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Strathae-Eskkya-Lomarre Friendship Treaty 1579 - Printable Version

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Strathae-Eskkya-Lomarre Friendship Treaty 1579 - BrumBrum - 10-27-2016

Strathae-Eskkya-Lomarre Friendship Treaty 1579

Work Permits:
1:Any Strathaen with 1 Strathaen Grandparent has the right to live and work anywhere in Eskkya or Strathae
2:Any Eskkyan with 1 Eskkyan Grandparent has the right to live and work anywhere in Strathae  or Lomarre
3:Any Lomarren with 1 Lomarren Grandparent has the right to live and work anywhere in Strathae  or Eskkya
4: Any signatory nations reserve the right to deport individuals convicted of a crime and ban them for life from the country
5:All citizens on work permits have to sign any relevant loyalty pledges

1:All Strathaens with one Strathaen Grandparent Can become citizens of Eskkya or Lomarre after 10 years of residency or less depending on national law.
2:All Eskkyans with One Eskkyan Grandparent can become citizens of Strathae or Lomarre after 10 years of residency or less depending on national law. .
3:All Lomarrens with One Lomarren Grandparent can become citizens of Strathae or Eskkya after 10 years of residency or less depending on national law.
4:All ethnically Strathaen individuals with 1 Strathaen Grandparent can become citizens of Strathae upon arrival but are probationary citizens for 5 years
5:Any Strathaens who can prove they have grandparents who were members of an official government recognised Clan immediately become recognised as a member of that clan.
6:All nations reserve the right to deport individuals convicted of a crime and ban them for life from the country if they are on probationary citizenship
7:All citizens on work permits have to sign any relevant loyalty pledges

Joint Tourism Visa:
1:There shall be a joint tourism visa
2:Any country may issue the Lomarre-Esskya-Strathae Visa
3:The visa shall last for 1 month
4:Any Strathaen can visit Eskkya or Lomarre  without a visa
5:Any Eskkyan can visit Strathae or Lomarre without a visa
6:Any Lomarren can visit Strathae or Eskkya without a visa

Border fees:
1:There shall be no border fees for entering or exiting Strathae, Lomarre or Eskkya on any of the citizens of Strathae . Lomarre or Eskkya.

Free Trade:
1:Eskkya shall charge no tariffs on Strathaen or Lomarren goods and services
2:Strathae shall charge no tariffs on Eskkyan or Lomarren goods and services
3:Lomarre shall charge no tariffs on Eskkyan or Strathaen goods and services
4:Strathae Banks may freely operate in Eskkya or Lomarre
5:Eskkyan Banks may freely operate in Strathae or Lomarre
6:Lomarren Banks may freely operate in Eskkya or Strathae
6:There shall be no roaming charges in Eskkya, Lomarre or Strathae for respective mobile phone customers.
7:There shall be a duty free limit of 10,000 dollars per family in a single year within the duty free zone.

Tax Co-operation:
1:Income Tax, Corporation Tax and Sales Tax shall be harmonised into one set of rates set by the joint Eskyya-Strathae Tax Harmony Organisation
2: ESTHO shall be able to issue advice on taxation.
3:ESTHO Tax changes shall be approved by a joint 20 representative council of which 10 representatives shall be from each nation.
4:The 10 representatives shall be selected in each nation in a manner decided by the government
5:A majority of 50% +1 must be in favour of a tax change either downwards or upwards in order for that to become the new rate.
6:The Council shall meet up once a year to vote on the next year's rate

RE: Strathae-Eskkya-Lomarre Friendship Treaty 1579 - BrumBrum - 11-07-2016

ESTHO Tax proposal for 1581:
Income Tax:
Band:Tax Rate:
0-16,000 Dollars0%
16,000-55,000 Dollars20%
55,000 Dollars +40%

Corporate Tax:
0-5,000,000 Dollars12.5%
5,000,000 dollars +15%

Capital Gains Tax:15%

Sales Tax:

ESTHO Delegations:
Strathae:10(PoT 4 CSP:3 CPP:2 CP:1)

Strathae-Eskkya-Lomarre Friendship Treaty 1579 - Ayzek - 11-23-2018