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Howdy - Colombian Technocracy - 12-27-2016

Hey there everyone. C.T. here. So I am an older guy (Probably old enough to be most of y'alls dad lol.) that's been playing RPG's for over 20 years. I've played every edition of D&D plus Rifts/Palladium, Mutants & Masterminds, the Whitewolf game system (Usually as a White Walker Werewolf or Ventrue Vampire.) and others. I am on m-f a lot since I work from home. Evenings & weekends are spotty for me as I am married so the wife must always come before play time. I am and always have been a big nerd and love anime and sci-fi movies. I've been on & off NS for about 10 years. My main nation is a Technocracy thus this nation's name lol. Hit me up any time. I look forward to meeting you all.

RE: Howdy - Ayzek - 12-27-2016

Hi. Hi. Hi. Hello. Hi. Welcome. Please don't leave me. I mean.

Hi. Welcome to here. I'm Ayzek/Lines/Imperial Monkeys. I run the place, in theory. And practice.

I'm young to be your kid, certainly. Or maybe your kid's kid, if you're as old as Hadash/Kresnik/IDERK what he goes by anymore. He and DeS are the only ones that can complete with you age-wise, i believe.

I think you out-experience most/all of us in RP history too. Try not to look down on us too much, though. That get s some of our panties ina bunch.

You did come for the role play, right? Or maybe for the funnies? Or the community thing as a whole??? <3 <3

What kinda RP are you into atm?

RE: Howdy - Colombian Technocracy - 12-27-2016

(12-27-2016, 06:01 PM)Ayzek Wrote: Hi. Hi. Hi. Hello. Hi. Welcome. Please don't leave me. I mean.

Hi. Welcome to here. I'm Ayzek/Lines/Imperial Monkeys. I run the place, in theory. And practice.

I'm young to be your kid, certainly. Or maybe your kid's kid, if you're as old as Hadash/Kresnik/IDERK what he goes by anymore. He and DeS are the only ones that can complete with you age-wise, i believe.

I think you out-experience most/all of us in RP history too. Try not to look down on us too much, though. That get s some of our panties ina bunch.

You did come for the role play, right? Or maybe for the funnies? Or the community thing as a whole??? <3 <3

What kinda RP are you into atm?

Bah! I have no intent on leaving. I just got here. *Sits down and outs my feet up and sips my coffee*
I don't look down on people easily. Everyone's different and role players come in all shapes, ages and styles. So it's all gravy davey.
I came for the role play and also the community as a whole. I liked what I saw, so I hopped on in.
I am into all sorts of role plays. Right now I am playing in a Mutants & Masterminds (Superhero) game where I'm actually a villain in 2000 New Orleans. I'm also in a bi-weekly Star Wars game. So this modern setting will be pretty cool. I like nation building/maintaining and love a good war rp that is actually organized.

RE: Howdy - Ayzek - 12-27-2016

Hehe. Glad you like. Elements of the Collective were growing concerned we were becoming too lethargic for our good. While true, I cannot admit this. I am pleased to see fresh meat blood ideas and opinions? That's not weird, right? Moving in.

So you're into both character and national RP, right? That's cool. You may wanna check out what little character RP we've got going. And maybe even consider adding to it. ;D

Glad to see you subscribe to coffee.

RE: Howdy - Colombian Technocracy - 12-27-2016

(12-27-2016, 06:25 PM)Ayzek Wrote: Hehe. Glad you like. Elements of the Collective were growing concerned we were becoming too lethargic for our good. While true, I cannot admit this. I am pleased to see fresh meat blood ideas and opinions? That's not weird, right? Moving in.

So you're into both character and national RP, right? That's cool. You may wanna check out what little character RP we've got going. And maybe even consider adding to it. ;D

Glad to see you subscribe to coffee.

Fresh meat for the grinder. o7
And yes, I enjoy national and character role plays. I will take your advice and check out what's going on and consider adding to it.
I drink coffee and tea and have been known to be a connoisseur of fine alcoholic beverages and also a well made atole.

RE: Howdy - Ayzek - 12-27-2016

Ah. So you're human. That's cool too. Smile

In any case, lemme know if you need any help or advice. You can also get some from other members on the chat. That might come in handy while planning your nation, as there's some notes that aren't yet written down.

RE: Howdy - Colombian Technocracy - 12-27-2016

(12-27-2016, 06:33 PM)Ayzek Wrote: Ah. So you're human. That's cool too. Smile

In any case, lemme know if you need any help or advice. You can also get some from other members on the chat. That might come in handy while planning your nation, as there's some notes that aren't yet written down.

Yep. I'm as human as they come. Well, unless you count the cybernetic weapons implants in my eye, right arm and left pinky toe.
Will do, I am about to make a post for some land. I'm always open to advice from seasoned regional people.

RE: Howdy - Raz - 12-28-2016

Ah, a rare person who actually enjoys War RP? How... Refreshing.

RE: Howdy - Seperallis - 12-28-2016

Why hello, nice to see a fresh face. o/

Don't mind my mod title, I mostly exist to annoy keep Dear Leader in check, and also grumble like an old man about "kids these days" as if I am/was not exactly the same. You'll mostly find me afk in the chat, when I'm not complaining about random things that don't matter.

Nice to see someone on here who's actually interested in war, and I know several people on here who are itching for a good and proper conflict; I'm not one of them...kinda, mostly. My heart and soul rests in character roleplay and building worlds and stories. When it comes to war, I prefer writing about the lives and stories of the people immediately impacted by the conflict, as opposed to details on the war itself. I have my background in DnD too, and somewhere about 12 years of online forum character roleplay; I used to be getting better at writing over the years, but I've noticed recently that I've become shittier and shittier.

I'm actually the worst. Flipped Smile

When it comes to nation stuff, I moderate Nyland, our community-driven semi-npc Not-'merica. It takes up most of my time, far more than I devote to my own nations. I also fart around with numbers and competitions a lot, because I'm booooooring.

I've apparently become the primo dude of all things Andlosheim, even though I've "not the time" to write 90% of what I want to write. I'd definitely love to have you appear there; I'm certain we could concoct some campaign. Flipped Smile

Anyway, I had a train of thought, but lost it again. Have fun. o/

RE: Howdy - Seperallis - 12-28-2016

(12-27-2016, 05:51 PM)Colombian Technocracy Wrote: Evenings & weekends are spotty for me as I am married so the wife must always come before play time.

Bring the wife! I brought mine. Angel