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1588 Saratov General Elections - Printable Version

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1588 Saratov General Elections - Arkiania - 01-11-2018

Saratov General Elections of 1588
Elections for the President and Parliament

Welcome to the 1588 Saratovan General Elections. Every 6 years Presidential Elections are held in Saratov. Every 2 years Parliament elections are held.

Parties Running for Parlament Saratovi
  • Liberalʹno-demokratychna partiya/Liberal Democratic Party - "LDP" (Social Liberals)
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  • Partiya yednosti Saratovsʹkoyi/Saratovan Unity Party  - "PYS" (Social Democrat)
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  • Saratovsʹkyy Sotsialistychnyy Soyuz Robitnykiv/Saratovan Socialist Workers Union - "SSR" (Democratic Socialist)
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  • Demokratychna Saratovsʹkyy Konservatyvna Partiya/Saratovan Democratic Conservative Party - "DKP" (Conservative)
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  • Saratovsʹka Perovistiy Partiya/Saratov Pervoist Party - "SPP" (Communist)
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  • Saratovsʹka Natsionalʹna Robitnycha Partiya/Saratov National Workers Party - "NRP" (Fascist)
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  • Nezalezhnyy/Independent - "IND" (Not a party)

Individuals Running for the Office of President(presidential platforms are the same as the parties)
  • Vasiliy Červenka - LDP
  • Sofia Fyodorov - PYS
  • Artem Souček - SSR
  • Dima Skalicky - DKP
  • Otmar Maruška - SPP
  • Olha Sokolovsky - NRP
  • Vitalik Bláha - IND
  • Vadimir Kováč - IND

Current makeup of the Parliament
[Image: 1YptoL5.png]
Saratov Parliament Elections of 1587
|LDP 182|DKP 97|PYS 81|SSR 29|NRP 49|SPP 10|IND 2|
LDP (40.35%): 182
DKP (21.46%): 97
PYS (17.96%): 81
NRP (10.87%): 49
SSR (6.59%): 29
SPP (2.26%): 10
IND (0.50%): 2
The LDP and PYS are currently a coalition

RE: 1588 Saratov General Elections - Arkiania - 01-12-2018