sort of total victory Tobong would probably cease to exist and fracture into more warlord states, probably. Maybe a runt Tobong would continue to exist run by the same warlord or a relative? idk we'll see.
If Drubang takes the island republic they will add that to their other portion of the archipelago. Probably won't grow too much more in that direction, but they may go further south to the lower part of the Bahaan islands.
Tobong will likely become an NPC after this, though I might roleplay the revolution and further antagonizations from Drubang until they fight again. Tobong should be pretty largeish but not too huge. The old Tobong Empire was largeish and I presume there were other places controlled by it as well that are now their own places.
How your country may evolve from defeat
Depends on the nature of the defeat honestly. Mogu's control is based mostly on force, so a defeat would be pretty bad for him back home. He just got the Kalimantran rebels defeated, but this would probably whip up all new ones. If he was deposed and Kalimantrans took over again, The Letang would probably revolt as well and then Drubang could fracture for a time. The more likely result is a stalemate with both sides occupying their halves of Modu and the borders ending wherever they were at the time of the end of the war, but we'll see how it goes. Drubang is probably more prepared for war than Tobong, but Tobong isn't a pushover.
<how might other Players get involved in your campaign?>
People could play Tobong.
Kazemura might have a problem with Drubang, but they can fight us if they want. That's their deal.
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(10-11-2018, 07:42 PM)Flo Wrote: 
Expanding Country: Drubang Confederacy
EC.'s Government Type: Presidential Dictatorship
Campaign Setting: Modern Period - presently
Campaign Goal: Two-fold, one is part of the heiwawa island chain northeast of where Drubang already is. The other is south of Drubang on the mainland
Informational Links: lol <3
When did you last have an Expansion? Probably last year or so. Harmajaa bebe
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? Actual wars was a while ago, but they've been supressing rebels for some time, since the election really.
Why do you seek to expand? IC, Drubangs leader is bloodthirsty and wants more powah, like any idealogue. His two targets are an islamd nation to the northeast and Drubangs age old enemy, Tobong, to the south.
OOC, idk, I just want to write about it I guess? Just want to do something and pop that expansion cherry again.
Campaign Plot
Tomat Mogu has been President for Life for eight years or so and it's time, he believes, to expand the Confederacy using military force. Much of the last eight years has been supressing rebels that spawned following the election. Mogu is a Letang, a minority group in Drubang, and the ethnic Kalimantrans were pissed about that and some decided to rally around General Manahashet Dua, a Kalimantran military man who lost the election to Mogu in 1588. Dua has finally been defeated and killed (it took a while okay? jungles are tough.) and now Mogu wants to turn his eyes elsewhere. What else is a bloodthirsty idealogue to do? Beyond supressing Dua's rebels, Mogu has also been modernizing the military and investing in infastructure. Much of Drubang is still poor, but it is slowly coming along. Being a bloodthirsty dictator, Mogu has plans to invade his neighbors. Two neighbors in particular.
The first is a small Heiwawan republic to the northeast, will work with ikarman on the specific details/info about this small island republic. This will be a primarily naval conflict I'm sure. Pretty straightforward and somewhat boring, honestly. Just surround them and bombard/blockade until they quit.
The second is much more interesting. Tobong, or more namely the Democratic Republic of Tobong, is the remnant of the old empire whose death spawned Drubang (drubang was the product of one warlord taking a bunch of shiz by force after Tobong collapsed). Tobong and Drubang have been enemies ever since and there have been countless minor border scuffles and maybe even a small war at some point, particularly early on. Tobong is a quasi communist state ruled by a warlord, similar to Drubang except Drubang is very anti-communist historically. The first Drubang leader killed a lot of communists early on and that probably spawned an initial war between Tobong and Drubang tbh. Mogu wants to defeat Tobong in conflict to display superiority and to take land and booty from an age-old enemy. The trouble is, there's a small country between the Tobongi capital (Ka Tobong) and Drubang, The Modu Republic. The Modu Republic, like Tobong and Drubang, isn't really a republic at all, rather a state ruled by a warlord dictator (see a common theme?). Modu and Tobong are Kalimantran like mainland Drubang. The main border of Drubang and Tobong is pretty heavily fortified jungle, and mountains that would be a slog to get through, but Modu is significantly weaker than Tobong and Drubang, and so Drubang decides to cut through Modu a la blitzkrieg through Belgium. Tobong, seeing Drubang coming in, counter-invades Modu as well and attacks Drubang along their border. It's a war kids!
