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The Tuscarawas Tribune - Printable Version

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The Tuscarawas Tribune - Aerandariel - 09-30-2016

The Tuscarawas Tribune
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Hierarch Tachnechdorus I dies

From our correspondent at the Palace - The Tribune has just received word about the sudden death of Hierarch Tachnechdorus I, who has reigned over the Tuscarawan Dominion for fourteen years.

The announcement was made minutes ago though it appears that the Hierarch passed away at least two hours prior to the official announcement. No word yet has surfaced as to how the Hierarch died, nor was it made widely known that the Hierarch was in ill health at the time of his death.

The death of the Hierarch now imposes upon on the Dominion High Council to meet to elect a new Hierarch. An election is due to be held by Nueva 1579, in which a new Hierarch will be officially sworn to the throne.