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The deal to begin more deals - Printable Version

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The deal to begin more deals - Soyabarian Empire - 10-30-2017

It was a busy day in the New Zealmarkian Reichsgebouw. the first major independant talks with a souverain nation after the war with Svarna about New Zealmarkian souvereinity. Neither side was victorious but the diplomatic means certainly solved more than first intended for either side and created some new problems that New Zealmark had now the power to solve its problems for itself.
It was with their former enemies that they now wished to negotiate a whole other trade deal in this diplomatic way. The prime minister sent out this official invitation to the svarna leader to come over and have official talks in the Jennaren "castle" formerly inhabited by the soyabarian governor for New zealmark but now the home of democraticly elected New zealmarkian prime ministers

Quote:Dear Goverment of the Svarna people,

I, the prime minister of newzealmark, wish to invite you to diplomatic talks about trade between our people. And open up the way to allow for even more cooperation in the future.
The agenda we propose is as follows:
  • Border control of people be moved from the border to the railwaystations, manned by security personell from their respective country
  • More capacity be added to the existing railway
  • High speed train connection between our respective capitals
  • an increase of import and export from both parties

Sincerely yours,
The prime minister of New Zealmark

RE: The deal to begin more deals - BrumBrum - 10-30-2017

President Hanuman Sungte recieved the invitation to discuss a new Svarna-New Zealmark treaty. He had been impressed with just how well existing treaties had been stuck to and hw democratic the new nation was.He decided now was a good time to update the treaties given the success of the current railway, trade relations and general diplomacy. New Zealmark was on brightspot in trade where other places trade was struggling to grow New Zealmark had rocketed, maybe easier freight through would boost other trade balances.So he sent the reply:
To PM's office of New Zealmark

I President Hanuman Sungte very much would like to pursue your offer of further co-operatation as stated in previous dialogues between our governments. I believe a boost in trade, investment and tourism between our nations can only benefit both of our respective countries.I would like to meet to discuss your proposals in your country as per the invitation and also to discuss the following additional ideas.

1:Allowing pre border clearance at stations and airports in both our territories with immigraiton and customs staff allowed to operate on each others territories.
2:Construction of an additional 2 tracks and 2 dedicated freight yards designed just for international freight transport
3:A joint business fund to encourage development in both of our nations by targeting investment at companies wishing to set up bases in our nations.
4:Closer police co-operation between our two nations with joint criminal database and crimes database as well as easier extradition

We very much look forward to further dialogue.

Yours sincerely, President Hanuman Sungte

It was hot summers day as Hanuman Sungte of the Svarnan Communist Party and Sanjiv Panchal of the National Communist Party set off in the premier class on Baagh Eyaraflait to the Zealmarkian capital. They hoped alot would be achieved and that trade could be boosted while sticking to socialist principles. Indeed they were preparing a budget for investment in the rail upgrade with potential to extend the international train route to Marsa Sahara the business capital.The weather was nice and sunny they just hoped the weather would hold as they made their way to New Zealmark. Within hours they were on final approach to the Zealmarkian cpaital.

RE: The deal to begin more deals - Soyabarian Empire - 10-30-2017

Ahmad Dewar was very pleased when he recieved the reply from President Hanuman Sungte and he ordered the preparation of his arrival, and it would be spectacular indeed.
The plane his guest would arrive in was approaching its final descent but indeed it was escorted by New Zealmarkian fighter jets the moment it entered New Zealmarkian airspace. When the plane tried to land everything was precleared at Jennerman Airport, a small airport near the capital that was quite close to the castle where the meeting was taking place. In fact it is walking distance.

The plane landed and the jets went away with a thundering boom, the plane taxied to a out of sight location where a marching band and singers were ready. The door opened, stairs were pulled up and a red carpet. Military people where standing on both sides of the carpet at the end it boasted a limousine where Ahmad Dewar would be holding the door open for the Svarnan president.
All were waiting for the president stepping out, as soon as he did, a couple of seconds before even the marching band would start to play and the singers would start to sing the svarnan anthem

RE: The deal to begin more deals - BrumBrum - 10-31-2017

President Hanuman Sungte and Sanjiv Panchal descended the steps onto the concrete.President Sungte bowed with his two hands in the "namaste" followed by Sanjiv Pachal. President Sungte then said to Dewar "Thank you for this wonderful welcome to your beautiful country."He indeed loved New Zealmark and appreciated the new freedoms it had. Indeed the new government didn't even see Soyabar as an opressor any more. He then politely asked "Hows the weather been here?" as small chat as they made their way to the limousine. He looked forward to the talks and the progress that would be made. All they needed to do now as get to the "castle."

