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OOC Planning for Shimazu Crisis - Printable Version

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OOC Planning for Shimazu Crisis - Alvino Castillon - 11-07-2017

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RP Name: Our Slumber is Over

So yeah. See the spoiler for the general idea. Also, it appears that Flo's new nation Bangbang is going to try and save the Pokemons. And fail. Also, it's Chikasu State now and Chikasun people.

I am under the assumption that the total population in the area being invaded is in the mid-30 millions. Ten million are apparently in Shimazu. Dunno what GDPpc is, apparently don't need to know either so woohoo.

Yeah. That's it.

RE: OOC Planning for Shimazu Crisis - Alvino Castillon - 11-12-2017

Since no one's said anything, I'm just gonna go ahead and start this up now.

RE: OOC Planning for Shimazu Crisis - Ayzek - 11-12-2017


RE: OOC Planning for Shimazu Crisis - Blacaria - 11-12-2017

*builds his invasion force in Isle Vikaris*

RE: OOC Planning for Shimazu Crisis - Alvino Castillon - 11-12-2017

Uh huh.

Anyways, I started the IC thread. Working on the next post now.

RE: OOC Planning for Shimazu Crisis - Blacaria - 11-12-2017


RE: OOC Planning for Shimazu Crisis - Alvino Castillon - 11-13-2017

(11-12-2017, 10:11 PM)Blacaria Wrote: FEAR US!


RE: OOC Planning for Shimazu Crisis - Ayzek - 10-26-2018

I was thinking of having the trade agreement passed, but ultimately decided against it considering the details around it. I have vague recollection of words said between us along the lines of "the treaty was a medium for Kazemura to sneak grab Shimazu." (Hey look, it's been a year since your RP began. Huh.) I didn't remember the specifics, so I didn't reference it ICly, but its likely Chikasu had a similar underlying sentiment.

Regardless, I'ma give you an opportunity to reply to that (more shameless procrastination). And after that we can skip a year or two, to where Maki has been removed and the new government has negotiated a Fair Deal™? It might be wise to end this campaign there, and then submit one for that crazy guy/signing a defense treaty with Chikasu when you're ready. Since it hasn't been a full trade yet, Chikasu isn't likely to be super eager to sign such a treaty unless there's a notable threat. Such as a crazy guy.

Edit: also, plox submit map details for Chikasu and add it to the Statistics system.

RE: OOC Planning for Shimazu Crisis - Alvino Castillon - 10-30-2018

Just saw this. I responded, but thought the government’s reps would meet with the Kazemuran government before it’s over. The Empress would basically tell them that she is seeking to create a new confederation for Heiwana, especially since the crazy guy out East is consolidating power in certain ways. Also the whole Drubang pirate crisis is about to happen, so it offers an opportunity for Kazemura to prove it’ll have Chikasu’s back if they’re willing to have Kazemura’s.

RE: OOC Planning for Shimazu Crisis - Ayzek - 10-31-2018


But okay, they can meet. The issue with meeting soonishish though, is that whatever her name is still President, and likely will be President for another week or six. I'm not too sure about that process. Flipped Smile