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New zealmarkian independance - Printable Version

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New zealmarkian independance - Soyabarian Empire - 12-02-2016

Hello there,

with the soyabarian commonwealth coming in place it is a need that New zealmark will get its independance from Soyabar (Being honest in here as this is ooc its a fake independance)

I would like an rp where the soyabarian emperor signs the treaty that soyabar is reconizing soyabars "independance" and that it joins the commonwealth. As this would also mean that the soyabarian army has to leave New zealmark I would like an international monitored peace keeping force present, this exhange would happen hong kong style

RE: New zealmarkian independance - Rommy - 12-03-2016

Im questioning this concept of this idea of "fake independence", personally I need some more clarification on what that means in practice. Does the Emperor still employ the powers he possesses before, since if you want this to be a British Commonwealth sorta thing then obviously the Emperor would have little actual powers.

I'm sure most Ostaran powers, I know Singan for one be willing, to set up a taskforce. I imagine others such as Hoinom, and Ishnalla desiring to put this entire thing besides us. Though, Singan would be wary about nonostarans being involved.

RE: New zealmarkian independance - Soyabarian Empire - 12-03-2016

Officially he wouldn't have his old powers according to the new zealmarkian constitution. But behind the curtains they're still in tact, but to the outside world it would appear he is just the head of state and nothing more

RE: New zealmarkian independance - Rommy - 12-03-2016

Alright in that case, why? Its obvious the people of New Zealmark don't want Soyabar involved. What is there to gain? It is an interesting RP idea, granted, just want to understand the reason behind it all.

RE: New zealmarkian independance - Soyabarian Empire - 12-04-2016

Soyabarian dominance, and there is already a temporary goverment in place (in theory) and joined the commonwealth and stuff. But erm there is nothing much to understand about it

RE: New zealmarkian independance - Ayzek - 12-04-2016

Uuuuummm...there is no behind the curtains. It's either in the constitution or it's not--and the constitution can't be really be kept secret from everyone. Now, the officials that come to power could, in theory, be the Emperor's personal whores yesmen, but that's not something that could really be kept low-key, especially in the long-term, as people get used to the whole "self-governing" and start to develop their own interests. Unless you can control their thoughts (and you cannot), they're gonna wander away eventually. Unless it's, you know, in their interests to stay with you.

Things that shouldn't really need to be said said, you can still grant New Zealmark nominal independence, but require in their constitution membership in the Soyabarian Commonwealth. That'd keep it under your influence. If you've already established in role play that New Zealmark's population has separatist tendencies, though, that's something that should still affect how its RPed. The government of New Zealmark could, some fifty years down the line, elect to leave the Commonwealth.

RE: New zealmarkian independance - Soyabarian Empire - 12-05-2016

Okay so I have to write the new zealmarkian constitution

[split] The Soyabarian commonwealth - Rommy - 12-28-2016

(12-27-2016, 03:54 PM)Soyabarian Empire Wrote: okay so Smile 2 ways of soyabar messing around alongside is like I see it,
  • You said the restorationists and the common communist in a pm that they wouldn't accept help from soyabar, but perhaps they would from New Zealmark now that it is independant but as ofcourse mentioned in the ooc topic for the soyabarian commonwealth is that it is just a farce to keep new zealmark under soyabarian control. But officially New Zealmark is fully independant
  • secondly, if the above doesn't work for you I could fully support the minor faction with the soyabarian commonwealth so hard they'd become a major faction. But Soyabar ofcourse would not get on stage in public, I would just give money,goods, guns, etc to the minor faction and maybe even go so far to send mercenaries or soyabarian soldiers acting like mercs

let me know what works best for you

Also I thought that it was already stated by Lines that New Zealmark is not in some sort of farce independence. It is completely independent from Soyabar other than the commonwealth obviously.

RE: Akitian Civil War - Soyabarian Empire - 12-28-2016

Where did he say that? i'll look into the topic about that about I made about the commonwealth ad far as I know New zealmark isn't really independant and according to me, New zealmark is still under my control

(12-28-2016, 05:01 PM)Rommy Wrote:
(12-27-2016, 03:54 PM)Soyabarian Empire Wrote: okay so Smile 2 ways of soyabar messing around alongside is like I see it,
  • You said the restorationists and the common communist in a pm that they wouldn't accept help from soyabar, but perhaps they would from New Zealmark now that it is independant but as ofcourse mentioned in the ooc topic for the soyabarian commonwealth is that it is just a farce to keep new zealmark under soyabarian control. But officially New Zealmark is fully independant
  • secondly, if the above doesn't work for you I could fully support the minor faction with the soyabarian commonwealth so hard they'd become a major faction. But Soyabar ofcourse would not get on stage in public, I would just give money,goods, guns, etc to the minor faction and maybe even go so far to send mercenaries or soyabarian soldiers acting like mercs

let me know what works best for you

Also I thought that it was already stated by Lines that New Zealmark is not in some sort of farce independence. It is completely independent from Soyabar other than the commonwealth obviously.