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1583 Holy Lanlanian Snap Elections - Printable Version

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1583 Holy Lanlanian Snap Elections - Ayzek - 03-20-2017

Moderate Party
The Moderate Party has lead the Empire for the last two decades, in a coalition with the Green and Liberal Parties. They are moderately conservative socially though lean left economically. They support a strong military, though are generally against foreign intervention. They prefer a multilateral and cooperative approach to international relations and support free trade.

Its has no charismatic leader after Bernard Sandlund resigned over controversy about his divorce and general ISP-lead public discord.

Green Party
The Green Party is very mixed across the board and is primarily held together by everyone's environmental beliefs. They support environment-friendly policies and regulations, and a moderate military. They generally follow the foreign policy of whatever larger party they're in a coalition with, though do support free trade in order to compensate for economic setbacks from increased regulations.

Ulrik Grubber, the Green Party leader until 1582, was forced to resign over allegations of hiring Sainamese prostitutes.

Liberal Party
The Liberal Party leans left on all counts. They advocate more protections for minorities and a loosening of Imperial immigration policies. They support a strong military and have a flexible foreign policy.

They have been growing restless with Moderate policies and may pair with another party instead.

Social Democratic Party
The Social Democratic Party is the rival of the Moderate Party. They support deregulation of industries, increased spending on social programs, and a strong military. They are non-interventionist, support free trade, and prefer a multilateral approach to international situations.

They have had weak leadership for the last decade.

Imperial Sentric Party
The Imperial Party is a recent rising star, and is perhaps a reaction to the moderate governments that have dominated the HLE for the last several decades. They are firmly conservative socially and economically, though do support some welfare programs. They believe the empire needs a strong military and the will to use it, with or without multinational efforts. They are anti-immigration and protectionist, though do feel the empire should maintain a good relationship with other "strong" states.

They are lead by the charismatic Alfred Aria Sulkholm, a known misogynist.