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Court RP? - Printable Version

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Court RP? - Ayzek - 10-27-2018

How do you n3rD5 feel about court RP? We can go all the way and pretend someone's a judge and others lawyers and shit, but I'd down with something simpler to determine most cases. Like, say, polls. Polls are gr8.

I ask this because the NMP is getting sued by a lot of people, and it occurred to me there might be a better way to resolve than that automatically winning (which I would).

But, then again...outsourcing justice to you guys sounds like a terrible idea.

RE: Court RP? - Nentsia - 10-27-2018

Outsourcing justice to a bunch of prejudiced people you've never met who have zero knowledge of the law or justice sounds exactly the way American justice works and how it probably works in Nyland.

RE: Court RP? - Ayzek - 10-27-2018

It wouldn't be solely for Nyland. Maybe also for some world court that we're totally never going to have. And anyone crazy enough to post in it.

RE: Court RP? - Seperallis - 10-27-2018


But if you want some court rp, go for it. The problem is, I'd expect the judge would have to be someone who is capable of impartiality in those cases, but for most of the ones that you're describing I think that would be hard to find. Not to mention the problem Nents snarked about, in that most people here don't know US law (which you know is what we would pull from, in the absence of rp'd laws...oh who am I kidding, no one reads or knows about those anyway), as is evident from #politics, much less about how to argue it or other things; that would cause some strife, I'm sure.

I'm much more partial to people just coming to me for ideas about how a legal case would play out, get an approval, and write a news post or something about it, such as how your cases of libel fail because political hyperbole is mostly protected, for better or for worse, until the law is changed. Flipped Smile

The main thing I wouldn't mind seeing RP'd would be Supreme Court cases, but for that I'd have to figure out who's on the court, and I wouldn't want to force some people to be on it. I don't know, that's a separate thing...

RE: Court RP? - Hadash - 10-28-2018

You are wrong, clearly.

We have all watched Hollywood lawyers movies.

RE: Court RP? - DeSchaine - 10-28-2018

Heh heh heh. Bring it.

RE: Court RP? - Ayzek - 10-28-2018

Are you serious? They can get away with that? >:V

We need the UP in power to change that. >Sad