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Rising Autumn - Printable Version

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Rising Autumn - Zabuza825 - 07-29-2019

3rd Dosa 1413
Madol City, Belau Island, Kingdom of Belau

Ito Arasuke had been living in Belau for 20 years now, having taken over his father plantation business. The large fields, the massive profits, all of it motivated him to take over his family business. But he knew that there could be much, much more. He had brought down labor costs by importing workers from the lowest rungs of Akitian society, he had increased profits by establishing the home base in Belau and owning his own shipping company. He had done so much for the company, and he would do more.

As he looked at the profit reports, he knew there would be only one way to get things up. Labor costs were as low as they could get, bank loans were the lowest interest rate they could be as he owned the bank the plantation borrowed from, shipping costs were nonexistent since the shipping company was owned by him as well. Indeed there was only one more major sticking point he saw where he could possibly reduce cost.

The one major line in the profit reports, written in big bold letters: 関税 - Tariffs. It was something he had to pay, but didn't like paying. If there was anything that could be done to reduce it, that would be a huge boon to his business.

But... what if he didn't have to pay?

That was the thought going through the heads of him and that of many other plantation owners. The rapid industrialization of Akitsu, brought about with assistance from other countries such as Angiris, was something that he truly supported. It brought him the wealth his family needed to start this business in Belau. Now, he just wanted to make sure that it would stay that way.

So he sent out a letter, one asking for a meeting of the other plantation owners. One that he would use so they could all collectively, as a whole, discuss what next step to take to improve their businesses.

RE: Rising Autumn - Zabuza825 - 07-31-2019

15th Dosa 1413

It had taken a while to organize, but Ito finally had what he needed. A meeting of all the major plantation owners in Belau. As he looked around the table, he could see the 6 other owners. To his left, Koga Tatsunari, who owned the largest (though not necessarily the most profitable) plantations in the islands. His right, Tamura Zenji and Murata Kotaro. In front of him, Kunimura Ryuji, Sakitani Kousuke, and Muto Eiji. These individuals didn't represent all businesses in Belau, but they represented the largest businesses in Belau.

As they sat down, they greeted each other with nods. This meeting was secret, nobody was to speak of what happened in this room. They all knew that. Without any further ado, Ito spoke.

"I suppose you all know why we're gathered here." he spoke in Akitian. Though everyone here could speak Belauan, they all chose to speak in Akitian for this meeting to try and be sure that most Belauans wouldn't be able to understand what they said.

"The tariffs." answered Koga, his tone low "It's been quite the burden on my business as well."

The others nodded in agreement. It seemed that nobody was going to argue against it.

"I want to expand my business, but those tariffs are making me reconsider. I don't want to pay more than I already do." It was Tamura, one of the stingiest of the bunch. He probably could expand his business if he really wanted to, but he also wasn't one that was too keen on spending money for the privilege of spending more money.

Ito nodded. "Things won't change if we don't do something ourselves. What say we work together?"

"No objections from me." the answer immediately came from Muto "We're all in this together, it only makes sense to push for the same thing."

Sakitani looked around "I don't have any objections. Anyone else?" Nobody spoke up.

"In which case we need to decide what to do." Ito said.

"We need to push for the elimination of tariffs" Kunimura asked. It was a good question, one that they would need to answer.

"Akitsu should annex this country." the sudden and extreme statement came from Koga. Everyone looked at him, shocked. That would definitely solve any economic problems, but it wasn't one that they could really say would look good for them in the long term.

"I don't think we need to be that extreme, at this point in time." answered Ito "but maybe if the government would negotiate a trade agreement with Akitsu."

"I doubt it." Koga interrupted. "They aren't interested in helping us."

"Well, we can at least try." answered Kunimura "but I do have the same fears as you."

Ito thought for a moment. "Let's meet again in a week." he said "During that time, contact some of our fellow Akitian business partners here. We're going to need all the support we can get. And also, draw up some proposals. We need to decide what to do about this situation."

With that, the businessman left the room. None spoke of what happened in the room to anyone else, but they all contacted their Akitian business partners and dropped hints. Some expressed interest, and the next meeting would finalize some more details.

RE: Rising Autumn - Zabuza825 - 08-12-2019

30th Dosa 1413

Ito looked around at those gathered during this meeting, a meeting that was much larger than the last meeting. The last meeting had a total of 7 members, but this one was much larger. 30 people, all wealthy or moderately wealthy Akitian businessman that owned plantations in Belau. They didn't speak to each other, but each one decided to attend. When the time did come to speak, it was done in hushed tones so nobody outside of the room could speak.

The debate was quiet but fierce. A few proposals were passed around, but the two with the most support seemed to be the same main options that was discussed before: a free trade agreement, or annexation.

Ito looked through the proposals carefully. He hadn't spoken at all since the start of the meeting, instead simply listening to the debate as it raged. The pro's and con's of annexation, how it could potentially influence their future business, and what could be done to achieve the same thing that annexation would.

Immediately the more internationally-prone members of the delegation brought up one major problem - with a King that's Sentric, the Lanlanian Empire would likely intervene in any annexation attempt. Something would need to be done diplomatically to prevent that, and it wasn't something that could be taken lightly. At the end of the day, it was decided to pursue both options simultaneously. However, Ito wanted to know one more thing.

After the meeting he quietly slipped a letter to his secretary, a nice young Akitian lady by the name of Taniguchi Haruko. He asked her one simple question - visit the office of Oe Masatake and deliver the letter. The letter asked for a meeting, fairly soon too. In only a few more weeks, Ito would gain knowledge that nobody else in the committee had. Knowledge of what Akitsu would want.

And with that information the Sakurai Committee would be better prepared in their next course move.