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Dominion Headline News - Aerandariel - 12-01-2018

The Top Source for News and Opinion in the Angirisian Dominion
18 Neuva, 1595

Emperor Tyrael sacks Caesarius, calls up Janeway to lead Foreign Office

THE IMPERIAL TOWER, Cathedrium - Christophos Caesarius' six-year run as Foreign Secretary has come to an end, according to sources close to the Emperor and his inner circle. In his place comes Admiral Mariska Janeway, who has served as the Chairwoman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Dominion Armed Forces for the last two years. The selection of Janeway to be the new Foreign Secretary is historic; Janeway, already the first female Chairwoman of the Joint Chiefs in Dominion history, will now become the first female Foreign Secretary in Dominion history.

Janeway, a veteran of the Armed Forces for 20 years, and as mentioned before has served for two years as Chairwoman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. She was involved in the Dominion war in Drazen several years ago and commanded as an Vice Admiral the DNS Voyager, a Terran-class destroyer - the first of its kind - and was present during the sieges of Rhine and later Alsace. Janeway later commanded Dominion Navy assets in southern Drazen during the occupation period. In 1590, Janeway was commissioned an Admiral, the first female Admiral in Dominion history. In 1593, Admiral Janeway was named to the Joint Chiefs and was subsequently named Chairwoman by the Emperor. Two weeks ago, it appeared as if Emperor Tyrael was maneuvering to move Janeway from her military role to a civilian role either in the Foreign Office or the Home Office. Sources close to the Throne seemed to indicate the Emperor was planning to either sack Caesarius or ask him to resign. Later the same day, Caesarius supposedly refused to resign his office for an unknown reason and was then earlier today informed by the Emperor that he was removing him from office in place of Janeway.

Admiral Janeway is believed to be a much tougher negotiator than Caesarius or any other Foreign Secretary. She is known to have strong opinions about the future of Dominion power in the Near East and the Dominion's relationship with the NETO alliance. Janeway's chances of being confirmed by the Senate are looking strong, and a vote is likely to take place within the next several days.

RE: Dominion Headline News - Aerandariel - 03-18-2019

The Top Source for News and Opinion in the Angirisian Dominion
5 Tolven, 1597

Emperor Albrecht addresses the Dominion

THE IMPERIAL TOWER, Cathedrium - After laying his brother Tyrael to rest only a few days ago in the midst of hundreds of thousands of mourners from around the world, newly-installed Emperor Albrecht made his first public address in Green Emperor Way in Cathedrium. Flanked by members of the Administration, the Senate and the Supreme Court, Albrecht addressed the media with at least several thousand around the Imperial Tower watching. Though Albrecht had no public coronation, he was confirmed as Emperor by the Senate three days after Tyrael's death and he accepted moments later.

Though not one gifted in oratory, Albrecht's speech was regarded as positive and uplifting. "Our nation has undergone many changes. Our nation has suffered many losses. But after every change, after every loss, the Angirisian people always stronger and better than they were before. Our civilization has not endured for centuries simply because we were gifted anything. It has endured because we have fought, scratched and clawed our way to safety, security and prosperity," he said.

The Emperor said that for the sake of the continuity of government he would retain all of Tyrael's ministers and senior staff, and asked them all personally to remain in service, "I cannot possibly do this without you. I need your help. The nation needs your help. With you, we can make a difference. And that is why we are here. To try to do what we can to make a difference in the lives of the millions of the citizens it is our duty to serve."

Albrecht reassured allies and enemies alike that while Angiris's heart was hurting, its remained as strong as ever. "We are mourning. We are saddened. But I assure the world that this Dominion's resolve has never been stronger." He reaffirmed the Dominion's continued partnerships with longtime allies like Mestra and expressed interest in improving dialogue with other nations, and seemed to indicate his willingness to work the Near East Treaty Organization (NETO). "We cannot sit over here and pretend that they do not exist. They do, and they have done a fine job in ensuring the safety and security of the Near East. We only hope to aid them in this quest, and the Dominion shall do what it can to do so."

Albrecht inherits an economically prosperous, yet somewhat globally isolated Dominion. Though the national debt began to accrue in the latter years of Tyrael's reign due to the financial strains of the Galasian War, the government budget had begun to right itself in the last two years. Albrecht no doubt will seek to continue that trend. Taxes have remained at a steady level for ten years, but there is beginning to be growing pressure to lower tax rates to provide relief to middle and lower income families. However, the Treasury has been having to combat the increase in richer families and individuals taking advantage of loopholes to avoid paying taxes. Tyrael had begun in earnest to crackdown on such practices, but was not able to really get much going on that front; that task will now be left up to Albrecht.

Albrecht himself is noted as being a libertarian on social policies, liberal on economics, and centrist on foreign policy. Far from authoritarian, he is believed to be more of a libertarian democrat, a position that will likely earn him allies from both conservative and liberal camps but will probably alienate those more on the fringe, such as ultra-conservatives and authoritarians on the right and federalists and communists on the left.