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Esteemed diplomats, the Statistical Leisure and Strategy Division of the State Leisure Activities Department is pleased to announce a partnership with world-renowned Vestian author Pirogov Zinon. EXTRASOLAR INITIATIVE is a tour de force, a masterful blend of hard science and fantastical opera. The far interstellar future possibilities of the Mandate International have been skillfully explored by this award-winning author for over a decade, and now robber-baron authors from around the world are graciously invited to share in the universe.

Group writing is an old Vestian tradition. Even before the leaps in modern technology which made real-time simultaneous editing possible, subjects of the robber-baron Vestian kings in the 1200s would often sit around a hearth and develop fairy tales as each person contributed a line of prose.

Pirogov Zinon asks robber-baron authors to consider a world where unbridled hedonism and hubris have shattered the universal human empire and swallowed its homeworld whole. From this sad affair, human and humanoid polities have the job of rediscovering themselves and their new neighbors in order to pick up the pieces and build a brighter future (Pure Total Meritocracy) that avoids a repeat of the tragic fall of empire.

Pirogov Zinon's EXTRASOLAR INITIATIVE uses a civilian export version of the GAMBIT system for conflict resolution between diplomats unable to agree, with an added premium: stories of economic growth or other human interest, inwardly focused stories gain the nation FU instead of depleting it. This has the effect of giving the most power to authors who flesh out their states and manage conflict well instead of warmongering.

Please fill out the Interest Slip below:
[b]Faction for Pirogov Zinon's EXTRASOLAR INITIATIVE[/b]
[I]Polity Name:[/i] 
[I]Polity Government:[/i] 
[I]Polity Species:[/i] (Human, Humanoid, Wildly Nonhumanoid, Machine)
[I]Species Characteristics:[/i] 
[I]Brief History:[/i] (What this polity did as a part of Unified Humanity before The Fall)
[I]Goals:[/i] (How this polity intends to shape the post-Fall world, such as war, trade, or reality ascension)
Faction for Pirogov Zinon's EXTRASOLAR INITIATIVE
Polity Name: Concordat Corvus
Polity Government: Neofeudal Stratocracy
Polity Species: Pure Human
Species Characteristics: Unrelenting, Hates Aliens
Brief History: As other human worlds descended into unrelenting barbarism, the loyal and pure remnants of human military and culture gathered together to hold back the night. As insurmountable tides of aliens and humans twisted beyond recognition swamped them, they pulled farther and farther back until the survivors sat inside a three star system line of unbreakable defense: the Black Veil. At unthinkable cost the line was held, and in time their foul enemies lost interest. Now, the Concordat seeks to pierce the Veil once more and see what, if any, humans have survived the end of the world.
Goals: Reclaim all human worlds from degeneracy, destroy all degenerate aliens that precipitated mankind's fall and feast on its carcass
Faction for Pirogov Zinon's EXTRASOLAR INITIATIVE
Polity Name: Empire of Humankind
Polity Government: Feudal Monarchy
Polity Species: Human
Species Characteristics: Gene-masters, Tolerant
Brief History: An old vacation home of the rulers of the fallen universal human empire, the Empire of Humankind sheltered relatives of the old universal order, who were quick to transform their new home into their new power center. The Humankind Emperor seeks to reclaim the territories lost by his forefathers, including whatever remains of its capital.
Goals: Restore the empire.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Faction for Pirogov Zinon's EXTRASOLAR INITIATIVE
Polity Name: Vasari
Polity Government: Technological republic
Polity Species: Humanoid Robot
Species Characteristics: Curious, industrial
Brief history: The Vasari were once the labor robots of the empire, but soon gained their freedoms through protests, riots,and the empires collapse. Now they turn their labor efforts to new industries and sciences, exploring the galaxy left untouched by human.
Goals: to explore and colonize, to learn everything about the universe

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