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RE: Howdy - Sal - 12-28-2016

(12-28-2016, 05:11 PM)Seperallis Wrote: Bring the wife! I brought mine. Angel

It's true, I am the wife. 10/10, would wife on here some more.

I'm Karjelinn and Luah'u, but mostly I'm busy with work, so I haven't been into RP much recently. I'm going to be hosting some general fiction-writing challenges soon-ish for the first time, so if you're into that, keep an eye on the Writer's Bloc forum.

Welcome to here.

RE: Howdy - Colombian Technocracy - 12-28-2016

(12-28-2016, 05:28 AM)Raz Wrote: Ah, a rare person who actually enjoys War RP? How... Refreshing.

Indubitably. As long as all involved have agreed to what's gonna happen and then freeform the filler...definitely. Just to minimize arguments and possible godmodding.

RE: Howdy - Colombian Technocracy - 12-28-2016

(12-28-2016, 05:10 PM)Seperallis Wrote: Why hello, nice to see a fresh face. o/

Don't mind my mod title, I mostly exist to annoy keep Dear Leader in check, and also grumble like an old man about "kids these days" as if I am/was not exactly the same. You'll mostly find me afk in the chat, when I'm not complaining about random things that don't matter.

Nice to see someone on here who's actually interested in war, and I know several people on here who are itching for a good and proper conflict; I'm not one of them...kinda, mostly. My heart and soul rests in character roleplay and building worlds and stories. When it comes to war, I prefer writing about the lives and stories of the people immediately impacted by the conflict, as opposed to details on the war itself. I have my background in DnD too, and somewhere about 12 years of online forum character roleplay; I used to be getting better at writing over the years, but I've noticed recently that I've become shittier and shittier.

I'm actually the worst. Flipped Smile

When it comes to nation stuff, I moderate Nyland, our community-driven semi-npc Not-'merica. It takes up most of my time, far more than I devote to my own nations. I also fart around with numbers and competitions a lot, because I'm booooooring.

I've apparently become the primo dude of all things Andlosheim, even though I've "not the time" to write 90% of what I want to write. I'd definitely love to have you appear there; I'm certain we could concoct some campaign. Flipped Smile

Anyway, I had a train of thought, but lost it again. Have fun. o/

Bah! Mod title Cod title. It's all good mate. And leaders always need that annoying thorn in their sides. Funny you mention about grumbling about kids these days...I do that myself lol.

War RP's can bring about other good role plays when done right. You mentioned when it comes to war, you like writing about those impacted...In war RP's, why not do a war correspondence "newspaper" character? Show the wars rp's from all angles.


RE: Howdy - Colombian Technocracy - 12-28-2016

(12-28-2016, 05:11 PM)Seperallis Wrote:
(12-27-2016, 05:51 PM)Colombian Technocracy Wrote: Evenings & weekends are spotty for me as I am married so the wife must always come before play time.

Bring the wife! I brought mine.  Angel

My wife thinks I'm a dork for enjoying RP lol. She won't be joining us here.

RE: Howdy - Ayzek - 12-28-2016

To be clear, he's the official thorn in the side. As in, on my payroll and everything. My Administration is that absolute, pops. >:V

So convert to my personality cult today. \o/