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OOC Discussion: Arkianian invasion of Achia - Printable Version

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RE: OOC Discussion: Arkianian invasion of Achia - His Wizardness - 06-11-2017

(06-10-2017, 03:48 AM)Ayzek Wrote: So you wouldn't defend your little neighbor if it asked for help, Wizard-tan? :C

Personally I would, but I am not Octitania. I merely tell the story of Octitania. And I honestly do not think that Octitania will get involved to the point military confrontation will be used. But I could happen, I just need to know what the Constitution is like before I can make any solid conclusions with the government.

So I encourage we do the constitutional convention first then do this. So we know what Octitania's government is like. A Constitution Monarchy versus a pure Republic can make a big difference. Especially since the Monarchy is sympathetic to the Arkainian cause while the Republicans are not.

RE: OOC Discussion: Arkianian invasion of Achia - Arkiania - 06-16-2017

Not only that I think it could be assumed the Octitanian Military is pretty weakened from the civil war right now.

RE: OOC Discussion: Arkianian invasion of Achia - His Wizardness - 06-17-2017

(06-16-2017, 11:23 PM)Arkiania Wrote: Not only that I think it could be assumed the Octitanian Military is pretty weakened from the civil war right now.

Let us not be so quick to assume that. In the Octitanian Civil War, there was fighting, but it was not very bloody. Why the Republicans made so many gains was because they were organized and they had support from some of the hierarchy in Octitania. The Government never came across such an open rebellion before and such widespread riots, not since roughly 100 years ago in the Revolts of 1492.

So yeah, the military scattered and the leadership was weak for such stress inside their own country. So the military did take some damage undoubtedly, but it would have not been to the point were they would lose their ability to fight. The military was not the thing that got most damaged in the Civil War, it was their economy as many investors that the economy relied on pulled out of the country.

Even if it was damaged, and if there was a government in Octitania that was more nationalist and militaristic, then they are probably going to use their military.

RE: OOC Discussion: Arkianian invasion of Achia - Alvino Castillon - 11-23-2017

Posting here to have this saved in my followed threads. Also, Ark, ready to start when you are. I'll be taking on Achia for this expansion so that Ark can finally get underway, as per the Directorate's request.

I will note that Achia will probably see the value in the mountains and begin a prolonged campaign there. From their perspective, capturing the mountain passes will likely become a main objective for Arkiania so they'd make it a very bitter fight for control. Achia would also likely like to create chokepoints with these passes to make it far more difficult for Arkianian forces to use their superior numbers so readily. Tongue

Arkiania will likely win this war (I'm not looking to be too difficult given how long it's taken to get here) but I certainly won't make this a cakewalk either given the history. When you're ready to start Ark, lemme know.

RE: OOC Discussion: Arkianian invasion of Achia - DeSchaine - 11-26-2017

I call BS on 1500 aircraft.

RE: OOC Discussion: Arkianian invasion of Achia - Arkiania - 11-26-2017

Here is my sheet for reference

RE: OOC Discussion: Arkianian invasion of Achia - Ayzek - 11-27-2017

As the Directorate has been asked to comment....

Ark, your air force has too many transports. You don't really have any strategic airlifting needs, so you could probably cut that down to 10%, maybe 15%. Your CAS is also fairly bloated, considering Arkiana doesn't have much of a frontline to fight on. Might be good to chop that down to 20-40%. You have a sizable fighter complement, but that's not too big of a deal, considering that Arkiana didn't have a big brother to defend it from the mean bullies.

Additionally, it should be noted that the spreadsheet doesn't take into account operations cost. Almost half of the US's military budget is on "operations and maintenance", so operations cost could add anywhere between 10-30% to the budget. Although it could also be 0, considering its maintenance is pretty high. I'd need to do more research on that (and this is why the spreadsheets don't currently include it).

RE: OOC Discussion: Arkianian invasion of Achia - Arkiania - 11-28-2017

I've chopped them down a bit as requested.