Not sure how this one will turn out honestly but it'll be messy in the jungle thats for sure.
Potential for Other Player Involvement
Someone can play Tobong if they want.
Kazemura is nearby, but not too many others are close enough to get hella involved, I think anyway. Unless they want to travel far. Kazemura is probably more concerned with that Heiwawa tiny island republic than Tobong honestly, lol.
How your country may evolve from success
Drubang won't be able to occupy/annex all of Tobong at all, but if they are successful they could take Modu probably and some bits of Tobong. Honestly Mogu just wants to obliterate Ka Tobong to shame his enemies and probably take border territories to weaken them. Maybe demand reparations or something. His ideal thing would be to take Modu, border territories from Tobong, and the actual Tobongi capital so he could destroy the city totally. This would be intense because Ka Tobong has been populated for a long long time and its total destruction would probably be a human rights crime if not a crime against history. Any large scale defeat for Tobong will likely lead to revolution of some kind, as it would be deeply shameful, but if Drubang were to have that sort of total victory Tobong would probably cease to exist and fracture into more warlord states, probably. Maybe a runt Tobong would continue to exist run by the same warlord or a relative? idk we'll see.
If Drubang takes the island republic they will add that to their other portion of the archipelago. Probably won't grow too much more in that direction, but they may go further south to the lower part of the Bahaan islands.
Tobong will likely become an NPC after this, though I might roleplay the revolution and further antagonizations from Drubang until they fight again. Tobong should be pretty largeish but not too huge. The old Tobong Empire was largeish and I presume there were other places controlled by it as well that are now their own places.
How your country may evolve from defeat
Depends on the nature of the defeat honestly. Mogu's control is based mostly on force, so a defeat would be pretty bad for him back home. He just got the Kalimantran rebels defeated, but this would probably whip up all new ones. If he was deposed and Kalimantrans took over again, The Letang would probably revolt as well and then Drubang could fracture for a time. The more likely result is a stalemate with both sides occupying their halves of Modu and the borders ending wherever they were at the time of the end of the war, but we'll see how it goes. Drubang is probably more prepared for war than Tobong, but Tobong isn't a pushover.
<how might other Players get involved in your campaign?>
People could play Tobong.
Kazemura might have a problem with Drubang, but they can fight us if they want. That's their deal. I may have more questions in you plan threading, so plox go ahead and prop that up.
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10-14-2018, 05:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-14-2018, 05:55 PM by Ayzek.)
Directorate Use Only
Expanding Country: Holy Lanlanian Empire
EC.'s Government Type: Semi-constitutional Monarchy
Campaign Setting: 1595
Campaign Goal: Gable, Khiva, Southwest Ostara
Informational Links: Wiki Page, First Gable Intervention
When did you last have an Expansion? It ended just yesterdayish?
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? The Tambossa Intervention a decade or two ago.
Why do you seek to expand? POWER. POWER.
Campaign Plot
In 1556, the Holy Lanlanian intervened in Gable after the pro-Lanlanian government was overthrow in a right-wing military coup a few months earlier. Imperial and Pythian troops quickly crushed Gable's rebellious military forces and remained as security forces for nearly two decades, helping restore Gablese democracy. The Lanlanian withdrew in 1574, content with the progress Gable had made. The two remained friendly, with trade agreements and a security treaty in place.
Recently, however, dissatisfaction with the growing wealth inequality between the cities and the countryside, along with inadequate representation of rural communities and the consequent lack of development, has lead to social tensions between the ethnic peoples of the cities and the ethnic peoples of the countryside.
In 1590, a civil war raging north of Gable begins to spill across the border, and government troops deployed to the countryside add to the tensions. The rural peoples, influenced by the northern rebels, begin to take arms against the government.
By 1593, the insurrection has spread across a large portion of the country and Gable is embroiled in a low-intensity civil war.
