Eternity RPC Board
Starter Guide - Printable Version

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Starter Guide - Ayzek - 09-01-2016

Welcome to Eternity! I'm assuming you're new, 'cause helping them n00bs (or newbies, if you wanna be politically correct) is the entire point of this guide! So, let's get moving.

As mentioned in multiple locations by now, Eternity isa role-play community. Not so much pretend-government, but fictional worlds where we can romp around pretending to be things we're not. It's fun, I swear. To participate fully in this community, you needa be considered a Member. To receive those honors, just head on over to this thread and copy+paste+fill the form available in the first post. Pretty easy and, unless we believe you're /really/ a terrorist, you'll likely make it through without much trouble.

After you've signed in as something, you must start a thread and introduce yourself in the Twilight's Portal forum. Not only does it give us a place to chat lightly and feel each other out, but it is also required for background stuff to give you full posting privileges.

Following that, you should read over the general Community Etiquette practices and SMTRP Rules.

Our community uses a chat system (Chatango) available at the bottom of every forum page. It gives us a place to laugh together, bolstering the camaraderie and uniting us under his Chief Administratorship, Ayzek (may he live forever). It is independent from the forums. You're encouraged to create an account, to save yourself some trouble every time you pop by. This can be done fairly easily by clicking the "Sign up" button in the log in screen that appears after your first attempt to say something or if you press the "Set name" button below the text box.

After making an account and posting something to the chat system, you should click on the text-bubble image under the text-box (see right). That'll take you to your private chat page on Chatango's system. Under Account->Settings you should ensure that "Show my profile in Meet People" is unchecked to ensure you're not messaged by weirdos. I mean stranger weirdos, which are a thing on the Internet. Not everyone is bad, mind, but some people can be pretty odd. This is just advice, however, and you're certainly free to chat with strangers. Just don't blame me.

RE: Starter Guide - Ayzek - 09-15-2016

A Quick Guide To the Forums
Twilight's Portal[Image: efb-twilightsportal.png]
A forum dedicated to processing new members—providing a place for them to introduce themselves and get some help in settling into the community. If you are indeed a new member, you should post in the Membership Registration thread so staff can give you access to more of the forum.
The Directorate[Image: efb-thedirectorate.png]
The administrative center of Sioran Modern Tech Role play. General communication between the Role Play Directorate and the public happens within here and it's sub-forums:
Discussion and Planning[Image: efb-discussionandplanning.png]
If you wanna plan or propose a Sioran MTRP Role Play, or simply open a discussion on a topic concerning said, this is the forum to do it in.
Siora[Image: efb-siora.png]
The primary (only) forum for In-game Role Play on Siora. While the main forum is for general international affairs—wars and terrorism and such—there are multiple sub-forums dedicated to more specific genre:
  • The Media forum is a dedicated space for "newspaper" threads, but it could in theory be used for other media-related purposes. (Like movies, books, radio, etc.)
  • The Diplomacy forum is for...diplomatic role plays between two or more countries. Negotiations and such.
  • The Slice of Life forum is threads revolving around the "everyday" lives of civilians and persons living on Siora.
  • The Historical forum is dedicated to threads and stories that take place more than a few in-game years ago.
  • The Marketplace forum is a space for "storefronts" and other sorts of international trade.
  • The Sports and Competition forum is for both international and domestic tournaments and other competitions. It's wise to discuss and plan such affairs in Discussion and Planning first.
  • The Elections forum was created to give a special place for national elections, to prevent clutter in the primary forum.
Factbooks[Image: efb-factbooks.png]
The factbooks forum was re-spawned to give users an alternative to wiki pages and infotables. Please read it's Read First thread before posting within it.
Fantasia Design[Image: efb-fantasiadesign.png]
The Fantasia Design forum is the place to plan and organize alternative-RP that have not yet developed enough to warrant their own forums.
Fantasia[Image: efb-fantasia.png]
The Fantasia forum is (for now) for anything non-MTRP. This includes fantasy-related roleplays, space roleplays (also known as future-tech/FT) and all other forms of general roleplay not related to the Siora MTRP.
Andlosheim[Image: efb-andlosheim.png]
Andlosheim is our-dedicated space for Ayzek and Oertha's lovechild: an expansive, high-fantasy character-based role play scene. It's sub-forums include:
  • The Great Library, where one can find information about Andlosheim from an in-character-ish point of view.
  • Andlosheim OOC, where the planning and organizing of Andlosheim campaigns is executed.
The Bulletin Board[Image: efb-thebulletinboard.png]
The Bulletin Board is just that: a bulletin board for news and documentation from the administration and other official persons. If there's something posted here, it's safe to say you should check it out (or at least leaf through it).
The Diner[Image: efb-thediner.png]
The Diner is the forum for general discussion, hanging out, and OOC conversation. If you have something OOC that you want the community to see, your best bet is posting it here. This is also a good place to learn a bit about other community members.
The Corner[Image: efb-thecorner.png]
The Corner is the forum for spam, games, and other merriment. While the Diner is for conversations and substance, the Corner is great for that mindless fix of endless spamming.
The Gentlemen's Club[Image: efb-thegentlemensclub.png]
The Gentlemen's Club is for all sorts of serious discussion on a variety of possibly exciting subjects. If you'd like to discuss things like politics or elections or or or or or IDK what, this is your forum. You should definitely first read the threads pinned in here, though!
Hall of Forever[Image: efb-hallofforever.png]
A place for serious discussion about the community and its fate. If it concerns the whole and is reasonably important, it goes here. What separates this forum from the Diner? This one's more officialy and appropriately pompous. I mean. look at that title.
Twilight Castle[Image: efb-twilightcastle.png]
The administrative center of the community. Forum staff and community leaders use it to discuss things that aren't quite announcements and stuff. Probably.
  • The Pastel Office is the office of our Dear Leader, Chief Administrator, Emperor of Everything and the Universe in-specific, His Exalted Supreme High Potentate Overlord. Things happen here.
Embassy square[Image: efb-embassysquare.png]
This space is for friends from NationStates to say hi. I don't need a reminder that we have none.
Library of eternity[Image: efb-libraryofeternity.png]
The public archives. Currently lonely.

RE: Starter Guide - Ayzek - 12-21-2016

Directions on joining individual roleplays can be found within their OOC threads. Siora MTRP's can be found in the Map Room: here.

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