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A re-write of The Kortoan War - Printable Version

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A re-write of The Kortoan War - Arkiania - 01-26-2017

I felt this whole thing needed a rewrite. It was very rushed, and I think I wrote it poorly. There are also some issues that I though needed to be discuss.

Kortoa was a Oslanburgian colony that was split by two different ideologies. However how this went down I never explained. I also don't see how Svarna wasn't affected or negatively affected by any of this.

RE: A re-write of The Kortoan War - Mestra - 01-26-2017

I assume the Imperium will be involved again... probably should flesh out why it was in the first place.

RE: A re-write of The Kortoan War - Arkiania - 01-26-2017

It doesnt have to be as I said its a re-write.

RE: A re-write of The Kortoan War - Blacaria - 01-26-2017

One quick question....what year did this take place in again? >_>

RE: A re-write of The Kortoan War - Arkiania - 01-26-2017

1570-1572 I think. Thats why I wanted to rewrite it, nothing is explained or clear.

RE: A re-write of The Kortoan War - Mestra - 01-28-2017

I'd probably stay committed to helping. No need to change that. Now to figure out why the Imperium helped in the first place. Would the outcome be the same, and said agreements/treaties?

RE: A re-write of The Kortoan War - Arkiania - 01-28-2017

Most likely, it would be the same.

RE: A re-write of The Kortoan War - Blacaria - 01-28-2017

Mmm, this would be two years into Ibsen's stint as Oslanburg's PM...other than giving supplies, and accepting whatever refugees that make it over the water to Isle Vikaris, I don't see Oslanburg doing much, at this stage Ibsen wouldn't really want to rock the boat with things

I guess after everything is said and done, we would resume normal relations I guess?

RE: A re-write of The Kortoan War - Arkiania - 01-29-2017

Sure, I am pretty sure it was the same before as well, but I more want to discuss as to why Kortoa split up in the first place.

RE: A re-write of The Kortoan War - Blacaria - 01-29-2017

You tell me Ark Tongue

We never did discuss how Kortoa even fell under Oslanburgan colonial rule, you asked and I nodded Tongue

Either way Kortoa was the second of Oslanburg's larged colonial possesion in Ostara to gain independence, it could have been a benevolent split or not, I'll leave that up to you....why Korto split it in two after independence *shrugs*