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The deal to begin more deals - Printable Version

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RE: The deal to begin more deals - Soyabarian Empire - 11-28-2017

I agree that a joint database for the costums database sound very good, you might already be aware that we have a open trade agreement standing with soyabar and would gain acces trough us with soyabarian data and them your in return would you be okay to you?
Soyabar would be investing asswell in New zealmark, I do think that you should be okay with that as the soyabarian empire is a semi communist state.

RE: The deal to begin more deals - BrumBrum - 12-06-2017

Sanjiv Panchal listening the whole time this time responded "I am aware of the agreement . In fact the fact that it would be shared between three authorities may benefit us all since we can all see if people are dodging customs. We also support the Soyabarian investment into New Zealmark, a more prosperous New Zealmark is better for us all in the long run allowing us to sell more to each other. If we could also tie this in with co-operation on police matters then it would be even better to help track criminals. We do have one final proposal. We propose a jointly funded investment bank to fund Soyabaran or New Zealmark companies investing in Svarna and Svarnan companies investing in New Zealmark. Such a fund could increase the amount of money staying in our countries rather than it seeping out to other countries by incentivising companies to base their offices, r+d facilities, factories and production facilities in our countries and could lead to more technical innovation in our countries. What do you think? Another possibility I'd like to discuss is a tax harmonising authority where by our income tax rates, corporate rates and sales tax are the same to discourage tax competition between our countries this would also possibly be tied with the idea of sharing tax data to ensure companies are paying their fair share in both our nations."

RE: The deal to begin more deals - Soyabarian Empire - 12-07-2017

I like what you are saying, even after our independance Soyabar has been a very valuable partner to us in our economy said Adwar who took some notes.
I think we are off for a good start. Even tough the war is still instilled in our memories your goverment is much more cooperative, we are certainly both willingly to link up our economies so much that war would become more harmfull than beneficial. That was my goal to invite you in the first place. lasting peace in the region.
Would you also agree to an international fund to boost the economy giving cheap loans to small busnisses in both countries that is also funded by soyabar?

RE: The deal to begin more deals - BrumBrum - 12-07-2017

Sanjiv Panchal listened and the idea sounded reasonable. He nodded and agreed to the idea. They decided now they had enough to work on a deal. So they sent the negotiations that were agreed to the foreign office who would write up the proposals into a treaty.

ooc:will write up a treaty in treaty section and get it signed.