RE: The deal to begin more deals - Soyabarian Empire - 10-31-2017

The weather has been good in here mr president. Said adwar jokingly. The weather was changing from cloudy to sunny. It had been raining for days on end in the week before this meeting. The New zealmarkian military had been handling security and it seemed like the svarnan president didn't notice the Music chapel playing the svarnan anthem were actually Soyabarian soldiers lend out to secure the president.

Adwar stepped into the same car and slammed the door shut. And said, it wont be long until we arrive at the castle, so I won't offer you anything to drink yet.

[Image: 2OFl1]

After a short drive the car pulled up at the small castle and Adwar was the first to get out of the car. holding the door open for the svarnan president. You know he said it was the gouvernor's own proposal to make this the home of the new zealmarkian prime minister's home while they're in office.

RE: The deal to begin more deals - BrumBrum - 11-06-2017

The weather was indeed good as they arrived at the castle Hanuman Sungte had noticed the music but quite characteristicuarly was understated in his compliments. He was know in Svarna for being quite an unassuming man of the people who was modest but also a man of few words , but when he did speak he was perceived to be wise. When they arrived at the Castle he listened as the prime minister spoke to him and he replied "Quite a castle you got here, to think I think a presidential apartment is big" he said jokingly yet in a complimentary manner. He followed them indoors to be guided to the room where the meeting was to take place along with his foreign minister. He had the ideas on what he wanted out the meeting and he believed that New Zealmark would also surely see the benefits of the ideas. He very much looked forward to a new age in relations forgetting all hostilities and moving forward not just as friends but allies, he knew things had been tough in the past but the new New Zealmark was moving very much in the right direction, yes it was not necessarily perfect but it was moving in the right direction.

He looked back to the days when he had been on opposite sides, was the war justified? Yes , he thought. Without the war there would never be today , there would never be the democratic system but he did have to admit Soyabar and New Zealmarks leaders had finally got the idea of respecting the native population. No longer was the relationship one of colonialism.

RE: The deal to begin more deals - Soyabarian Empire - 11-12-2017

going into the meeting room which was in the classic style of Soyabar. They all sat down at a grand table where water and champagne was almost ready to drink. The champagne was for after succesfull talks. Adwar layed papers on the table and said

I propose that we start the talks about the railway line that has been used to transport goods mostly, we want to increase capacity and also add a high speed railway line with a couple of stops. Two of them being in our respective capitals. We also ask that the pasport control happens before boarding the train with people from respective countries doing it.
What do you think about this? I think that this would benefit all of us!

RE: The deal to begin more deals - BrumBrum - 11-15-2017

Hanuman listend as the first proposal was suggested. He supported this and had indeed been one of the ones in government pushing for a modernisation and upgrade of the international link.He was impressed with the grand style though he couldn't help thinking it would be better to spend less and put more money towards the people.He responded "I agree, we need passport control in the stations before boarding of the trains . I agree with a high speed rail too but what speeds are we talking , my view is it should be at least 160-180 MPH to speed up times dramatically, the line should also be dedicated high speed clearing the current line for increased freight services.In terms of stops may I suggest extending the eastern end to Marsa Sahara to increase access from our coastal region and go right up to the port city in your nation.I believe this would significantly booost usage and our national operator of railways is ready to step in with investment in a 50/50 partnership." He hoped the proposal would be accepted, Marsa Sahara was the biggest city, they'd have the two biggest cities on the network with the new plan.

RE: The deal to begin more deals - Soyabarian Empire - 11-17-2017

Adwar, listened carefully. In his term the people of New zealmark had to be prosperous, he wanted to outdo the progressive programs from the soyabarian empire and the respective commonwealth.
I could agree with a fifty fifty partnership for the expansion to your harbours so freight can cross the continent and the world faster than before, if we also create way more capicity as you say in between. I have a proposal here too to, decrease the chance of long queu's at the harbour of New zealmark to also have a connection to our smaller sea ports.
The high speed train can go as fast as possible for me. And we could start the line in our port city so New zealmark also have more mobility what do you think?

RE: The deal to begin more deals - BrumBrum - 11-27-2017

Hanuman listened as the proposed expansion of harbours was mooted. He replied "Certainly we'd be open to that as it would benefit both of us, Perhaps we even have a joint customs and borders database so we can share important information and find peoples information easier in order to allow quicker border crossings.We should definitely look at expanding harbours to make our nations the number one investment destination for South Ostara. I'm going to propose in a similar vein we both fund an investment bank to lend money to companies and foreign organizations looking to invest in our countries or companies from Svarna investing in New Zealmark and vice versa. I believe such a fund would boost gdp growth in both our nations."