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OOC: Dan Messanisk Arkkesjrnid - Printable Version

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RE: OOC: Dan Messanisk Arkkesjrnid - Ayzek - 09-07-2016

Lolno. Tuscarawas is only the same color as Nerysia cause the maps primary a four-color map. The HME is the only country on there with a unique color.

RE: OOC: Dan Messanisk Arkkesjrnid - Nentsia - 09-07-2016

I accept Tuscarawa as my former colony.

RE: OOC: Dan Messanisk Arkkesjrnid - Raz - 09-07-2016

Ally works for me, Biyra probably would be super Sentric but would also be super independent-minded (Some things transcend dimensions or histories or whatever).

RE: OOC: Dan Messanisk Arkkesjrnid - Ayzek - 09-07-2016

Kaaayyy. :C

RE: OOC: Dan Messanisk Arkkesjrnid - Aerandariel - 09-07-2016

After some consideration, here is what I am thinking for Angiris and Tuscarawas.

In an alternate history timeline, Angiris would not be an Empire, but it would be a Republic. During the last Angirisian elections, had the referendum to dismantle the Empire passed, Angiris would have become a "Republican Dominion". Basically, this Republican Dominion is what Angiris would be in an alternative universe. No Emperor, no Imperial traditions. I would also imagine alternate-Angiris would be very secular, and thus it would care less about religious issues but even still it would likely be mostly Sentric or Ostrid with mix of other religious communities. Basically... a melting pot.

I pitched to Lines earlier about the possibility of Tuscarawas having totally avoided being a colony of any Brigidnian power, much like Ethiopia did during the early twentieth century. This would then infer that Tuscarawas would have probably been a much more militaristic power and potentially even an imperial power in the Mandavine Sea region. But this also would require Tuscarawas to have industrialized in a fairly quick fashion, and I couldn't be sure as to how something like that could affect the country. Religiously, Tuscarawas would still cling to its native religions, and consider some other religions to be heretical (Sentricism may be one of them, I haven't decided).

In these scenarios, with Angiris, I cannot imagine it would be willing to fight with this HME outright but it certainly wouldn't bend its knee. With Tuscarawas, it will fight to the very end, inevitable or no.

RE: OOC: Dan Messanisk Arkkesjrnid - Ayzek - 09-08-2016

First post is up. If you guys feel you have something to post, you may do so. I'm continue in a few days; probably something about the HME government prepping to invade everything.

The invasions would start in west Brigidna--Floland and Oslanland, and maybe Nerysia, and then branch out from there. South Brigidna, East Brigidna, the world. Flipped Smile Smile Flipped Smile Smile Flipped Smile

@Deck Republican Angiris is legit. The HME would likely leave it alone early on; it doesn't want to bite off more than it can chew. It's possible it may never invade Angiris, but that'd be no fun, so. Flipped Smile

As for Tuscarawas, I suppose it wouldn't be impossible for its tech level to be similar to the Brigidnans in an alt history. Odd, but not impossible. While it'd have seen some success, though, I can't say it alone would've been able to hold back the Brigidnan hordes. Ignoring the fact that the HME would've invaded it at some point anyway, to force Noel down its throat, it could have a moderately largely reach than it does in primary Siora.

RE: OOC: Dan Messanisk Arkkesjrnid - Raz - 09-08-2016

SO which Area I mean country, is our Lelouche gonna come from? Tongue

RE: OOC: Dan Messanisk Arkkesjrnid - Ayzek - 09-08-2016

None, cause this isn't actually a Code Geass rip off. Tongue

RE: OOC: Dan Messanisk Arkkesjrnid - Blacaria - 09-08-2016

*mans tanks on our border* Death to Empire!!!