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The War of the Imperial Succession - Printable Version

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RE: The War of the Imperial Succession - Aerandariel - 10-26-2016

Alright, that's it. Time to launch.

RE: The War of the Imperial Succession - Mestra - 12-04-2016

Did this ever start? Sorry I've been gone have my CE defense, but now that it is done a my last class is about done as well. I'll actually be free. Promise.. Smile

RE: The War of the Imperial Succession - Aerandariel - 12-24-2016

This is still a viable RP for me to do, and its one I had really looked forward to doing before leaving. That said, if anyone is still interested, we can still get this going. It wouldn't be until the holidays conclude, of course.

RE: The War of the Imperial Succession - Arkiania - 12-24-2016

What roles are still open?

RE: The War of the Imperial Succession - Aerandariel - 12-25-2016

Well I think Brum Brum had settled on being Virginium. That leaves Arreat and the Imperial Legion (since I'd play Aiuria). But if Brum's not going to be involved anymore that would open up Virginium.

RE: The War of the Imperial Succession - Arkiania - 12-27-2016

Who are the Arreat?

RE: The War of the Imperial Succession - Mestra - 12-27-2016

Perhaps you could retool this RP a bit. Perhaps, there were multiple factions at one point, but perhaps a few months into the war several key factions arose, with the factions themselves splitting into perhaps 2 or even 3 main groups. This would alleviate the need for multiple RP players.

For example, perhaps the most militaristic group, the Bul'Kathos could eventually gain the support of the Imperial legion, or perhaps the Virginium constortium. If the later, the Aiurians could possibly gain the support of the Imperial Legion, or vice versa. This would basically give a war on two fronts. The Bul'kathos and say Virginium versus the Legion and Aiuria. In any case, the support from Mestra and perhaps still Carpathia could turn the tied of war. For such cases you mentioned earlier the treaty between the Empire and the Imperium could kick in for say if it fell to the Legion.

I'm just spit balling here, to help with the RPers basically. Still should figure out exactly what the Imperium will be doing while this war is going on. Debates in the Imperial Senate I'm sure. Just need to know what exactly is planned though, helps with planning on how and why the Imperium gets involved.

RE: The War of the Imperial Succession - Ayzek - 12-27-2016

Carpathia is intervening????????

RE: The War of the Imperial Succession - Mestra - 12-27-2016

No idea, I thought it was thrown around a few times. O.o

RE: The War of the Imperial Succession - Ayzek - 12-27-2016

*sends in his hordes >:O

Jk, jk.