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OOC: 1587-1588 HLE Diplomatic Initiatives - Printable Version

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OOC: 1587-1588 HLE Diplomatic Initiatives - Ayzek - 11-17-2017

I'm posting this thread to make it extra clear what the HLE's doing in Brigidna right now, cause there's honestly a lot, some of it just as cover.

In Dosa 1587, the Emperor (Feryn) and Prime Minister (Ulrik Rithlund) visited West Brigidna, traveling to the various states to tell them about the lord and savior the current administration's plans/agenda/intentions/whatever/I don't actually know. OOCly, this front is mostly to balance the HLE's initiatives in south Brigidna.

Notably, the HLE is pursuing some things in the west:
Galeae, Veinland: it's offering a trade deal, secretly to make it easier for the HLE to gain economic influence over Galeae. But I hear that they're slaves clients puppets of the WBEA, so it probably won't go through.

Oslanburg: the Emperor is there to visit faaaaaaaaammiiillyyyy, and show it still values their alliance.

Nersyia: the Emperor and Prime Minister are there to show they still value their alliance.

Gehenna: value alliance.

It's also visiting Kave, Ostland, Dyreheim, and Aurentine. Mostly just as a show of goodwill.

In the same month, the Foreign Minister is touring South Brigidna. It's starting from Castleon, going through the Hejdar Union, then north to Lomarre, Eskkya, skipping Strathae, visiting Keszaria, and ending up in Carpathia. This tour is, oocly, to prepare for getting Carpathians to fight my wars die for me join the HLE is a righteous, just crusade against evil death to Severyane working with the Carpathians to promote peace, stability, and economic prosperity in South Brigidna.

The HLE will tell all its friends and allies that it wants to "promote regional peace and security" (MAN, IM A GENIUS) by improving relations with the Allied States and would offer to serve as mediator between them. To offset working with the Allied Statians, it would officially join the South Brigidnan Treaty Organization. Right now, it's only de-facto part of the SBTO, with its multiple bilateral treaties with multiple SBTO states (and its joint air defense area/command with them).

The HLE has no plans to propose Carpathia join SBTO or MSEC (Middengard Sea Economic Community) (any time soon, though may if Eskkya, Lomarre, Keszaria, Castleon, and the Hejdar Union states warm to them [but Strathae can sexually service Eskkya]). But it does plan on urging both sides to get along and possibly make concessions to one another where reasonable.

RE: OOC: 1587-1588 HLE Diplomatic Initiatives - Tivona Shneider - 11-17-2017

Eskkya is admittedly quite concerned about the HLE's visit to Carpathia, especially since relations with Carpathia have worsened in recent weeks and will likely deteriorate further if Eskkya's role in the upcoming coup in Svarna is brought to light. Eskkya values its friendship with the HLE more than any other relationship, except perhaps the love affair with Strathae (you know, family and all that nonsense), since Eskkya benefits immensely in terms of economic gain and defence. Eskkyan leaders are keen to get the HLE formally involved in the SBTO so this should be discussed at our upcoming meeting.

As mentioned, Eskkya is incredibly suspicious about the HLE's latest efforts to reach out to Carpathia, especially since it fears it could cause a rift between it and the HLE. Carpathia's rhetoric regarding Strathae puts Eskkya in an incredibly difficult position, with Braidzonig nationalists in Eskkya calling for sanctions against Carpathia to punish it for its rhetoric and actions against Strathae, which Braidzonig nationalists consider family. The Svarna issue will also worsen relations between Eskkya and Carpathia for sure, so yes, for now it seems Eskkya will be staunchly opposed. There may come a time when things change and Eskkya will be more open to Carpathia and its involvement in regional organisations.