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Campaign Submissions, Expansion
What is an Expansion Campaign?
An Expansion Campaign is the primary medium available by which a Player Country may achieve MOAR POWER. More specifically: its the chief way one's country can gain more lands, slaves, and cash. Because that's totally a thing countries want more. An Expansion Campaign can be set at any reasonable point in in-game history, though limitations may be applied as we explore non-Modern Tech role play further. Additionally, while the ultimate goal of an Expansion Campaign is the accession of moar resources, an Expansion Campaign whose plotline is bare-bone "veni, vidi, vici" is liable to be Denied (though not always!). As is one where you craft the situation specifically to play The Big Damn Hero (note, however, the specific language).

Role of Historical RP
You may have noticed the mention of " history" up there. It means exactly what it means—Expansion Campaigns are not required to be set in the modern-day. They may be set during the height of your imperial power, or even during the glorious days of Rome (earlier than that though may be too far back though). Of course: limits may apply, and certainly, your Country would need to have a reasonable chance of keeping that land until the modern day—especially since other Players are totally allowed to intervene in your Campaign, and may even be permitted to fight you over it at the height of their imperial power (assuming said height is after you gained the land, at least). We'll have to explore the system and its capabilities as we go.

A reasonably developed history, at least during the period the Expansion is to be set in, may be required to embark on a Historical Campaign.

Post-Expansion Effects
Post-Expansion gains (population, land, GDP) are at the Directorate's discretion, needless to say. Further effects, in the way of required "post-conflict" Role Play, modifications to your primary population and GDP, or other stuff the Directorate may feel appropriate, may be applied depending on the situation developed for the Campaign and its evolution as the Campaign went on.

Regarding Participants
The Expanding Player may be permitted to play the Campaign alone, though, since we are here to play together, is nonetheless encouraged to design things in such a way as to permit others—either as individual Players or in their role as in-game Countries—to participate. Additionally, if your Campaign does involve a second in-game state (quite likely), a second Player to control it is encouraged. And let us not forget that in-game countries have their own interests; so if a country has a reasonable in-game cause to intervene, the Directorate certainly condones the Player controlling it to do so. As cool as the Expanding Player's plan may be in his head, plans rarely (never?) survive contact with reality fully intact.

Further Notes
There are no explicit limits on the number of concur Expansion Campaigns one may have, or the number of total number of Expansions one may go through, though the Directorate may certainly apply limits at its discretion. Eg., if you're swarmed in Role Play, the Directorate may prevent you from taking on more; or if you're so big and powerful and OP that you could take on the world, it may prohibit you from growing larger (though, this one's unlikely).

What to do Post-Approval
After your claim is approved (or as otherwise directed by the Director), you must start an OOC thread titled "OOC: <Campaign Name>" in the Discussion and Planning forum. Failure to do so may cause your RP to be post-poned/frozen. You are encouraged to use the OOC thread to coordinate the Campaign with Players and their Countries, though may otherwise begin role playing.

[css=float:right;]Directorate Use Only[/css]
[b]Expanding Country:[/b] <Should be obvious enough>
[b]EC.'s Government Type:[/b] <Democracy, Monarchy, Totalitarian, etc>

[b]Campaign Setting:[/b] <Century, year, or general time period>
[b]Campaign Goal:[/b] <the area you're like to expand to>
[b]Informational Links:[/b] [url=insert URL here]Factbook[/url], [url=insert URL here]History[/url]

[b]When did you last have an Expansion?[/b] <OOC Month, OOC Year>
[b]When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict?[/b] <be as accurate as possible>
[b]Why do you seek to expand?[/b] <answer here; give both IC and OOC reasons>

[u]Campaign Plot[/u]
<give a summary; it may further be developed in it's own thread>

[u]Potential for Other Player Involvement[/u]

[u]How your country may evolve from success[/u]

[u]How your country may evolve from defeat[/u]
<how might other Players get involved in your campaign?>
Directorate Use Only
Expanding Country: Empire of Akitsu
EC.'s Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy

Campaign Setting: 1480-ish
Campaign Goal: uhhh.... the islands over yonderway
[Image: ms0tc8.jpg]
Informational Links: Factbook (er.... wiki page), History

When did you last have an Expansion? I don't think I've ever really done it
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? 1461-1462 - there was a civil war in the country that ended in unification for the country
Why do you seek to expand? IC'ly, it would be to gain the islands and it's resources, OOC'ly I've been eyeing those islands for a while now.

