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Chiri Newswire Archives - STRATCOM - 03-21-2017

Chiri Newswire Archives


  • The Chiri Licit Mandate registers unsurprise that degenerate Vestor has accrued sanctions and opens its markets to the nations of the world.
  • The Vestor Licit People's Mandate is proud to announce the routing of all foreign trade through the Licit Chiri Marketplaces @ChiriLicitNews
  • DT9 Gašpard first service dog honored with DT8 uptiering under new system, having been awarded an Asset Reuse for bomb detection under fire.
  • MT1, NTC, and Ranger Corps deny losses of over 300 in dissident suppression operation along Chiri border.
  • Chiri MT1s deny a second XK-NIGHTMARE tier Interior Waste is opening in Chiri territory. Linear Accelerator blamed for all screaming sounds.
  • MANINTERN announces historic Elanii/Chiri POW exchange, 50 for each. Immediately following: deservicing ceremony for incompetent Chiri POWs.
  • Mustached senior government liaison reports "absolutely disgusting" rate of civilian deaths reported in Caladria as the bombs begin to fall.
  • Government liasion request urgent deployment of #Carpathia hospital ships to Polonda, Caladria where drone strikes have killed "multitudes."
  • 9th Annual Lawact Custom Show to display model '71 through '80 FC200 Coyotes and their custom paint by the citizen teams that maintain them.
  • City-focused Custom Shows celebrate citizen responsibility and creativity in the maintenance of state assets assigned to their citizen team.
  • MT1 Humblos muses: Bogand's single misstep was failing to imagine the "unimaginable cruelty" of Lanlanian commander towards civilian deaths.
  • MT1 Humblos reportedly confused by claim of Angirisian sanctions bill as no trade relationship exists between the MANINTERN and that nation.
  • MT1 Humblos clarifies: in addition to trade Angirisia also produces little of value to the world at large and so sanctions have little bite.
  • MANINTERN pleased to announce new financial support for Akhadic League of Carpathia, claiming they "best represent our values to Carpathia."
  • News Mandate exclusive photograph shows MT1 Humblos sharing a moment of congratulations with Citizen Team 49268, Chiri, Licit Chiri Mandate.
  • National Tactical Command armsmen enter XK-NIGHTMARE ████████ ██████ #2 behind 2,000-man MT13 ablative force, reclamation duty, North Chiri.
  • CT1s express deepest sympathies for victims of Marica volcano in #Caladria, promise medical aid when the illegal foreign blockade is lifted.
  • Recent survey suggests Mandate women are uptiering first, nursing later: 67% wait until they are as old as 19 to pair off and have children.
  • CT3s declare that a disease-carrying species of Vestian bat to be eradicated, one health facilitator calling it "full-fledged bat genocide."
  • Mandate congratulates Singan on winning Efficient Legislature of the Year Award for not wasting taxpayer money on Vestor or Chiri sanctions.
  • New MANAOI version for military, allied use boasts near-perfect battle resolution for land/sea/air/space using adv. command & control logic.
  • Image of the day: CT7 Nadia Bogand, 18, apprentice VOX dispatcher, brushes up on small-unit tactics with her citizen team during Rapier '82.