Eternity RPC Board
Well it's about time I do this. - Printable Version

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Well it's about time I do this. - JakkuZakku24 - 10-04-2017

Well, my name is JakkuZakku or just Jakku (Yus like the horrid planet from Disney SWFA) I've been in the Rp world for about a couple or so years, in some games like Swtor or some random weab group on Fb. *Shrugs* I am curious as to what kind of adventures I get to encounter here. P.S I am a dude, but I don't mind writing a female character and all that fancy stuff that comes with it. As long as and IC relationships don't carry into OOC life/feelings. >_> I did it, now what?!?!

RE: Well it's about time I do this. - Flo - 10-04-2017

hey Jakku, I'm flobro, the chief of public relations. Feel free to browse the board and chat with us in the chatango chat (at the bottom of the web page).

Heres some resources you definitely should look at.

the starter guide:

community rules please read these carefully, they're important Big Grin

roleplay rules:

map and land claim topic:

some people you should know... Main staff members are Lynis, Separallis, Blacaria, Hahklallah, and myself. Lynis is roleplay god and root admin. He's the big boss, more or less. I'm the PR type. Blac manages staff support and is also an admin. Hahkman is the enforcer police type and Separallis is that one guy everyone looks to for advice and wisdom (dont ask me why). There are official titles but they escape me atm. Theres a link to the staff page at the bottom of the page somewhere I believe.

If you have any other questions, hit me up on the chat or via PM, but chat is preferred

RE: Well it's about time I do this. - Ayzek - 10-05-2017


RE: Well it's about time I do this. - Seperallis - 10-06-2017