Campaign Plot
The islands of Maluku were always populated by Moken (not-Melanesian) peoples, and this was a kingdom that started to adopt Brigidnan customs after contact. They had always had limited contact with Akitians, but nothing significant until after Akitsu modernized.

The Kingdom of Maluku had adopted much Brigidnan customs by the time Akitsu unified. Soon after Akitsu unified, some rich Akitians traveled to Maluku and started building large plantations. These plantations grew and grew, and so did trade with Akitsu. Eventually these plantations had significant influence in Malukan politics, and the owners wanted to further grow trade with Akitsu. Perhaps understandably, the Malukan government wasn't so keen on this.

So the plantation owners decided to take things into their own hands.

Potential for Other Player Involvement
People could try and intervene in this, if they so choose. I don't envision the Kingdom of Maluku having that many close ties with other countries, but you could. I'm largely modeling this after the overthrow and annexation of the Kingdom of Hawaii, so yeah keep that in mind..
(02-25-2017, 07:23 AM)Zabuza825 Wrote: Directorate Use Only
Expanding Country: Empire of Akitsu
EC.'s Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy

Campaign Setting: 1480-ish
Campaign Goal: uhhh.... the islands over yonderway
[Image: ms0tc8.jpg]
Informational Links: Factbook (er.... wiki page), History

When did you last have an Expansion? I don't think I've ever really done it
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? 1461-1462 - there was a civil war in the country that ended in unification for the country
Why do you seek to expand? IC'ly, it would be to gain the islands and it's resources, OOC'ly I've been eyeing those islands for a while now.

Campaign Plot
The islands of Maluku were always populated by Moken (not-Melanesian) peoples, and this was a kingdom that started to adopt Brigidnan customs after contact. They had always had limited contact with Akitians, but nothing significant until after Akitsu modernized.

The Kingdom of Maluku had adopted much Brigidnan customs by the time Akitsu unified. Soon after Akitsu unified, some rich Akitians traveled to Maluku and started building large plantations. These plantations grew and grew, and so did trade with Akitsu. Eventually these plantations had significant influence in Malukan politics, and the owners wanted to further grow trade with Akitsu. Perhaps understandably, the Malukan government wasn't so keen on this.

So the plantation owners decided to take things into their own hands.

Potential for Other Player Involvement
People could try and intervene in this, if they so choose. I don't envision the Kingdom of Maluku having that many close ties with other countries, but you could. I'm largely modeling this after the overthrow and annexation of the Kingdom of Hawaii, so yeah keep that in mind..
Approved. Can you post a more in-depth plot in the OOC thread, and call Blac and Flo's attention to it? During this time, they may have still held colonies in the area and may be interested in reacting.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Directorate Use Only
Expanding Country: New Zealmark, arkania, Ishnalla and octiliana
EC.'s Government Type: Comoomonwealth,....

Campaign Setting: Current
Campaign Goal: The proposed expansion is this [Image: U93lmnK.png]
The plot is that the soyabarian commonwealth will try to host a conference over the division between islands according to the lines on this image, before taking hostile action and cause a costly war
Informational Links: Does this matter?
When did you last have an Expansion? Couple of centuries ago
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? A couple of ic years back for new zealmark
ps. the red circle has priority which means that everything that has been circled outside the red one isn't in the area apart from what goes to ishnalla in the conference
Directorate Use Only
Expanding Country: Kubaniza
EC.'s Government Type: Provisional government consisting of elected delegates. The provisional government has given extensive authority to military leaders for the purpose of ensuring the security and stability of the country while in transition. Kubanizan military forces consist of a coalition of khorobri (militia/paramilitary/irregular/volunteer) units called the United Khorobri Forces under the leadership of Vasily Bukanko. Within the United Khorobri Forces there may be smaller coalitions led by other powerful commanders, such as in this case. Although the Kubanizan forces have been rapidly organizing and professionalizing over the years (the war necessitated this), it is still, at its core, an army of volunteers who often elect their own leaders.

Campaign Setting: 1525, only a few months after the end of the Winter War, which was a civil war in the Union of Socialist Republics which resulted in Kubaniza, Duran, Calgarov, and [if submission is accepted] Mazaghea.
Campaign Goal: Mazaghea will be located in this region.
Informational Links: Winter War wiki page. The Winter War page is currently in the process of being revised.

When did you last have an Expansion? Not since Caprecia.
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? Only a few months before.
Why do you seek to expand? ICly, this would primarily be a power grab by an individual Kubanizan military commander, with ideological (anti-communist), geopolitical (does not want a weak neighbor that is vulnerable to communist or Union influence, plus the usual "more land and resources"), and personal (renown, prestige, and authority would be increased significantly) motivations. This commander's actions will be supported by the higher authority, in the form of Vasily Bukanko, who is the highest military authority and currently the most powerful man in Kubaniza, primarily for geopolitical reasons. Bukanko wishes to increase Kubaniza's power and remove a potential thorn in the side of the country.