The President of Gable is assassinated in 1595, on his way to peace talks with rebel leaders. His party and successor is consequently much less willing to negotiate, and the war intensifies. Rebel forces from the north, pushed out by government forces there, begin to play a larger role in the conflict in Gable.
Potential for Other Player Involvement
Players may participate to simply give me a headache (I know how you all love that), taking the role of the rebels. There are multiple groups of rebels in the country, who may or may not be cooperating to differing extents. Some Gablese rebels were receptive of the government's peace overtures and were willing to settle out of the war, while others want to pursue the rebellion to total victory. There's also the rebels from the northern country, which may be more ideological in nature.
Alternatively, some foreign government could be behind why the ideologue rebels from the north decided to migrate south. Or someone could define that northern state and have it attempt to use the situation to seize territory or concessions from Gable.
How your country may evolve from success
The Holy Lanlanian Empire's goal in the war is to stabilize its partner, in order to have a(nother) dependable ally in the region. But even if it manages to keep Gable in its sphere of influence, it'll still be involved in a low-level guerilla conflict and state-building for years to come. Primarily, my goal is to take OOC control of Gable and consequently make more use of the country for nefarious purposes.
How your country may evolve from defeat
Should the rebels succeed, the Lanlanians would likely lose Gable as an ally.
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(10-14-2018, 05:52 PM)Ayzek Wrote: 
Expanding Country: Holy Lanlanian Empire
EC.'s Government Type: Semi-constitutional Monarchy
Campaign Setting: 1595
Campaign Goal: Gable, Khiva, Southwest Ostara
Informational Links: Wiki Page, First Gable Intervention
When did you last have an Expansion? It ended just yesterdayish?
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? The Tambossa Intervention a decade or two ago.
Why do you seek to expand? POWER. POWER.
Campaign Plot
In 1556, the Holy Lanlanian intervened in Gable after the pro-Lanlanian government was overthrow in a right-wing military coup a few months earlier. Imperial and Pythian troops quickly crushed Gable's rebellious military forces and remained as security forces for nearly two decades, helping restore Gablese democracy. The Lanlanian withdrew in 1574, content with the progress Gable had made. The two remained friendly, with trade agreements and a security treaty in place.
Recently, however, dissatisfaction with the growing wealth inequality between the cities and the countryside, along with inadequate representation of rural communities and the consequent lack of development, has lead to social tensions between the ethnic peoples of the cities and the ethnic peoples of the countryside.
In 1590, a civil war raging north of Gable begins to spill across the border, and government troops deployed to the countryside add to the tensions. The rural peoples, influenced by the northern rebels, begin to take arms against the government.
By 1593, the insurrection has spread across a large portion of the country and Gable is embroiled in a low-intensity civil war.
The President of Gable is assassinated in 1595, on his way to peace talks with rebel leaders. His party and successor is consequently much less willing to negotiate, and the war intensifies. Rebel forces from the north, pushed out by government forces there, begin to play a larger role in the conflict in Gable.
Potential for Other Player Involvement
Players may participate to simply give me a headache (I know how you all love that), taking the role of the rebels. There are multiple groups of rebels in the country, who may or may not be cooperating to differing extents. Some Gablese rebels were receptive of the government's peace overtures and were willing to settle out of the war, while others want to pursue the rebellion to total victory. There's also the rebels from the northern country, which may be more ideological in nature.
Alternatively, some foreign government could be behind why the ideologue rebels from the north decided to migrate south. Or someone could define that northern state and have it attempt to use the situation to seize territory or concessions from Gable.
How your country may evolve from success
The Holy Lanlanian Empire's goal in the war is to stabilize its partner, in order to have a(nother) dependable ally in the region. But even if it manages to keep Gable in its sphere of influence, it'll still be involved in a low-level guerilla conflict and state-building for years to come. Primarily, my goal is to take OOC control of Gable and consequently make more use of the country for nefarious purposes.
How your country may evolve from defeat
Should the rebels succeed, the Lanlanians would likely lose Gable as an ally.
Approved following feedback by Seperallis, who recommended exploring the northern state in further detail. Consequently, I may invade that place too.