OOCly, Kubaniza is very isolated, and I have not done much of anything with it so far. I want to do some RP with Kubaniza, while also creating some interesting history for both Kubaniza and the region, which also has tangible results for my country.

Campaign Plot
Following the signing of the Bukanya Accords, the newly independent Republic of Mazaghea is incredibly unstable. Hatal Sovinov's position as leader of the Mazaghe nation is not as sure as it seemed only a year before, for as Sovinov was an admired war leader, now that peace has arrived he has had trouble finding his footing. In Ochtyr 1525, only a few months after the end of the war, Abaty Shapsug, a former Communist official, through deft political maneuvering, manages to get himself appointed the chairman of the National Governing Committee (also called the National Committee), Mazaghea's provisional government.

Although Shapsug denies being a communist and publicly supports Mazaghe nationalism, he is believed to have Union sympathies by Sovinov and his supporters for his actions prior to and during the Winter War. Leonid Sverbylo, a powerful khorobri (militia/paramilitary) commander of the famed horyany, the mountain men, a zealous anti-communist, offers his support to Sovinov to remove the "communist Union sympathizer," asserting that it is vital to Mazaghea's continued independence.

By the end of the month, Sovinov has accepted Sverbylo's offer of support, and in Nueva, with Sovinov's help, Sverbylo sends troops across the border and straight towards the Mazaghean capital. Fights happen. Eventually , Sverbylo declares Mazaghea's annexation by Kubaniza, with the support of Vasily Bukanko and his United Khorobri Forces (the coalition of khorobri forces which was the principle Kubanizan fighting force during the Winter War). Sverbylo's justification is that he is protecting the Mazaghe and the small Kubanizan minority in Mazaghea from communist subjugation.

Sovinov, a Mazaghe nationalist, does not want his outcome and feels betrayed by the Kubanizans. He joins with Shapsug and/or his supporters and fights against the Kubanizans.

My desired outcome is that the Mazagheans are defeated due to the Kubanizans' superior experience and equipment, as well as the influx of reinforcements from Kubaniza itself. The Kubanizans may also be able to count on some aid from local Mazaghean Kubanizans and other Mazaghean sympathizers.

Potential for Other Player Involvement
Although the Union (at this point consisting of Hahk, Ark, and Nents) is prevented by treaty from interfering directly in the conflict, they may decide to intervene through other means. Videjzeme may also decide to intervene, even with direct military action if they so choose. Others in the Marzanna region or Near East may decide to get involved one way or another (sending volunteers, engaging in diplomacy, etc.)
As a note, this would probably be a good origin for the Kubaniza-Videjszeme "feud" Jam was wanting some time ago. I doubt Videjszeme would intervene (at most sending partisan volunteers for the anti-commie bloc), also not liking the commies due to, you know, decades of resisting the USR threat to the north.

But an annexation? That's some hot betrayal, yo. Flipped Smile
(03-10-2017, 04:49 PM)Seperallis Wrote: As a note, this would probably be a good origin for the Kubaniza-Videjszeme "feud" Jam was wanting some time ago. I doubt Videjszeme would intervene (at most sending partisan volunteers for the anti-commie bloc), also not liking the commies due to, you know, decades of resisting the USR threat to the north.

But an annexation? That's some hot betrayal, yo. Flipped Smile

It's not a betrayal, it is the ultimate symbol of brotherly love to protect a weaker sibling from Red scum! But really, since Kubaniza is probably the only Vostic state without authoritarian leanings and is all free and awesome, this shows that it still has some skeletons in its closet.

Also LINES, I'll edit my app to conform to the template once I get home.
(03-10-2017, 06:22 PM)Jamzor the Jaxxor Wrote:
(03-10-2017, 04:49 PM)Seperallis Wrote: As a note, this would probably be a good origin for the Kubaniza-Videjszeme "feud" Jam was wanting some time ago. I doubt Videjszeme would intervene (at most sending partisan volunteers for the anti-commie bloc), also not liking the commies due to, you know, decades of resisting the USR threat to the north.

But an annexation? That's some hot betrayal, yo. Flipped Smile

since Kubaniza is probably the only Vostic state without authoritarian leanings and is all free and awesome.

I'll take that as a challenge.
My submission has been edited to use the correct template.

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